Ares out of prison

Chapter 669 Preemptive Strike

Chapter 669 Preemptive Strike
"President, I'm back!" Duan Yunbao returned to the room, only to see Wang Long and Song Yuyuan sitting in the room waiting for him.

"Old Duan! You're back. It's been two hours and there's no news at all! I was thinking that if you don't come back, I'll go out and look for you!" Song Yuyuan's tightly locked brows finally relaxed. It seems that he is really worried about Duan Yunbao.

Seeing this, Duan Yunbao smiled embarrassedly: "I can't help it, there are too many guards in the Xiao family, I can't just walk past them with a big swagger, right? That's why I delayed a little on the way."

"You were not found, were you?"

"Of course not! Don't you know my abilities, Duan? Just relying on these ordinary people, it's impossible to find out my whereabouts!"

"Okay, don't be smug, tell me quickly, have you found any news?"

Duan Yunbao nodded, and went straight to Wang Long; "President, don't tell me, this guy Xiao Qin really has bad water!"

"He intends to use the rest of us to blackmail the Yuwen family in order to make a profit! For this reason, he even put his own father under house arrest! And I heard clearly that Xiao Qin said that if the Yuwen family refused to agree to him condition, he will drive us all to death! Chairman, what do you think we should do now?"

"I knew that the Xiao family never intended to let us go from the very beginning!" Song Yuyuan was gearing up angrily.

"I'm afraid it's not just the Xiao family. Yu Wenshou must have known in advance that we will be detained!"

"What?!" Hearing this sentence, Duan Yunbao and Song Yuyuan both showed incredible expressions.

"He knew in advance? Then why did he ask us to help him escort the goods? Isn't this letting us fall into the trap?"

Speaking of this, Song Yuyuan seemed to suddenly think of something: "Wait! Are you saying that Yu Wenshou did this on purpose, and the purpose is to make our Feilong conflict with the Xiao family, so that we can fight each other?"

"That's right!" Wang Long nodded: "At first I didn't know why Yu Wenshou had so many powerful subordinates, why he would spend huge sums of money to help us build the building and ask us to escort the goods for him! Now, His wolfish ambitions have finally come to light!"

Yuwenshou knew in his heart that once Feilong would fight the Xiao family, the final beneficiaries would be their Yuwen family.

Because no matter who is eliminated on both sides, the Yuwen family will lose a powerful opponent!
"Yu Wenshou is such a bastard, I felt that he had no good intentions from the very beginning! As expected!"

Duan Yunbao quickly looked at Wang Long: "President, tell me, how should we handle this matter?"

"Since Xiao Qin had malicious intentions first, don't blame our subordinates for being ruthless!"

A trace of coldness flashed in Wang Long's eyes, and his fists were clenched even more.

"Before they are prepared, let's strike first! Take down the Xiao family in one fell swoop!"

However, Xiao Qin was completely unaware of the imminent murderous disaster. At this time, he was staying in the room, happily imagining the scene when his plot succeeded.

"The bastards of the Yuwen family have been fighting openly and secretly with our Xiao family all year round. This time, I want to let them know what it means to be tall!"

"Okay, okay, Patriarch, can you stop thinking about fighting and killing? Can't you just live your fairy life?"

A beautifully dressed young woman came to Xiao Qin, twisted her graceful figure, and immediately attracted his attention.

Xiao Qin pulled the young woman into his arms and looked at her tenderly: "Don't worry, when the Yuwen family compromises with us, then you will be the second in command of the Xiao family! I promise, in the whole Yunan, everyone Everyone has to follow your lead!"

The woman smiled coquettishly, and the two were just about to proceed to the next step when a loud noise suddenly came from outside the door.

"What's the sound? Butler Zhao? What happened?"

Seeing the flames in the courtyard, gunshots continued, Steward Zhao crawled to the front of the hall, almost lost his footing and knelt on the ground.

"It's not good! Patriarch, those people from the Flying Dragon Society suddenly came out, and they are rushing to the main hall now!"

"What?" Xiao Qin frowned: "These guys are really tired of their lives, since they want to die, I will help them!"

"Notify me, kill all these people! No one will be left behind!"

Xiao Qin looked like he would not give up, but Zhao Steward got the order, but he didn't carry it out for a long time.

"What? Are you scared to death? Hurry up and do what I tell you!"

"Patriarch, these people... are not so easy to deal with?"

"What do you mean? A group of people with knives and guns can't deal with those unarmed bastards?"

Xiao Qin really lost his patience, took out a shiny pistol from his waist, and rushed straight into the courtyard.

However, the scene in front of him left him dumbfounded.

Originally thought that the group of Feilonghui would not be able to withstand the attack of his subordinates at all, but at this time, there were more than a dozen corpses of servants lying in the yard!On the other hand, Wang Long and the others stood there unscathed!
" is this possible?" Xiao Qin couldn't believe that someone could survive such a hail of bullets!
Seeing Wang Long and others approaching step by step, Xiao Qin quickly raised his gun and pointed at Wang Long's head.

But before his hand could pull the trigger, a burst of force rushed towards his face, hitting Xiao Qin's chest directly.

"Wuah——" A mouthful of blood spewed out, Xiao Qin was knocked several meters away by the impact, and fell heavily to the ground!

And the pistol also fell down.

Xiao Qin secretly knew something was wrong, and quickly crawled towards the pistol, but before he could make a move, a foot was firmly on him.


The wailing sound pierced the night sky, but Song Yuyuan's eyes showed no pity at all.

"Stinky boy, you dare to frame our president! I think you are impatient!"

"You... are you human or ghost?"

Xiao Qin had never seen such a terrifying power in his life, and even began to doubt whether what he met was a normal human being!
"Otherwise, how can you say that Yunan is located in a remote place? In such a barbaric land, there is not even an ancient warrior! That's why a sinister villain like you is allowed to fall into the grass!"

"Ancient warrior?!" Hearing these three words, Xiao Qin's heart trembled suddenly.

Although he has never seen it with his own eyes, he has heard of the name of the ancient warrior for a long time.

Unexpectedly, this group of seemingly mediocre guys would have such a strong strength!
Xiao Qin regretted it too much, but right now, Duan Yunbao was ready to deliver a fatal blow.

Seeing that the heavy punch was about to fall, an old voice suddenly came.

"Several heroes! Be merciful!"

Everyone looked back, only to see that the person who came was none other than the old Patriarch of the Xiao family, Xiao Qian.

(End of this chapter)

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