Ares out of prison

Chapter 762 A Tragedy

Chapter 762

Seeing Wei Youfu's reaction, Wang Long couldn't help frowning slightly, as if he realized something.

"What do you mean? Do you know the source of that black air?"

But right now no matter how Wang Long questioned, Wei Youfu still refused to reveal any more information.

It seems that somewhere, there is something that makes him terrified, so he doesn't want to mention it too much.

After several times of questioning, Wang Long couldn't find any clues from Wei Youfu, so he had no choice but to give up.

"President, this Wei Youfu obviously knows the inside story, but why is he unwilling to reveal it to us?"

Song Yuyuan lowered his head and thought for a moment, a terrible idea suddenly appeared in his mind:
"Could it be that there is another person in this demon prison that even Wei Youfu fears?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Long couldn't help frowning, and he didn't answer for a long time.

Wei Youfu's strength is already enough to shake the current ancient martial arts world. If there is really a stronger person than him, what kind of consequences will be produced, of course one can imagine!

"No, we must find out the inside story of this matter!" Wang Long's eyebrows frowned, as if he had made up his mind:
"Since Wei Youfu doesn't want to disclose it, we have no choice but to go to the Devil's Prison to find out!"

Hearing this sentence, Duan Yunbao couldn't help but have a serious expression: "But last time we formed a relationship with Yang Chengjian, and we came back so soon, will it invite his revenge?"

Wang Long shook his head: "If there is such a terrifying person, Yang Chengjian would never dare to keep him in the devil's prison forever! What's more, what happened last time has already taught him a lesson, forgive him and dare not play tricks !"

With Wang Long's words, Duan Yunbao and the two felt a little relieved.

Early the next morning, Wang Long led Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao to drive to the Alcatraz Prison again.

When he came last time, Wang Long was stopped by the guards at the door, and after a lot of twists and turns, he finally entered the prison.

But this time, not only did no one come forward to intercept, even the guard at the door disappeared.

"Strange, isn't this devil's prison always heavily guarded? Why is there no one left?"

Song Yuyuan frowned slightly, with a slightly puzzled expression.

He looked around, but there was a dead silence around him, and there was no one in sight.

"Could it be that the guards in this devil's prison are still on vacation?" Duan Yunbao said jokingly.

But Wang Long sensed a disturbing aura, and his face immediately sank;
"Be careful, I feel something is wrong!"

As soon as these words came out, Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao immediately raised their vigilance, and the three slowly walked into the prison gate.

In the Alcatraz Prison at that time, guards and inspections were always strict, and guards with live ammunition could be seen everywhere.

But this time, the entire interior of the Devil Prison was actually empty, and it was so quiet that it made people feel a little uneasy.

Wang Long and the three looked at each other, and walked towards Yang Chengjian's office at the same time.

But when they came outside the office door, they found that the office door was ajar.

Can't help it, Wang Long also keenly noticed that the surrounding air was filled with bursts of bloody smell!

Wang Long's face darkened, realizing that something might be wrong, he hurriedly opened the door and entered.

However, in the next second, the scene in front of them made all three of them gasp.

At this time, Yang Chengjian was dripping with blood, lying straight in a pool of blood, already frozen and stiff.

Taking a closer look, Yang Chengjian's eyes were wide open, his pupils dilated, as if he saw something extremely terrifying at the last moment of his life.

"What... what's going on here? Song Yuyuan was dumbfounded, unable to recover from the shock for a long time.

But at this time, Wang Long seemed to have thought of something, and his expression changed drastically: "No, go to the prison!"

As soon as the words fell, the three of them quickly turned around and went straight to the cell.

But the scene in front of them once again made the hearts of the three tremble, and even Wang Long showed a look of panic which was extremely rare!
The long and narrow cell corridors are full of dead bodies, all prison guards in uniform, and the surrounding walls are densely packed with bullet craters, which shows how fierce the fighting was here at the time of the incident.

Not only the guards, but even these extremely evil people trapped in the prison had already turned into cold and stiff corpses.

"How did this happen? What happened?"

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, which made the three of them frowned and their heartbeats accelerated.

"I'm afraid this matter is related to the person Wei Youfu mentioned. It can even be said that he did all of this alone!"

Wang Long's words once again made the hearts of Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao thump, and the feeling of uneasiness came like a tide.

Although there are no ancient warriors guarding the Devil Prison, all the guards inside are well-trained and well-equipped. Even if the ancient warrior elites come out, it is difficult to kill so many people and escape unscathed.

From this point, it is enough to see the horror of this person's strength, even Wei Youfu, it is difficult to compare with him!

"President, what should we do now?" Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao couldn't make up their minds for a while, and could only cast a questioning look at Wang Long.

The latter bowed his head and pondered for a while, then said in a deep voice: "First inform Chief Su about this matter, let him send someone to investigate immediately, and let all the forces in the ancient martial arts world start searching, we must not let this person keep wandering outside, otherwise It is a huge threat to the entire ancient martial arts world!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Yuyuan nodded in agreement, and immediately notified Su Yunmen of the situation in the Devil's Prison.

At the same time, ancient martial arts organizations such as Shenhumen and Qingfengdao also rushed to the scene immediately.

Like Wang Long and the other three, when they saw the scene in front of them, they couldn't help being terrified and terrified.

"President Wang, what's going on here? It was fine the last time I came here, why did it suddenly become like this?"

Seeing Du Yuanze's shocked expression, Wang Long just shook his head:

"It is still unknown, but what is certain is that an extremely terrifying prisoner escaped from the devil prison, and he was the one who did the previous case of Lord Yan! The most urgent task is to track down the whereabouts of this person. He's doing something wrong in the outside world!"

As soon as these words came out, Du Yuanze, Bai Heyun and the others immediately ordered their subordinates to start a large-scale search.

Su Yunmen's defense force also entered a state of emergency immediately, and searched for all suspicious persons within a radius of [-] kilometers of the devil's prison.

However, there is no one in the devil's prison, and it is difficult to find clues from it.

"President, I'm afraid it's not the way to find it like this!"

Wang Long's eyes were fixed, as if he had made up his mind.

"This time, we must ask Wei Youfu about that person's situation!"

(End of this chapter)

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