Chapter 663
Under Wang Long's order, Feilong will choose to ignore this matter and continue to escort the Yuwen family to transport goods according to the original plan.

"President, according to the information they provided, there are a total of five vehicles in this convoy. The front and rear are the personnel in charge of our Flying Dragon Club's protection, and the middle three are vehicles loaded with goods. According to calculations, this time we On the road, it will take a total of three days." Song Yuyuan pointed to a point on the map:
"In addition, as far as I know, this area is remote, and there are often some unknown people blocking the road and robbery, so I think we should be very careful when passing this area!"

Wang Long carefully analyzed Song Yuyuan's intelligence, and then made deployments.

"Yunbao, the two of you take the lead in the first car, and I and the rest of the people take the last car. Every half an hour on the road, we have to communicate with each other and report what the other party has seen. Abnormal, we can also understand the first time!"

In this way, after finishing the deployment, the members of the Flying Dragon Club came to the meeting place agreed with the Yuwen family in advance.

I saw that Yu Wenshou personally brought people to see him off, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"Mr. Wang, this time you are going to Yunan, on behalf of the Yuwen family, I wish you all the best!"

Although Yu Wenshou said a lot of high-sounding words in a row, he didn't mention anything about Liu Juan secretly looking for him.

Seeing this scene, Wang Long became even more certain that Liu Juan and the Yuwen family must have some ulterior relationship!

"Thank you, Master Yuwen, for your kindness. We will set off without delay!"

As the convoy drove out of the Haijin National Highway, the escort operation of the Flying Dragon Club officially kicked off.

Speaking of which, this should be the first time that the Dragon Society has performed such a task since its reorganization.

Although there were many people who came to Wang Long and proposed similar commissions, they were all rejected due to various reasons.

"Attention, there is still half an hour to come to that dangerous road, everyone cheer up and be vigilant!"

"Received!" Song Yuyuan's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"President, there is one thing I didn't understand. Since it is selling jade, how about going through normal channels? Sending logistics is also safer than letting your own escort? And it can also save the cost of asking us to escort you!"

Duan Yunbao's doubts are exactly what Wang Long has been thinking about these days.

"I'm afraid the origin of this batch of goods is unknown, and the Yuwen family dare not let others find out, so they chose this form!"

"What? Then, don't we become accomplices of the Yuwen family?"

"Hiss! What is this called? We are only responsible for escorting, how can we control how the goods came? As long as we complete our mission, the next thing has nothing to do with us!"

Hearing Song Yuyuan's words, Wang Long couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

"I hope it's true as you say!"

Unknowingly, five hours passed, but fortunately, nothing unusual happened along the way.

But just when Wang Long was about to close his eyes and rest his mind for a moment, the car suddenly braked suddenly and stopped.

"What's going on!" Wang Long immediately raised his vigilance, but his sight was blocked by the car in front, so he didn't know what happened.

"President, there are a group of people blocking the car in front, and they all have guys in their hands. It doesn't look like a good deal!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long immediately ordered his subordinates in the car to be the queen, while he came to the front of the team alone.

Sure enough, as Song Yuyuan said, a group of masked strong men were holding knives, guns and sticks, blocking the way.

But right now, Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao have already started to stalemate with this guy.

At first, I thought that after driving out of that section of the road, the rest of the journey should be safe, but unexpectedly, I still ran into a road blocker!

Seeing that the other party had bad intentions, Duan Yunbao proposed to get rid of this group of people directly, so as not to waste time.

But right now it is not clear what the opponent's strength is, so naturally Wang Long will not act rashly.

"Who are you? Why are you blocking our way?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Tell your managers to come out, I don't want to waste time with juniors like you!"

The leader with a scarred face glared at Wang Long viciously, his eyes full of disdain.

In his opinion, such a young junior is not qualified to negotiate with him at all!

"A bunch of thieves dare to be so arrogant, President, let's deal with them directly!" Duan Yunbao began to gear up.

"Don't worry, I don't know how many people there are in this gang, what if there is another ambush?"

Probably thinking that what Wang Long said made sense, Duan Yunbao had no choice but to hold back his breath first.

"I am the person in charge of this team, if you have anything to do, just tell me directly!"

"You?" Dao Scar looked at Wang Long in surprise, a little dubiously: "Okay! Then let me tell you, this road is my brother Hu's sphere of influence! Any vehicle that wants to pass here has to pay Tolls!"

After finishing speaking, there was a hint of greed in Brother Hu's eyes: "Looking at the majesty of your convoy, the things you transport must be quite valuable, right? Obediently hand over a copy, otherwise, none of you will even want to pass here today!"

While dealing with them, Wang Long ordered Song Yuyuan to secretly send his men to investigate around to see if there were any other ambushes set up by this group.

"Brother, you have to think about it clearly. Our goods belong to the Yuwen family. If you snatch them away, wouldn't it be against the Yuwen family? What will happen, don't I need to say more?"

"Bah! Don't mention to me those bastards who eat people and don't spit out their bones! If you don't mention this broken family, maybe today's affairs can be discussed, but since you are the dog leg of the Yuwen family, you don't just keep a part of it." It's so easy!"

Brother Hu waved his hand: "If you are sensible, people can leave, but the goods must be kept by me!"

As soon as these words came out, Duan Yunbao felt even more angry.

"These bastards, want to eat a fat man at once? Don't be afraid to burst your belly even more!"

"President, we have investigated, and there is no ambush around. It seems that there should be only a few of them!"

With these words, Wang Long's eyes flashed brightly.

"Let's do it this way, since everyone is out to make ends meet, you apologize to me, and I will spare your lives!"

"What?!" Wang Long's words surprised the gangsters in front of him.

You must know that their number is twice as many as that of Wang Long!And everyone has a weapon in their hands!

When ordinary people encounter this kind of situation, it is very difficult not to be frightened, but how dare Wang Long say such arrogant words?
(End of this chapter)

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