Ares out of prison

Chapter 765 Difficult Choices

Chapter 765 Difficult Choices
Seeing this scene, Wang Long's heart skipped a beat, and only then did he realize that something was wrong.

Bai Heyun in front of him was also looking at Wang Long with a malicious look.

"President Wang, you can tell me the whereabouts of that person, but you have to give up your position as the leader of the ancient martial arts world first!"

"What? Daoist Bai, do you know what you are talking about!"

Duan Yunbao on the side didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and directly yelled at Bai Heyun.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, a burst of violent profound aura suddenly rushed towards his face, killing Ling Lie!
Fortunately, Duan Yunbao was strong and strong, so he reacted immediately, leaped nimbly, and avoided the blow.

"Bai Daochang, what are you doing!" Song Yuyuan also showed a look of incomparable astonishment.

The few of them finally realized that Bai Heyun's eyes looked a little strange at this moment!

Wang Long's yell was heard next to his ear, and the next second, several disciples of Qingfeng Dao next to him suddenly rushed towards the three of them!

In desperation, Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao didn't care too much, and directly fought with the disciples!
The originally quiet mountain forest was suddenly enveloped by bursts of murderous intent. Wang Long looked intently at the white crane cloud in front of him, and said coldly:
"I don't care what your purpose is, if you dare to harbor evil intentions against Daoist Bai, I will never let you go!"

"The tone is not small! Why don't you let me see what skills you have!"

Bai Heyun's figure trembled, and a violent profound aura erupted all around, sweeping the entire main hall into a mess!
Seeing this, Wang Long reacted quickly and directly transferred the Jinlin God Body.

For a moment, the light suddenly appeared, and two powerful profound breaths reflected each other in the air, resulting in a violent collision.

There were bursts of explosions in my ears, and there was a suffocating urgency in the air!

As Wang Long was a strong man close to the realm of heaven and man, it was impossible to fight against Bai Heyun only by relying on his strength!
But right now, around Bai Heyun's body began to release bursts of black energy, relying on the blessing of this black energy, he was actually on par with Wang Longda!

On the other side, Duan Yunbao and Song Yuyuan were also deeply involved in a fierce battle with the disciples of Qingfeng Dao who were present, and it was difficult to escape.

Seeing a young junior who is not afraid of death rush forward, his eyes are sharp.

Duan Yunbao knew in his heart that the three of them were in danger right now, and there was no time to hesitate at all!

"You guys forced me to do this!" With a violent shout, Duan Yunbao's fists raged, directly beating the man to the point of blood!

The moment the young junior died, it was obvious that a cloud of black air emanated from his body and disappeared into the air.

"It's this guy again, who dares to attack Qingfeng Dao's idea!"

Song Yuyuan's face darkened, and his heart was full of killing intent.

When the two of them showed their true strength, these young disciples present were no match for them at all!
At the same time, the battle between Wang Long and Bai Heyun gradually became anxious.

The collision between the golden scale divine body and the black profound breath is still indistinguishable, wherever the eyes go, there are flames and loud noises!
Wang Long knew in his heart that going on like this was not an option, so he simply made a pre-emptive attack, and with a flash of his body, he rushed straight towards Baiheyun!

Facing Wang Long's fierce attack, Bai Heyun also reacted very quickly, and immediately opened his posture to confront him.

But Bai Heyun is old, and his cultivation is far inferior to Wang Long's. Even if he is bewitched by the black energy, it is impossible for him to be Wang Long's opponent.

After several rounds, Bai Heyun was beaten back by Wang Long, and it was almost difficult to condense his profound energy!
"Give me the present!"

Just when Bai Heyun was in a trance, Wang Long seized the opportunity and punched Bai Heyun fiercely!
This fist wrapped the golden scale divine body, the light was dazzling, and the air waves were overwhelming, it actually sent Bai Heyun flying several meters away!
Bai Heyun was tossing and turning in the air, and the moment he landed, he took a few steps back again and again before barely gaining a foothold.

"Unexpectedly, an ancient warrior who is close to the realm of heaven and man can explode with such strength! It seems that the ancient martial arts world in the world is really hidden dragons and crouching tigers!"

Bai Heyun's eyes shone brightly, and he shifted his gaze to Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao who were not far away.

He could tell at a glance that those two people were just looking for respect, but with their strength, they firmly suppressed the entire Qingfengdao disciples!

Hearing this sentence, Wang Long's heart trembled suddenly.

"Just close to the realm of heaven and man? Could it be that this person's strength has already far surpassed this realm?"

Among Wang Long's people, the Xunzun Realm has already been called the ancient martial arts powerhouse, and the eunuch Yunjing is even more rare, and the ancient warrior who can reach the Heavenly Human Realm can even be regarded as a legend in the ancient martial arts world !

The strength above the heaven-human realm, not to mention Wang Long, I am afraid that even if you look at the entire ancient martial arts world, no one knows it!

From this point, Wang Long can somewhat understand why Wei Youfu has such a great yearning for the Huanxing Holy Land!

But these are not important right now, the most urgent thing is to force the cloud of black energy to leave Bai Heyun's body.

If he has been allowed to bewitch his mind like this, Wang Long may have to kill him in the face of it!
Bai Heyun, who was not far away, seemed to have seen Wang Long's thoughts, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

"Why? Hesitating? Or are you just thinking about your old relationship and don't want to kill yourself?"

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Long's heart suddenly burst into anger.

But Bai Heyun intensified and continued to provoke/provoke: "Listen to what you said just now, there is a young man named Bai Yilin beside this old thing? That kid is really powerful! It's a pity that I persuaded him to submit to me, but he sternly refused." ! There is no way, such a guy who doesn't know the current affairs, I have no choice but to kill him!"

Wang Long subconsciously looked at the few bright red blood stains before, and Bai Yilin's fate seemed to have appeared in his mind.

Bewitching Bai Heyun's mind, even killing his most proud disciple in front of him!This kind of behavior is simply not worthy of being called an ancient warrior!
Just when Wang Long was full of indignation, Bai Heyun had a malicious smile on his face!
He jumped and flew out of the main hall, intending to escape from Qingfeng Road!
"President! Don't let him run away!"

Song Yuyuan's exclamation sounded in his ears, and Wang Long knew in his heart that if Bai Heyun, who was bewitched by his mind, escaped from the outside world, it would definitely pose a huge threat to others!

Although Wang Long couldn't accept this fact, he still had to make a difficult choice for the sake of the overall situation.

I saw his eyebrows furrowed tightly, and a golden light gathered in the palm of his hand, like an arrow leaving the string, he flew straight towards the white crane cloud!


Only a deafening sound was heard, and Bai Heyun's figure, together with the black energy that controlled people's mind, dissipated into the air...

(End of this chapter)

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