Ares out of prison

Chapter 766 Three Star Convergence

Chapter 766 Seven Stars Gather
Not long after, the air waves released by the mysterious breath gradually dissipated, and Qingfeng Dao returned to calm.

But even so, Wang Long still stood still, unable to recover from the changes he had just experienced.

Soon, the crisis in Qingfeng Dao shocked the entire ancient martial arts world, and even the defense forces in the imperial capital were deeply shocked by it.

Although they knew that it was absolutely impossible for Wang Long to fight Bai Heyun for no reason.

But what is disturbing is that Bai Heyun, as a strong ancient martial artist, would be bewitched by that burst of black energy!

"Unexpectedly, this guy would dare to attack Daoist Bai when he was being tracked down! It's just extremely arrogant!"

Su Yunmen clenched his fists tightly, and the expression in his eyes was mixed with a little unwillingness.

If he could, he really wished he could find out who was behind the scenes now, and bring him to justice on the spot!

Unfortunately, after such a long investigation, until now, they have not been able to find any clues about that person.

However, compared to Su Yunmen, at this moment Wang Long's heart was filled with a strong murderous intent.

The last look of Bai Heyun's eyes just now is clearly a challenge to Wang Long by the mastermind behind the scenes!
"No matter where he is hiding, I will find him and kill him with my own hands!"

Wang Long's face was cold and cruel, and his eyes were murderous. Even Song Yuyuan next to him couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine when he saw his expression.

This incident can be regarded as a lesson for the entire ancient martial arts world. Since then, Wang Long has ordered all ancient martial arts organizations to step up their investigation efforts, formulate special action codes, and strictly investigate anyone with suspicious whereabouts.

Since the whereabouts of the mastermind behind the scenes are still unknown, Bai Heyun's funeral can only be resolved hastily.

Back in the imperial capital, Wang Long found Wei Youfu again regardless of his tired body.

When he learned that even Qingfeng Dao hadn't escaped, Wei Youfu couldn't help but a trace of astonishment flashed across his face.

"Unexpectedly, that person has already started to attack the ancient martial arts world! This shows that the day when the seven stars gather is coming, and he has already begun to lay the groundwork for his lifelong plan in advance!"

"Mr. Wei, this matter is no small matter. If he continues to let him go unpunished like this, I am afraid that not only the ancient martial arts world, but even the common people in the imperial capital will be hard to escape from his clutches! Please speculate how long it will be before the seven stars gather ?”

Wang Long's tone seemed a little hasty, and when he spoke, his eyes were full of expectation, which showed how much he attached importance to this matter.

Seeing this, Wei Youfu also bowed his head and thought for a moment, then said:
"During this period of time, I have been able to vaguely detect the breath of the power of Hunyuan, which shows that the time when the seven stars gather is getting closer, but the breath is still relatively weak. I can only infer that the power of Hunyuan is released. The location will be in the east of the imperial capital, as for the specific time and place, it is still unknown."

Although Wei Youfu only gave a rough direction, for the current Wang Long, this is already rare and precious information.

Wang Long immediately ordered the ancient martial arts world to send people to conduct an all-round search east of the imperial capital, and he must find out the whereabouts of that person.

"Also, Mr. Wei, since the time when the Seven Stars gather is getting closer, you might as well ask you to come out of the mountain and help us investigate!"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Youfu's face suddenly flashed with joy: "President Wang is really relieved to let me come forward?"

"Things have come to this point, and now we have no choice but to find that person!"

First the imperial government, and then the devil's prison, were all bloodbathed by the mysterious man one after another.

Nowadays, even Qingfengdao, a well-known party in the ancient martial arts world, has not been able to escape his murderous hands!
Although he has not been able to see the real face of that person so far, Wang Long can't help but feel a burst of fear in his heart.

What kind of opponent is the ancient martial arts world facing this time?
The news of Wei Youfu's release quickly alarmed the defense forces, and Su Yunmen even personally brought people to the door to inquire about the matter.

"President Wang, I heard that Wei Youfu is powerful and extremely dangerous. If he is released at such a critical moment, what if something goes wrong?"

Su Yunmen's worries were not groundless. After all, even Wang Long could barely suppress him in the devil's prison.

Right now, just being a mastermind behind the scenes has caused chaos in the entire ancient martial arts world. If Wei Youfu makes any mistakes at this time, once the crisis breaks out, it may be difficult to end it.

The things that Su Yunmen can think of are naturally within the scope of Wang Long's consideration.

"Boss Su, the day when the seven stars will gather is approaching. On that day, the black gestures behind the scenes will definitely take action. Now in the entire ancient martial arts world, except for Wei Youfu, no one can perceive the existence of the power of Hunyuan. I do this in the hope that I can Use him to find out the whereabouts of the mastermind behind the scenes!"

As he said that, Wang Long changed the subject immediately: "Anyway, waiting blindly is a dead end. It's better to pin our hopes on Wei Youfu and give it a go. Maybe it can bring us a glimmer of life!"

Wang Long's words didn't seem unreasonable, and for a while, Su Yunmen couldn't think of any words to refute.

"Okay! Since you have said so, President Wang, our defense force is willing to cooperate with all actions of the ancient martial arts world!"

In the next few days, Wei Youfu has been concentrating on investigating the specific location where the power of Hunyuan was released.

As the day when the seven stars converged approached, the power of Hunyuan permeating the air began to become clearer.

Even Wang Long could gradually feel that there was indeed a mysterious atmosphere around him that he had never seen before.

"According to my observation, the place fifteen kilometers east of the imperial capital has the highest density of Hunyuan power, so I deduce that there will be the final release location! If I'm not wrong, prisoner No. [-] should also be there Take action somewhere!"

Wei Youfu stretched out his hand and pointed to a direction on the map, which instantly cheered up everyone present.

After investigating for so long, there was still no clue. Now that Wei Youfu has just stepped out, he directly found a specific location!
"The time when the seven stars gather, have you calculated it?"

Wei Youfu closed his eyes, pondered for a moment, and then slowly opened his mouth:
"According to the current purity and coverage of the Hunyuan power, the gathering of the seven stars is likely to be two days away!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Long and the others all frowned, and their heartstrings gradually became tense.

The day when the seven stars gather is approaching, which means that they finally ushered in a decisive battle with the No. [-] prisoner!
Recalling all the tragedies that happened before, a burst of anger gradually emerged in Wang Long's heart.

"This time, I will make you pay with blood..."

(End of this chapter)

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