Chapter 791
Not long after leaving Fairy Lake City, Wang Long stepped into the legendary jungle.

As the name suggests, the dense forest is an endless dense jungle. Even though it is noon, the shade of the trees still blocks the sun, and the entire jungle is shrouded in darkness.

Now Wang Long finally understood why An Zhang Mingxiao didn't dare to let him break into this area alone.

As soon as he stepped into the dense forest, Wang Long could clearly feel that there was an ancient martial aura of unknown origin in the jungle.

As Wang Long gradually entered the depths of the dense forest, the ancient martial aura also became stronger.

Not only that, but under the blessing of the golden scale divine body, Wang Long could even sense a burst of familiar profound energy in the air!

This power does not come from others, it is the Hunyuan power released by Situ Shuo!
"It seems that the information about Fairy Lake City is correct. Situ Shuo is definitely hiding in this dense forest!"

Wang Long speeded up and moved forward along the source of the power of Hunyuan.

Not long after, the Hunyuan power in the air seemed to have become extremely thick, and Wang Long could clearly sense that Situ Shuo should be in a corner not far from him!
But looking around, apart from the gloomy and quiet jungle, there was no trace of anyone else.

"Could it be that he noticed my movements in advance?"

An ominous premonition emerged in Wang Long's mind. Just as he was wondering, he suddenly noticed a killing light emerging from behind!
Before he could turn around, Wang Long just relied on his body's instinctive reaction to dodge to the side!

A sharp piercing sound came into my ears, and when I looked closely, a mysterious breath came from nowhere, and directly broke the trunk of a tree not far away!

There was still bursts of black air around Xuanxi, and Wang Long recognized at a glance that this was Situ Shuo's move!

"Since you're here, don't hide!" Wang Long shouted violently, and in the next second, a black shadow flashed across the dense forest.

Compared with the last fight, Situ Shuo's vitality seemed to have fully recovered, and the spiritual power emanating from his body was even stronger than what he had seen before!
However, this was not beyond Wang Long's expectations. After all, he had long thought that the reason why Situ Shuo wanted to hide in the Huan Xing Holy Realm was to use the profound energy here to speed up his recovery of vitality!

I'm afraid he never thought that Wang Long, an ancient warrior in the world, would dare to go to the holy land alone to chase and kill him!

"Bastard, I wanted you to live in the world for a few days, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to catch up! Since you insist on seeking death, don't blame my ruthless subordinates!"

Situ Shuo yelled violently, and two jets of black air flew out of his sleeves, rushing straight at Wang Long!

The latter was also not to be outdone, the power of the Jinlin divine body suddenly appeared, and he confronted those two bursts of black energy head-on!
The two forces collided with each other, and the tranquility of the dense forest was suddenly broken by a loud noise!
Wang Long could obviously feel that Situ Shuo's skill seemed much stronger than last time.

But even so, in the confrontation between the two spiritual breaths, it is still the Jinlin divine body that is slightly better.

Seeing that the power of Hunyuan had already started to fall into a disadvantage, but at this moment, a gloomy and cold flashed across Situ Shuo's face.

"I've been hiding in the Huanxing Holy Land for so long, do you think that's all I can do?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dazzling white light suddenly flew out of Situ Shuo's palm, and there was a thunderous sound in the air!
Looking intently, he saw that what was approaching Wang Long quickly in front of him turned out to be a bolt of lightning!
"Thunder in the palm?!" Wang Long's face changed drastically, and he twitched his body quickly, intending to avoid the blow.

The moment Wang Long's figure flickered, the thunder in his palm exploded on the ground, and the violent air waves released even shook the surrounding dense forest from side to side!

It is conceivable that if Wang Long's reaction was a second or two slower, it would have been a different ending!
"Don't try to run!"

Seeing that his tricks had some effect, Situ Shuo wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, releasing Palm Thunder once again.

But just when he thought that Wang Long could only dodge in the face of his attack, the latter's response surprised him.

Seeing the two thunderbolts approaching, Wang Long stood straight on the spot without any intention of dodging!
"Are you looking for death?" A gleam flashed in Situ Shuo's eyes, as if he had foreseen the scene of Wang Long's sudden death on the spot!

However, before he could react, a burst of howling wolves suddenly echoed in the huge dense forest.

Looking intently, the Xueyun wolves appeared in countless numbers, and the powerful aura they released even directly counteracted the thunder!
"Snow Cloud Wolf? Why are you here?!" Situ Shuo's face changed drastically. Seeing the holy beast approaching step by step, he quickly activated the power of Hunyuan to condense the black energy in front of him. Xueyun wolf resisted the attack.

The breath of the Xueyun wolf and the power of Hunyuan collided with each other, and the air suddenly became thunder and lightning, and flames burst out everywhere.

For a moment, the strength of the two sides appeared to be evenly matched, and it has been a long time since they were able to tell the winner!

"Is this the only thing you can do?"

Situ Shuo saw that he successfully resisted the attack of Xueyun wolves, and couldn't help showing a playful smile on his face.

However, just when he thought he was in the upper hand, a scorching killing light suddenly came from behind!
Looking intently, Wang Long unexpectedly circled behind him at some point, cooperating with Xueyun wolves to form a siege around him!

For a while, Situ Shuo was facing an attack from both sides, and he had no way to withdraw to resist!

And Wang Long didn't intend to give him a chance to react at all, the golden scale divine body was condensed in the palm, and the palm wind with raging flames flew out suddenly, hitting Situ Shuo heavily!
In an instant, there was a loud noise, Situ Shuo was hit by this fatal blow, he spurted a mouthful of blood on the spot, and fell straight to the ground.

The Xueyun wolves disappeared in response, and the quiet dense forest returned to silence again.

" is this possible?"

Situ Shuo, who was lying on the ground, was still breathing. At this moment, his eyes were wide open, and incredible was written all over his eyes.

He originally thought that through this period of training, his strength had been greatly improved, and he was fully capable of killing Wang Long with ease!

But he never expected that in just a few days, Wang Long's strength would improve so quickly!
Even the legendary holy beast was tamed by him, how terrifying it is!
"I said, sooner or later, I will personally put you to death!"

Wang Long's eyes flickered with terrifying sternness, which even made Situ Shuo feel extremely afraid!

When the heavy punch landed, Situ Shuo had no room to dodge, his whole body twitched suddenly, and he lost his breath.

Seeing that the great revenge had been avenged, Wang Long finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relieved.

Now that Situ Shuo has been dealt with, he only needs to wait for the passage to open again before he can leave the Huanxing Holy Land.

"It's been delayed for so long, it's time to go back..."

(End of this chapter)

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