Chapter 792
Imperial Capital, Jinlan Mansion Villa Area.

The sky had just dawned, and a convoy of several luxury cars drove into the villa area.

Even the few security guards standing at the door couldn't help feeling puzzled when they saw this scene.

"Could it be that some important person is here again?"

While talking, the security guard looked around, but found that the direction of the luxury car was the mansion of Mr. Sun.

The car door opened slowly, and I saw a few men and women in neat suits coming straight to the front of the villa.

"I didn't expect Sun Zihan to get so far in these years! No wonder others say she is a strong woman!"

"A strong woman? Without the support of our Chamber of Commerce, how could her beauty company develop to where it is today!"

"We have been negotiating with her for so long, if we don't give us an answer today, we must not let her go!"

As soon as the words fell, several people stepped forward together and knocked on the door of Sun Zihan's room.

And Sun Zihan seemed to have expected that they would come to the door, and had already made preparations in advance.

"It's you again? How many times have I told you that I will never agree to your request!"

"Mr. Sun, this time we are not here to discuss with you, but to inform you that the Longguo Chamber of Commerce has officially taken over all the shares of your Haijin branch! No one can disobey!"

"What did you say?!" Sun Zihan's face changed drastically, and he looked at the people in front of him with astonishment.

A few days ago, they were just convincing themselves, but now, they have directly snatched the company's shares from her!

This kind of behavior obviously does not take the majesty of her chairman into consideration!
"Mr. Sun, I think you should know that our Longguo Chamber of Commerce is in charge of the fate of all companies large and small in Longguo! Of course, your company is also included! So for the sake of long-term consideration, I advise you not to be an enemy of the Chamber of Commerce!"

The leader is a middle-aged woman named Du Jia, who is the current president of the Longguo Chamber of Commerce.

This person's methods are notoriously vicious. Relying on the strong power of the chamber of commerce, he suppresses private companies everywhere.

It is said that once any company gains some reputation, she will definitely make a profit from it.

Before that, many entrepreneurs tried to resist, but those who opposed the chamber of commerce naturally had no good end.

It is precisely because of this that Du Jia's behavior can be said to have become more and more arrogant, and now he has even locked his target on Sun Zihan!

"President Du, is it against the rules for the Longguo Chamber of Commerce to do so?"

"Rules? All companies, large and small, in the entire Dragon Kingdom must operate under the rules we specified! Even if your company is already well-known, you must also abide by this rule!"

Du Jia's eyes widened, his attitude was very arrogant, and he didn't pay attention to Sun Zihan's words at all.

"Besides, just giving up the shares in the branch company can ensure that your company will not cause any trouble in the future. In terms of long-term interests, I am also thinking about your company!"

In Sun Zihan's eyes, Du Jia's words can be described as shameless, but even if she is unwilling, she can't compete with the Longguo Chamber of Commerce on her own!

"The person in charge of the Haijin branch is not me, but my husband. This matter cannot be decided arbitrarily before he agrees!" Sun Zihan had no choice but to use this reason to try to dispel Du Jia's intention idea.

It's a pity, since Du Jia has already come to the door on his own initiative, he naturally found out everything.

"Your husband? As far as I know, he disappeared mysteriously as early as a month ago, and there has been no news of him yet! To put it bluntly, maybe he had anticipated these crises a long time ago, so he packed up and ran away !"

These words undoubtedly ignited the anger in Sun Zihan's heart.

Her face suddenly darkened, and she said in a cold voice: "I warn you, if you dare to talk nonsense again, no matter how honorable your status is, I will make you pay the price!"

When Sun Zihan said these words, there were still bursts of killing intent in his eyes, which immediately sent a chill down the Du family's spine!
But soon she realized that there was such a senior member of the Chamber of Commerce behind her, why should she be afraid of Sun Zihan's one-sided words?

"Mr. Sun, you mentioned this issue when we met last time. I asked you to notify your husband to come forward to negotiate within the specified time, but until now, I haven't even seen anyone else! Do you want to continue Consuming the patience of the chamber of commerce?"

The Du family's attitude was very tough, and it seemed that they didn't intend to give Sun Zihan any room to maneuver.

For a while, even Sun Zihan didn't know how to answer.

After all, she was right. Wang Long hadn't heard from him for a whole month, and even Song Yuyuan and the others didn't know Wang Long's whereabouts at this time!

There were even rumors in the rivers and lakes that he had offended a powerful ancient warrior and had already been suppressed and killed by that person!

But Sun Zihan has always believed that with Wang Long's strength, it is impossible to lose to others!
"Mr. Sun, I advise you not to hold back and sign the agreement quickly. Otherwise, don't blame our chamber of commerce for sanctioning your company's development! At that time, whether your company can continue to operate is still a question." Unknown!"

While talking, Du Jia took out the prepared agreement from the bag and handed it to Sun Zihan.

Looking at the agreement in his hand, Sun Zihan's heart seemed to be shaken.

The endings of the previous companies had already given her a warning that she could not fight against the entire chamber of commerce by just relying on her mere means of being a businessman!

For the long-term interests of the company, it seemed that he had to surrender to the Du family at the moment.

After some hesitation, Sun Zihan was finally ready to write.

"I've only been away for a while, how dare a group of ants bully others like this?!"

But at this moment, a voice that was extremely familiar to her suddenly reached her ears.

Looking closely, there seemed to be an extra figure behind everyone at some point, it was none other than Wang Long who had been missing for a whole month!

Sun Zihan's eyes widened, for a moment he didn't know whether it was a dream or reality!

What everyone said just now has been heard clearly by Wang Long.

At this moment, he had a murderous intent on his face, and his eyes scanned the people in front of him.

However, Du Jia was completely unaware that the disaster was approaching, and he still said to Wang Long arrogantly:
"You came just in time! This agreement still needs your signature, hurry up! Don't let me deal with you like I did with Mr. Sun!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, a wave of air sent her flying on the spot, and slammed into the doorpost behind her!

"President Du!"

When the other people saw this scene, their faces changed drastically, and they all cast a horrified look at Wang Long.

At this time, Wang Long's body was filled with a terrifying aura that made people feel unavoidable!
In an instant, what everyone seemed to see was not an ordinary person, but a returning God of War!

(End of this chapter)

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