Chapter 71
" is this possible? How can you, a piece of trash, afford to drive this kind of car?"

Chen Xiu shook his head over and over again, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

But when Wang Long took out the key, he already attracted the envious eyes of everyone present.

After all, it is a high-end car, even the workmanship of the key is much more exquisite.

Now Chen Xiu felt his face was hot, as if someone had slapped him.


Originally, I wanted to show off my achievements over the years in front of Sun Zihan, but who knew that I was slapped in the face by the speed of light as soon as I came!

But Chen Xiu didn't stop there, but pointed to the key in Wang Long's hand and said:

"How can this car cost 80 yuan? How can someone like you afford it? I think you must be next to Zihan to drive such a car, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone at the table suddenly recalled it.

Haven't you heard before that Sun Zihan's husband is a wimp who only eats soft food?

"That's right! Not everyone can afford this car, probably only Zihan and his family can afford it."

"Isn't it? It's such a pity that Zihan, such a good girl, married such a waste."

For a while, everyone began to discuss.

On the other hand, Chen Xiu had a victorious smile on his face, and he looked at Wang Long jokingly.

"Enough!" Sun Zihan slapped the table, stood up, and glared at Chen Xiu.

"My husband bought this car himself. What else do you want? It doesn't matter if you are an outsider or not, right?"

Sun Zihan's expression was obviously displeased, and Chen Xiu was dumbfounded when he heard this sentence.

Not only him, but those who made comments beside him also dare not say a word now.

Since Sun Zihan has said so, it means that this matter is true.

Could it be that this Wang Long is not as useless as the rumors say?

At this moment, Chen Xiu was like a wilted eggplant, unable to speak a word in a daze.

the second time!This is already the second time!

Zihan would actually defend such a wimp in public, and twice in a row!

Seeing that the atmosphere of the dinner had become a little awkward, Jiang Qingming hurriedly stood up to mediate.

"Okay, okay, in fact, it doesn't matter what car you drive, what matters is the friendship between everyone, are you right?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an overwhelming response.

And Chen Xiu had no choice but to go down the steps, and returned to his seat in despair.

Wang Long took back the keys on the table and began to help Sun Zihan pick up vegetables.

"Zihan, eat more, you have lost weight recently."

Wang Long's tone was very gentle.

"Don't just pick it up for me, eat it yourself!"

There was a happy smile on Sun Zihan's face.

It's just that Chen Xiu saw the intimacy of the two of them, and felt very uncomfortable.

When I learned that Sun Zihan was coming to this banquet, I had been looking forward to it for a long time.

But I didn't expect to meet the goddess of the past, and it would end up like this!
Chen Xiu's mood at this time can only be described in two words.


no!You can't just be trampled under by someone surnamed Wang!

This is no longer a competition between rivals in love, but to save one's face as a man!

"There must be a chance! I don't believe that Wang Long is really a perfect man!"

Chen Xiu kept hinting to himself in his heart, and at the same time began to figure out how to get back some ground for himself.

Not long after, after drinking for three rounds, everyone was almost full.

At this time, Jiang Qingming, who was the host, stood up and said to everyone:

"Everyone, today we finally got together with our old classmates. I have already booked a dance in the auditorium upstairs. Let's not get drunk tonight!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a burst of applause and cheers.

"Qingming, it's getting late, so I won't go?"

"Zihan, we haven't seen each other for so many years. It's hard to see each other today. How can we leave after a meal?"

Chen Xiu's eyes lit up, and he knew in his heart that this misunderstanding might be his last hope to regain his face.

We must not let Sun Zihan and the others go like this!
"That's right, Zihan, everyone has gone, you can't go alone first, can you?"

Seeing that both Jiang Qingming and Chen Xiu began to persuade him, Sun Zihan was also a little uncertain for a while, so he had to look at Wang Long.

Although he didn't say it directly, Wang Long knew in his heart that this Chen Xiu must be planning something again.

Since this is the case, then he is a little curious, what other tricks this person can play!

"It's okay, we don't have work tomorrow anyway, so let's play more!"

"Did you hear that! It's your husband who knows how to be considerate of you! Zihan, don't be polite to us!"

Now that the point has been reached, Sun Zihan no longer refuses, but nods in agreement.

In this way, a group of people came to the auditorium of the hotel.

The melodious and romantic music echoed in my ears, and a group of old classmates danced to the melody.

For a moment, the atmosphere of the whole ball was full of warmth.

It's just that Sun Zihan and Wang Long have been sitting next to each other, watching them quietly.

"Your sister is quite rich, and the ball is played by real people!"

Sun Zihan nodded: "Qingming's family is already well-off, and she herself is good enough."

When he said this, Sun Zihan's eyes inevitably became a little sad.

Seeing this scene, Wang Long quickly patted her on the shoulder, comforted her softly and said:
"It doesn't matter, you are also excellent!"

To be honest, among the students I saw today, only Sun Zihan and Jiang Qingming seemed to have successful careers.

But compared with Wang Long, it is still far behind.

Just when Sun Zihan was about to answer, Chen Xiu suddenly stepped forward.

I saw him standing in front of Sun Zihan, posing like a gentleman, and slowly stretched out his hand.

"Zihan, can I invite you to dance?"

"Me?" Sun Zihan was stunned.

When the other people present heard this sentence, they also looked incredible.

What does this Chen Xiu want to do?Inviting her to dance in front of her husband, isn't that deliberately finding fault?
"It's okay, I just invited you as an old classmate, I believe your husband won't be so stingy, right?"

Seeing that Sun Zihan did not agree for a long time, Chen Xiu deliberately said this sentence to provoke Wang Long.

At this time, Wang Long's face was gloomy, he looked at the two people silently, and didn't say a word.

"You said these two people won't fight?"

"Impossible! It would be ridiculous if there was a fight!"

"Why is it impossible? Haven't you heard that a hero becomes a beauty when he is angry?"

Just when everyone was guessing how Wang Long would respond, he suddenly smiled and said to Sun Zihan:

"It's okay, it's just a dance, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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