Chapter 670
"Dad! You are finally here! Help me!"

At this time, when Xiao Qin saw his father, it was as if he saw a savior, and he cried out for help, as if he had completely forgotten that he was bossing him half an hour ago, and even ordered his subordinates to put him under house arrest!

Leaning on crutches, Xiao Qian tremblingly came to Wang Long and bowed deeply to him.

"Sir, I'm really sorry, it's all because of my incompetence in raising my son! I beg you to spare my son's life! I am an old bone, and I am willing to bear all the responsibilities for him!"

"Shut up! It's clear that the bastard Xiao Qin is treacherous! Since he has done something wrong, he should be solely responsible!"

Duan Yunbao clearly remembered that Xiao Qian had been advising Xiao Qin to act cautiously, but he couldn't persuade him at all.

"Our Flying Dragon Club has never taken the initiative to fight against others, but it doesn't mean that we will tolerate it endlessly!"

Wang Long raised his hand slowly, pointing to Xiao Qin who was stepped on the ground by Duan Yunbao:
"This person is clearly leading the Xiao family to a dead end, why do you still plead for him?"

"Guys, our Xiao family is just such a single seedling. If he dies, how can I explain to my ancestors!"

While speaking, Xiao Qian fell to his knees on the ground with a plop!

"I beg everyone, let me go! The matter has come to this point, and the Xiao family does not pose any threat to the Feilonghui! I promise, as long as you are willing to raise your hand, the Xiao family will obey the Feilonghui from now on. East, we will never go west!"

Seeing Xiao Qian begging sobbingly, Duan Yunbao didn't know what to do for a while, so he could only look at Wang Long.

The latter lowered his head and thought for a moment, and finally said in a deep voice: "Are you sure that as long as I let him go, the Xiao family will obey my orders from now on?"

"There is no other way! If you dare to refuse in the slightest, you can definitely send someone to wipe out the Xiao family!"

Xiao Qian looked swearing, it didn't look like he was joking.

However, he should also be clear that the Xiao family has absolutely no power to resist before Feilonghui.

So even if he borrowed ten guts from him, he would never dare to lie in front of Wang Long!

Leaving Xiao Qin alive would allow Feilong Society to have one more family waiting for orders. Naturally, Wang Long would gladly accept this condition.

"Cloud Leopard, let him go!"

After Duan Yunbao got the order, he let Xiao Qin go.

The latter was lying on the ground, panting heavily, at this moment, even his palms were already wet with sweat!

"Bastard! What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and thank this gentleman for saving his life!"

After Xiao Qian gave an order, Xiao Qin quickly climbed up to Wang Long: "Thank you, Mr. Wang! Thank you, Mr. Wang!"

Xiao Qian kowtowed to Wang Long non-stop, and said thank you so much in one breath, but Wang Long dismissed it.

"Bastard, remember! If there is another time, Grandpa Duan will definitely let you die without a place to bury you!"

Watching Wang Long and the others turn around and leave, the Xiao family father and son suddenly lost their legs and sat down on the ground.

"I told you a long time ago that Feilong would be a character to mess with, now you believe it..."

On the other side, Wang Long and others left Xiao's house and set foot on the road to Haijin without stopping.

"President, let's just let that bastard Xiao Qin go, it's too cheap for him!"

Duan Yunbao looked full of unwillingness, if Wang Long hadn't stopped him just now, he might have killed Xiao Qin with one punch!
"This incident was originally caused by Xiao Qin's willful action. There is no need to kill the entire Xiao family because of him. In contrast, I would rather have such a famous family under my command do things for us. In the future, it will be better for us in Yunan Expand your power."

As he said that, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in Wang Long's eyes: "Besides, the real culprit in this matter is the Yuwen family!"

"That's right! They knew that the Xiao family had bad intentions this time, and they asked us to help escort the goods. This is clearly using us as cannon fodder! When I return to Haijin, I will definitely kill Yu Wenshou! "

As they said that, everyone speeded up, and the convoy returned to Haijin City just after dawn.

When Wang Long and the others returned to Yu Wenshou's mansion again, Steward Fan, who was standing outside the door, had an obviously astonished expression on his face.

"Mr. Wang? Why are you back?"

"What do you mean? Didn't you expect us to come back alive from the beginning?"

Seeing Wang Long's eyes full of killing intent, Steward Fan also realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly went to report to Yu Wenshou.

"These guys are really lucky! But then again, does this mean that the Xiao family is completely finished?"

"Master, the members of the Flying Dragon Club are outside now, and they are coming in menacingly. You should go out and have a look!"

Yu Wenshou nodded, got up and walked towards the door, but suddenly turned around:
"By the way, bring that person out, I want to see what this Wang Long can do!"

Steward Fan agreed, and Yu Wenshou immediately came to the courtyard.

"Mr. Wang! Welcome to triumph! The goods must have been..."

"Shut up! You despicable and shameless villain! We came back today to kill your dog!"

Duan Yunbao clenched his fists tightly, as if ready to go.

Not only him, but almost all the members of the Flying Dragon Club were full of cold eyes at this moment, as if they would pounce on Yu Wenshou at any moment and tear him into pieces.

"What's this called? It was clear that Xiao Qin had a dark heart before. Besides, after I learned about this, I contacted the Xiao family as soon as possible. I wanted to agree to their conditions so that you can return safely. Who knows what you are capable of?" Damn, I escaped safely!"

"Don't do this to me! We are kind enough to cooperate with you. Since you missed the appointment first, don't blame me for being rude!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao's figures flashed, like arrows leaving the string, they jumped at Yu Wenshou!

Seeing this, several servants nearby hurried forward to stop him.

But how could a few intermediate ancient warriors block their attack?
I saw Song Yuyuan, one on the left and the other on the right, suddenly punched the two servants so hard that their seven orifices were bleeding, and they fell to the ground!

Seeing the two intermediate ancient warriors so vulnerable in front of them, even Yu Wenshou couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face!
But just as the two of them were ready to pounce on Yu Wenshou with murderous aura, a shout suddenly came from the door.

"Whoever dares to touch a hair of my Patriarch! This woman will die today!"

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw Steward Fan escorting Liu Juan, who was tied up, to the front of the courtyard.

Seeing the shining sharp knife resting on her neck, Liu Juan's legs were already trembling with fright, and she quickly shouted to Wang Long:
"What are you doing, you bastard! Tell your people to stop!"

Seeing this, although Duan Yunbao and Song Yuyuan were unwilling, they could only withdraw their fists silently.

A sinister and cunning smile appeared on Yu Wenshou's face:

"Mr. Wang, how about we make another deal?"

(End of this chapter)

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