Ares out of prison

Chapter 771 The Passage Opens Again

Chapter 771 The Passage Opens Again

In addition to detecting the movement of the power of Hunyuan, Wang Long did not forget to take advantage of this time to adapt to the power Wei Youfu entrusted to him as soon as possible.

When he first acquired this burst of power, even Wang Long couldn't help but feel that he was a bit powerless to control the power.

Fortunately, his own cultivation base has laid a solid foundation, and Wang Long's proficiency in using profound energy is far superior to Wei Youfu's.

Therefore, after only a few days of practice, Wang Long has fully adapted to the two kinds of power in his body, and he is even able to merge these two kinds of power into one body during the battle, bursting out even more astonishing power!
"In this way, there is no need to worry that I will lose control like Wei Youfu!"

In the blink of an eye, a week passed, and with the increasing concentration of Hunyuan power, the passage to the Huanxing Holy Land had already opened again.

After the lessons learned last time, this time Su Yunmen specially prepared early and arranged manpower in advance to encircle the entire valley.

In this way, even if Situ Shuo attacked again, it would be tantamount to jumping into the net of the defense forces.

However, this time, Situ Shuo seemed to have anticipated Su Yunmen's action plan in advance. The passage had been opened for a long time, but no abnormalities were found.

"President, are you really planning to step into the Huan Xing Holy Realm alone? Is it too dangerous?"

After a whole week of recuperation, the strength of Song Yuyuan and Duan Yunbao finally returned to normal levels.

However, even so, they themselves know that in the territory of Huan Xing Sheng, the ancient warriors of Xunzun level are not worth mentioning at all!
I'm afraid that even if Wang Long agrees to let the two of them go together, in the end, instead of being able to help him, he will become a burden to Wang Long!
"Don't worry, this time I'm just entering the Holy Realm to hunt down Situ Shuo. After I finish him off, I'll come back naturally!"

Wang Long changed the subject: "However, during the time I'm away, the affairs of the Flying Dragon Club will be entrusted to you, and Zihan's side. Don't tell her the details of this matter. I'm afraid she knows too much. Instead, you will be terrified for me!"

Hearing Wang Long's instructions, Song Yuyuan couldn't help but feel a little dignified. These words sounded inexplicably giving people the illusion of parting from life and death.

But in the end, Song Yuyuan nodded and agreed: "Don't worry, I will handle it properly. In addition, if you encounter danger in the holy territory, Yunbao and I will definitely rush in to rescue you as soon as possible!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Long suddenly felt that the power of Hunyuan around the valley was already approaching a critical value.

He knew in his heart that it was time to go.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, a burst of dazzling light suddenly burst out over the valley.

Wherever the rays of light went, the power of Hunyuan surged, and even a mortal like Su Yunmen could clearly feel the mystery of it.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a magical power in this world..."

Su Yunmen swallowed, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Before that, I had been working hard, and only real guns and live ammunition were the capital of strength.

But after seeing the abilities of Wang Long and others, he finally understood that compared with the power of ancient martial arts, these so-called modern weapons are so insignificant!
Wang Long's sword eyebrows condensed, and he walked slowly towards the light with firm steps.

The moment he was enveloped by the light, Wang Long suddenly felt that his whole body was filled with warmth.

The surrounding scene began to rotate rapidly, and for a while, Wang Long's brain suddenly became dizzy.

Although he tried his best to keep his balance and stabilize his mind, in the end, his vision went dark and he gradually lost consciousness...

"Another one? This is already the third in a while!"

"Maybe it's that guy's accomplice, take it back first, and ask the elders to make a decision!"

In a daze, Wang Long heard the voices of two young people in his ears.

Shen Shen opened his eyes, but his vision was blurred, and he could barely see two figures approaching him.

A gust of cold wind blew past, causing Wang Long to tremble all over, and his blurred mind finally became clear.

"Be careful! This guy is awake!" Seeing Wang Long standing up, the two youths in front of him quickly retreated a few steps.

Wang Long looked around, only to realize that he was actually in a vast expanse of white snow at the moment!
The cold wind whizzed in my ears, which sounded like the long cry of wild animals, and the two young men not far away in front of me were both wearing armor, and each held a sword blade that was glowing with cold light.

From Wang Long's point of view, the two people's attire looked like an ancient costume movie.

"Could it be that this is the legendary Huanxing Holy Land?"

Wang Long knew in his heart that it was a beautiful spring in the world at this time, and it was impossible for such a cold scene to appear!
Just as Wang Long was about to step forward to ask for clarification, unexpectedly one of the youths suddenly swung his long sword.

Accompanied by the sharp sound of piercing through the air, two howling sword qi rushed straight at Wang Long, full of murderous intent!
Wang Long's complexion changed drastically, he hurriedly took a step forward, leaped, flipped and moved in the air, dexterously dodging two sword qi!

"Okay! It seems that there are still two tricks, so I will accompany you through two tricks!"

Both young men brandished their long swords and rushed straight at Wang Long, killing Ling Lie as soon as they made a move!
Facing the attack of the two, Wang Long always chose to dodge and defend, and was forced to retreat again and again.

"Who are you? Why are you fighting with me?"

Wang Long wanted to find out the intentions of the two first, but one of the young men laughed coldly:
"Stop talking nonsense! Don't think I don't know, you and that guy are obviously in the same group, kill me!"

Although he couldn't understand what the two of them were talking about, but the attack of the two was getting more and more fierce now, and Wang Long also knew that he had no choice but to fight!
"In that case, you forced me to do this!"

Wang Long's gaze suddenly turned cold, and the wind of his fist shone with dazzling golden light, immediately scorching the surrounding white snow into steam!
The power of the strengthened Golden Scale Divine Body is naturally several times that of the previous one. The two young men seemed to be surprised by this violent force, and they even forgot how to react in the first place!


The moment the fist wind collided with the sword energy, there was a roar resounding in the vast snow field!
Although the two youths tried to use sword energy to counteract the fist wind, the fierce power of the Jinlin Divine Body was beyond their imagination!
The two sword qi disappeared without a trace as if they had disappeared into the sea, but the two of them were directly knocked to the ground by the blowing wind of the fist!
Fortunately, Wang Long restrained himself when he attacked, which allowed the two of them to barely save their lives.

"I don't want to be your enemy, tell me honestly, who are you? Why did you attack me?"

Wang Long looked down at the two of them from a high position, his burning eyes flickered with killing light!
Even so, the two young men still showed a look of disdain.

"Look clearly, we are people in the land of wind and snow! If you dare to make trouble in our territory, our elders will know, and we will never let you go!"

(End of this chapter)

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