Ares out of prison

Chapter 73 Another Car

Chapter 73 Another Car
"This..." Chen Xiu was caught off guard by the question, he hesitated for a long time without saying anything.

"Forget it, looking at you, you probably don't know much about art, so it's not difficult for you!"

After Wang Long said these words coldly, he took Sun Zihan's hand and returned to his seat.

At this moment, Chen Xiu suddenly felt his cheeks burning hot and his heart pounding.

Originally, he wanted to save some face in front of the goddess, so that she could see clearly the uselessness of Wang Long.

But after tossing for so long, on the contrary, he has become very useless!

Not to mention Sun Zihan, even the other students present couldn't help but cast him a cold look.


Just when Wang Long and Sun Zihan were about to leave, Chen Xiu's cold voice suddenly came from behind.

"What? Is there anything else?"

"The surname Wang? What do you mean? What does our classmate reunion have to do with you today? Who allowed you to come?"

Hearing this sentence, not to mention Wang Long, even Jiang Qingming, who was the host of the banquet, couldn't help feeling a little ridiculous.

"Chen Xiu, don't forget, today is my birthday party, and I asked Zihan to bring her husband!"

"you shut up!"

Who knew that Chen Xiu would scold Jiang Qingming in full view!
This sudden move caught everyone by surprise.

What's the meaning?Did Chen Xiu drink too much?

Others speculated one after another, but Wang Long knew in his heart that after he made a fool of himself over and over again, he became angry from embarrassment.

"What's so great about you bastard? Isn't it that you drive a more expensive car and can play the piano? What qualifications do you have to compare with me?"

"I started my own company as soon as I graduated, and the market value is now tens of millions! Do you have one? Where is your company?"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long just smiled lightly, and replied: "I really don't have a company."

"Then why do you brazenly say that you are Zihan's husband? Only a man like me can give Zihan happiness!"

The more Chen Xiu spoke, the more excited he became, and he even began to curse directly.

"Chen Xiu, you are the one who speaks loudly! Today is my birthday party, I don't welcome you, please leave quickly!"

Jiang Qingming yelled at him sharply, and Chen Xiu didn't say anything, he turned around and left the ball angrily.

"Zihan, I'm really sorry, I just wanted to get together with my old classmates, I didn't expect Chen Xiu to be this kind of person!"

Sun Zihan was a little shocked, but after he realized it, he shook his head:

"It's okay, it's not your fault."

In her opinion, Chen Xiu was just drinking too much and wanted to make trouble, there was no need to be so serious.

"Okay, since everyone has eaten and drank enough today, let's stop here for our banquet! Let's meet again some other day!"

Originally, Wang Long's performance brought the dance to a climax, but after Chen Xiu's disturbance, everyone lost interest immediately.

Now that Jiang Qingming said so, everyone had no choice but to break up and leave one after another.

"Scared you?" Wang Long took Sun Zihan into his arms and comforted him in a low voice over and over again.

Sun Zihan just shook his head, but didn't say a word for a long time.

The two had just reached the first floor when they heard a loud noise from outside.

Then came the car siren.

Wang Long immediately recognized that the alarm came from his own BMW!
Everyone looked at each other, and then ran towards the door in unison.

Looking outside, Wang Longting's BMW in the parking space was hit hard by a black off-road vehicle.

Both cars were seriously damaged, but you must know that the maintenance cost of BMW is far greater than that of the off-road vehicle!

"Ouch, I'm really sorry, I accidentally bumped into you when you looked at me!"

With a smile on his face, Chen Xiu got off the off-road vehicle, saying sorry repeatedly.

But seeing him like this, Wang Long knew in his heart that this kid definitely did it on purpose!
"Chen Xiu, don't go too far!" Sun Zihan scolded angrily.

But Chen Xiu was still unmoved, instead he showed a joking expression, and replied:

"Why don't you see how much this BMW costs to repair, and I'll transfer it to you now!"

Only then did Wang Long understand Chen Xiu's intention, which was to show off his wealth in front of everyone.

I have to say that I am quite willing to destroy my car in order to show off my wealth!

It's a pity that what he met was Wang Long, and he might have chosen the wrong person to provoke.

"No need, we'll talk about losing money when we have time, and now I'm going to send Zihan back to rest."

"Wang Long, the car has crashed like this, how can we go back?"

"It's okay, I still have a car."

"There's another one?" Sun Zihan was astonished.

How come I never heard her mention that she has two cars before?
And Chen Xiu was secretly happy in his heart, he has been refusing to drive out the other car, it must be a small car for transportation!

"Stinky boy, as long as you dare to open it, I dare to humiliate you in front of everyone!"

Chen Xiu pondered secretly in his mind.

I saw that Wang Long took out his mobile phone in a calm manner, and he didn't know whose number he dialed.

"Old Han, do me a favor, drive the car I parked in the garage of Sitong Building to pick me up."

"Yes, right now, immediately, immediately!"

Wang Long used a commanding tone, and after just two short sentences, he hung up the phone directly.

"Old Han? That old Han? Could it be the Han family?"

"How is it possible? If it's really the Han family, would Wang Long dare to speak in such a tone? Don't die!"

Wang Long didn't pay attention to everyone's discussion, and stood by the side of the road and waited quietly.

"I said Zihan, why don't you two take a taxi back? It's midnight, who will bring him the car?"


Before the words fell, there was a roar of an engine in the distance from the road.

A flash of yellow lightning galloped towards everyone and stopped firmly in front of Wang Long.

"This... isn't this a Ferrari?"

There was a sudden exclamation from the crowd.

"I saw this car at an auto show before. It is said that it is worth several million! It was bought by a mysterious rich man!"

"Could it be that this mysterious rich man is Zihan's husband?"

The appearance of Ferrari immediately revived the enthusiasm of the people who had lost their enthusiasm.

To know.This car is every man's dream!

Even Chen Xiu's eyes straightened when he saw this car.

Wang Long walked forward on his own, opened the co-pilot's door, and made a "please" gesture to Sun Zihan.

Sun Zihan just got into the car with a blank expression on his face.

Before Wang Long got into the car, he still cast a mocking look at Chen Xiu.

Seeing the Ferrari drive away, Chen Xiu felt ashamed.

It seems that this time, I really provoked the wrong person...

(End of this chapter)

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