Ares out of prison

Chapter 72 Stunning the audience

Chapter 72 Stunning the audience
As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned!
"Isn't it? This Wang Long actually agreed?"

"See, this is the generosity of a man!"

"What are you magnanimous for? I think he is cowardly and dare not provoke Chen Xiu!"

The sound of these discussions reached their ears, which made Chen Xiu feel like he had won a victory.

But Wang Long himself didn't take it seriously, he just looked at Sun Zihan and said:
"It's okay, go, I will watch you by the side!"

"You really let me go?"

When Sun Zihan asked such a sentence, his eyes were full of surprise.

Originally, I thought that Wang Long really cared about himself, and it was impossible to agree to such a request no matter what.

But unexpectedly, Wang Long actually agreed!And I have been helping to persuade myself!

This is what a husband should say?

Sun Zihan even began to doubt whether he was as important to Wang Long as she thought.

"Isn't it just a dance together? It's not a big deal. Is there any disagreement?"

Wang Long still didn't take it seriously, as if he couldn't see that something was wrong with Sun Zihan's expression.

"Okay! You said it yourself!"

Sun Zihan was heartbroken, and put his hand directly on Chen Xiu's.

The latter followed the trend and led her to the center of the ball.

Seeing the two people dancing to the music under the gentle light, a smile appeared on Wang Long's face!
"I'm afraid this person is sick?"

"What do you know, isn't this the straight man you often talk about?"

Although I feel that Wang Long's approach is a little inappropriate, but after all, this is someone else's business, and I can't take care of it.

No way, the others could only laugh it off and continue dancing.

"Zihan, you see. In fact, this man doesn't take you seriously at all. If he really loves you, how could he agree to dance with us?"

After inviting Sun Zihan, Chen Xiu still refused to give up, and kept whispering to Sun Zihan beside him.

These words were heard by Sun Zihan, and he felt very uncomfortable.

She subconsciously took a peek at Wang Long, and this guy was still watching!

Now Sun Zihan was really angry and turned his face away.

Just as Wang Long was watching the two dance, Jiang Qingming suddenly came to his side.

"I think Zihan seems a little upset, you should go over and persuade her and say something nice!"

Others could see it, so Wang Long knew it better.

In fact, Sun Zihan felt angry because he saw that he didn't take the initiative to invite her.

But all of this is in Wang Long's plan.


As Wang Long said, he stood up immediately, passed through the crowd at the ball, and came to the piano in the corner.

I saw him say something to the pianist, and the latter got up and gave him his seat!
"What is he doing?"

Everyone looked blank, wondering if Wang Long was going to play a song for Sun Zihan?
"Zihan, does your husband know how to play the piano?"

Sun Zihan also shook his head, wondering what Wang Long was planning to do.

She has never heard Wang Long say that she still has this kind of talent!

"I just want to pretend to be handsome, I want to see what tricks he can come up with!"

Chen Xiu said coldly beside him, he was ready to mock Wang Long in his heart.

"Zihan, I heard you say before that you like boys who can play the piano, and now I will play a song just for you!"

Wang Long's voice was gentle, as if there were stars in his eyes, which immediately dissipated Sun Zihan's displeasure.

Now she doesn't care how well Wang Long plays, as long as he is willing to do these things for herself, it proves that he really cares about herself.

"Don't just talk and don't practice, why don't you try playing one?"

Chen Xiu said in a cold voice beside him, while the others also started booing one after another.

However, Wang Long just made a silent gesture, and when everyone was quiet, he slowly pressed the first key with his fingers.

As a pleasant melody echoed in the auditorium, everyone was amazed.

The sound of the piano is melodious, making people feel as if they are in the soft clouds, feeling extremely ethereal.

Wang Long's fingers are like jumping elves, constantly changing between black and white keys.

Every note is extremely precise and flawless, even the pianist next to him can't help but admire it.

"Zihan, I didn't expect your husband to have such a talent!"

"That's right, where can I find such a talented and powerful man!"

For a while, everyone was full of praise for Wang Long.

But Sun Zihan himself was still immersed in surprise.

Wang Longke had never mentioned before that he could play the piano. They had been married for so many years, and this was the first time they knew such a thing!

But wasn't he a poor boy with nothing before?How can there be money to learn piano?

What Sun Zihan didn't know was that when Wang Long was the warden, apart from working and exercising every day, his only spare time was to delve into these things.

Over the past few years, Wang Long has already mastered all kinds of music theory knowledge proficiently.

However, in his opinion, these things are just a hobby, not worth mentioning.

If I hadn't had such an opportunity today, I'm afraid I wouldn't have shown this hand for a long time.

The sound of the piano is so beautiful that people forget the time and are completely immersed in this ethereal music.

After a while, Wang Long stopped playing, took his hands off the keys, and let out a long sigh of relief.

It has been a long time since I played so much fun!

All of a sudden, the entire auditorium echoed with warm applause.

Several people even took out their mobile phones, wanting to record this moment.

Even the former pianist couldn't help but stepped forward and gave Wang Long a thumbs up.

The pianist secretly sighed in his heart, fortunately this person did not compete with him, otherwise, he might be robbed of his job!

Wang Long just politely dealt with other people's compliments, and then walked to Sun Zihan's side.

"Zihan, do you still like this gift?"

At this time, Sun Zihan was too excited to speak, his eyes were full of tears, and he nodded repeatedly.

It was her childhood dream to meet a boy who was willing to play the piano for her.

It's just that this dream seems a bit out of reach.

But unexpectedly, Wang Long actually helped his dream come true today!

Not to mention her, even the other girls present were secretly melancholy in their hearts.

How did such a perfect man become famous?
But among the crowd, there was only one person whose face was sallow, and his heart seemed to have knocked over a seasoning bottle, with mixed feelings.

Just as Chen Xiu was about to leave in despair, Wang Long suddenly looked at him.

"Well, why don't you comment too?"

(End of this chapter)

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