Ares out of prison

Chapter 761 I vouch for him

Chapter 761 I vouch for him

"President Wang, what are you talking about? Yan Muxun is innocent?"

Gu Shengyi couldn't believe his ears. After all, so many people saw Yan Muxun kidnapping Sun Zihan, but now, Wang Long keeps saying that he is innocent, which is obviously unreasonable!
"I can't explain this matter to you for the time being, but Yan Muxun did not do it on purpose! If he is dealt with like this, he will only be wronged for no reason!"

"President Wang, I can understand your feelings, but we have always paid attention to evidence in our police operations. Now all signs show that Yan Muxun is the mastermind of the whole incident! Even if you say he is innocent, you can take I can't handle it without the key evidence!"

Gu Shengyi's words seemed to be not unreasonable, and for a while, Wang Long didn't know what to do.

After all, the Flying Dragon Society hasn't found out what happened yet, and they can't come up with convincing evidence.

After bowing his head and thinking for a long time, Wang Long seemed to have made up his mind, and suddenly his eyebrows furrowed.

"What if I say that I, Wang Lung, personally vouch for him?"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Gu Shengyi, even Song Yuyuan next to him couldn't help but gasp.

"President Wang, what are you talking about? Personally vouch for him?"

"That's right, Yan Muxun was framed by someone, I can prove it for him, but now, I still need some time to collect evidence, I just hope that before that, you can guarantee his thoroughness, that's enough !"

"President, is it too risky for us to do this..."

Song Yuyuan wanted to go forward and remind Wang Long in a low voice, but the latter shook his head at him, as if he had made up his mind.

Although I felt that it was a little against the rules to do so, after all, it was Wang Long who spoke in person, so Gu Shengyi naturally wanted to give him this face.

"Okay! Since you have said so, President Wang, then I will allow another week! But after a week, if there is no conclusive evidence, I can only believe that Yan Muxun is the mastermind behind all this. !"

Although he felt that the short week was a bit rushed, Wang Long knew in his heart that this was already the biggest concession in terms of patrolling.

"Okay! Then thank you Mr. Gu! In addition, I will meet with Yan Mu first and ask him a few questions!"

"That's easy to talk about! I'll arrange it!" Gu Shengyi immediately nodded and agreed, and soon arranged for Wang Long and Yan Mu to meet each other.

A few days ago, Yan Muxun was still wearing a suit to attend various grand events in the imperial capital, looking like a dignitary.

But now, the middle-aged man in front of him is wearing a prison uniform, and there is an indescribable vicissitudes on his face.

"President Wang, you are finally here! This matter really has nothing to do with us, I was wronged too!"

The moment he saw Wang Long, Yan Muxun seemed to see the savior, and begged him repeatedly.

"Don't worry, I've started investigating this matter, and I will definitely not cause you to be wronged, but now, I need you to explain clearly, where you have been and who you have been in contact with in the past half a month!"

Wang Long's question really made Yan Muxun a little embarrassed. After all, as the lord of the city, he has a full work schedule every day. Sometimes he has to travel to several places in a day to hold various meetings, and there are too many people to meet with him. .

For a moment, wanting to count them one by one, even Yan Muxun felt that he couldn't recall them.

But despite this, Yan Muxun still racked his brains and reluctantly explained to Wang Long his itinerary, big and small, for the past month.

However, from Yan Muxun's words, Wang Long couldn't find any valuable clues.

"Is there no more? If you think about it carefully, is there anything else you have missed?"

"President Wang, I once traveled to several big cities in Longguo in three days, and the meetings I attended were all attended by thousands of people! Let me count them one by one. Isn't this embarrassing?"

"No! This matter is of great importance. It is directly related to whether you can clear up your grievances. You must explain it clearly!"

Seeing Wang Long's serious face, Yan Muxun had no choice but to continue to think carefully.

"Wait! I remember! In addition to what I just said, I have also been to an unusual place!"


"Evil Prison!"

As soon as these words came out, both Wang Long and Song Yuyuan's hearts skipped a beat.

"Oops! I actually forgot about this!" Wang Longmeng then realized that Yan Muxun usually only came into contact with important officials or business tycoons, and had no chance to deal with the ancient martial arts world!

And the only chance to get rid of the ancient warriors at close range is nothing more than the last time I went to the devil prison with everyone!

"City Lord Yan, don't worry, I have already greeted them, and they won't do anything to you until the truth is found out!"

Hearing this sentence, Yan Muxun was very excited for a moment, and quickly bowed to Wang Long to thank him.

"President Wang, I, Yan, will never forget your great kindness and virtue! I will definitely repay you even in the future, even if I am a cow like a horse!"

Taking Song Yuyuan back to Feilong Building, Duan Yunbao, who happened to be in charge of the investigation, also brought back news.

"President, according to our investigation, among the places that Yan Muxun has been to in the past month, there is only one most unusual place - Devil's Prison!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Long confirmed his previous conjecture.

"The source of that cloud of black air must be the Devil's Prison! President, we have to act quickly!"

Wang Long thought about it for a while, but shook his head: "Don't worry, just ask Wei Youfu for some clues!"

Wei Youfu was still resting in the room with his eyes closed, when he saw Wang Long bringing someone to the door, a smile appeared on his face.

"How about President Wang, can you agree to my conditions now? According to my calculations, it won't be long before the seven stars gather. If you can't make a decision before then, you will miss the last opportunity to go to the Huanxing Holy Land." It's time!"

Wang Long came to Wei Youfu and said in a deep voice, "This time I came to you not for this matter, but to ask you a question."

"Whatever the problem, just ask, as long as I, Wei, can help, there is absolutely nothing wrong!"

Seeing Wei Youfu's quick answer, Wang Long was also unambiguous, and immediately said:
"When you were in the devil's prison, did you ever see a kind of black mist that can confuse people's minds?"

Unexpectedly, when these words came out, Wei Youfu's expression suddenly darkened.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

From his expression, Wang Long could also see that Wei Youfu definitely knew something inside.

But after Wang Long's questioning, Wei Youfu replied coldly:
"President Wang, I can help you with other things, but I advise you not to get involved in this matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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