Ares out of prison

Chapter 770 Prepare to Enter the Holy Realm

Chapter 770 Prepare to Enter the Holy Realm
"Where are people?" This scene immediately made all the ancient warriors present feel uneasy, and they all looked around.

But not only was Situ Shuo nowhere to be seen, even the Hunyuan Power he released disappeared without a trace!

"Could it be that at that moment just now, he had already sneaked into the Huanxing Holy Realm?"

Wang Long thought about it and felt that this was the only possibility at the moment.

"Bastard, let him run away!" Wang Long clenched his fists, and there was a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

In the fight just now, he had clearly gained the upper hand, if he continued to fight, he would definitely be able to kill Situ Shuo!

It's a pity that at such a critical moment, Situ Shuo found a chance to escape!
But no matter what, after this battle, both sides were seriously injured. Presumably, Situ Shuo would not dare to attack again in a short time.

After the battle, Wang Long and Su Yunmen immediately made arrangements to send the wounded at the scene to the hospital for treatment.

After some statistics, the battle only lasted less than two hours, but it caused dozens of casualties of members of the Defense Force!

Looking at the imperial capital in the past few decades, there has never been such a tragic incident!

Fortunately, Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao had a solid foundation in their cultivation, and Situ Shuo's attack was not fatal to them.

Being able to save the lives of his right-hand man and right-hand man is already a blessing in misfortune.

"After this battle, the vitality of our ancient martial arts world has been greatly injured, and Su Yunmen's side has suffered heavy losses! It seems that we really underestimated this Situ Shuo before!" Wang Long sat in the office with a serious expression on his face.

"But no matter what, at the last moment, President, you still had the upper hand. At least it proves that Situ Shuo is not invincible!"

What Gu Yueming said made some sense, but the most regrettable thing is that Wang Long failed to kill him at the critical moment. Now let Situ Shuo escape back to the Huanxing Holy Realm. Next time, I don’t know when he can come back again Find out his whereabouts!
"Situ Shuo is powerful and ambitious. He is an extremely dangerous person. If he regains his vitality in the Huanxing Holy Land, we may not be able to deal with it in time the next time he commits a crime again!"

Wang Long knew in his heart that he was able to find Situ Shuo's whereabouts completely because of Wei Youfu's excellent perception ability.

But now without Wei Youfu's help, it is difficult to guard against Situ Shuo's actions by relying on the ancient martial arts world alone.

"President, I have a question. Since Wei Youfu gave you all his profound energy, will you also have the keen perception like him?"

As soon as Gu Yueming said this, he immediately caught Wang Long's attention.

"It's possible, but I've never tried it."

After Wang Long finished speaking, he tentatively closed his eyes, intending to find traces of the power of Hunyuan from the surrounding air.

After some experimentation, Wang Long really found some unusual aura from it!

"I found it!" Wang Long's eyes lit up, and he looked at his hands excitedly: "Based on my own perception ability, it is absolutely impossible to detect the breath of the power of Hunyuan. Leave it to me!"

Only then did Wang Long understand what Wei Youfu meant when he was leaving.

"It seems that he also hopes to rely on the power of our ancient martial arts world to eradicate Situ Shuo's cancer!"

Now that Wang Long has obtained Wei Youfu's mysterious power, it means that he can also perceive the activities of the power of Hunyuan at any time, and infer when the next Huanxing Holy Realm channel will open.

Not only that, with this strength, even if Wang Long meets Situ Shuo again, he must have the strength to fight him!

"President, what should we do next?" Gu Yueming stood beside him and asked cautiously.

"Situ Shuo's vitality is seriously injured right now, and he will definitely recuperate in the Huanxing Holy Land. We must not give him this opportunity!"

As soon as these words came out, Gu Yueming seemed to realize something, and his expression changed drastically: "Could it be... are you planning to take the initiative?"

Although Wang Long didn't answer directly, his firm gaze gave Gu Yueming an affirmative answer.

If it was before, Wang Long didn't dare to guarantee that with his own ability, he would be able to seek a chance of survival in the Huanxing Holy Land.

But now, after combining Wei Youfu's mysterious power, he can even gain the upper hand in the battle with Situ Shuo!

Situ Shuo should also be considered a strong man in the Huanxing Holy Realm, which means that even if Wang Long enters the Holy Realm, his strength can definitely be regarded as first-class!
"This matter is not trivial, and we need to discuss it further. In addition, inform Chief Su and let them be ready at any time. We will take action when the Huanxing Holy Realm channel opens next time!"

Seeing Wang Long's swearing appearance, Gu Yueming knew in his heart that he had already made up his mind.

That being the case, I have no room to dissuade, so I can only nod and agree.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Gu Yueming still couldn't help asking in a low voice:
"Then... do you want to tell Yuyuan and Yunbao about this?"

"The two of them are still recuperating. If you can hide this kind of thing, try to hide it as much as possible!"

Although they didn't say it directly, both Wang Long and Gu Yueming are tacit at the moment.

They clearly know that although Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao's strength can be among the best in the Flying Dragon Association, once they enter the Huanxing Holy Realm, they can only be reduced to the lowest existence!
From the previous battle with Situ Shuo, it is not difficult to see how difficult it is for their abilities to enter the Huanxing Holy Realm!

"Could it be that this time, you plan to go alone?"

Wang Long lowered his head and fell into deep thought. After a long time, he finally spoke slowly:
"If it is really put into action, even if I lose my life, I will definitely keep Situ Shuo in the holy realm! If it is at the cost of my life, Wang Long, to save the entire world of ancient martial arts, why not? Woolen cloth?"

These words made Gu Yueming's heart tremble, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

He knew in his heart that as long as it was something Wang Long had decided, no one could stop it.

What I can do right now is to do my best to cooperate with his actions, other matters can only be handled by Wang Long himself.

Soon, the Flying Dragon Society passed on Wang Long's decision to the defense forces and all parties in the ancient martial arts world.

After hearing the news, Su Yunmen immediately took action, sending people to guard the previous valley 24 hours a day, in case Situ Shuo launched another sneak attack when they were unprepared.

In the next few days, Wang Long has been carefully investigating the movement of the power of Hunyuan.

As the mysterious atmosphere in the air became stronger and stronger, Wang Long knew in his heart that the passage to the Huanxing Holy Realm was about to open again!
"This time, I will never let you go!"

(End of this chapter)

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