Ares out of prison

Chapter 793 Fleeing in a panic

Chapter 793 Fleeing in a panic
Before Wang Long could make a move, the turbulent profound breath released had already shocked everyone.

Du Jia fell to the ground and struggled for a while, then finally stood up tremblingly.

"Okay! How dare you do something to me, the president of the Longguo Chamber of Commerce, I think you don't want to mess around!"

Du Jia's eyes were full of anger, he stared straight at Wang Long, and at the same time waved his hand:
"You guys, give me a good lesson on this bastard!"

As soon as the words fell, a few strong bodyguards in suits and leather shoes not far away rushed forward, waving heavy fists and preparing to smash them down!

But before they succeeded, there was another violent wave of air, which sent several people flying several meters in an instant!
Even Sun Zihan couldn't help showing a look of astonishment when he saw this scene.

It seems that in the dark, Wang Long's strength is much stronger than before!
Originally, Du Jia wanted to take advantage of his superiority in numbers and give Wang Long a blow.

But who knew that his people had already been defeated by Wang Long's aura before they even got close!

Looking at the mob around him, Wang Long couldn't help showing a playful smile on his face.

These people are even far inferior to those opponents he has defeated in the ring!
Seeing this situation, Du Jia, who was still arrogant and domineering before, completely froze in place, unable to say a word for a long time.

Just when she was secretly flustered, Wang Long suddenly aimed his cold eyes at herself!
Du Jia was frightened and trembled all over, and stepped back involuntarily.

"You...what do you want to do? I am the president of the Longguo Chamber of Commerce! If you dare to mess around, I will make your company unable to survive!"

"President of the chamber of commerce? Why have I never heard of such a person before?" Wang Long frowned slightly, with a little disdain in his eyes.

"Could it be that you are taking advantage of my absence and trying to bully others?"

As soon as this remark came out, it seemed that Du Jia's real purpose had just been exposed, and she couldn't think of a word to refute it for a long time.

"Okay! Since you are the ones who are unkind first, don't blame us for being unrighteous!"

Du Jia knew that he was not Wang Long's opponent, so he simply said such a harsh word, and led everyone to flee in a hurry.

Seeing the backs of a group of people leaving in embarrassment, Wang Long just sneered, not paying attention to them at all.

At this time, Sun Zihan was watching Wang Long silently, and seemed to have a thousand words, but he couldn't say anything for a while.

"Let's go into the house first." After a moment of silence, Sun Zihan just turned around and walked into the house.

Looking at the room where he had been away for a long time, Wang Long finally had a feeling of going home.

Sun Zihan first poured a glass of water for Wang Long, and then said in a deep voice: "Since the last time you and the defense forces jointly acted, I have never heard from you again, and Guardian Song and the others refused to disclose your information to me at all. Your whereabouts have caused rumors in the outside world that you were killed by a mysterious ancient martial artist! There are no bones left!"

Although Sun Zihan was not willing to believe such rumors, as the rumors from the outside world became more and more, even she couldn't help feeling worried for Wang Long.

Hearing these words, Wang Long frowned slightly, feeling guilty for a while.

Ever since Situ Shuo was dealt with in the dense forest, Wang Long planned to leave the Huanxing Holy Realm as soon as possible.

But who knew that after waiting for half a month in Fairy Lake City, the passage finally opened again!
And before that, the lord of Xianhu City was still trying to persuade Wang Long, intending to keep him in the Holy Land to work for him.

If it wasn't for Wang Long's resolute attitude, I'm afraid it would be difficult to escape for a year or a half, let alone a month!

It is conceivable that during this period of time, Sun Zihan had to manage the company's affairs and also had to face external factors, and how much pressure he had endured.

Thinking of this, Wang Long stretched out his hand, took Sun Zihan's petite body into his arms, and said softly:

"Don't worry, the matter has been resolved, and I will never leave you again in the future!"

On weekdays, Sun Zihan has always shown herself as a strong woman. From the outsiders' eyes, it seems that no difficulty can crush her.

Only by Wang Long's side can she rarely show her weak side.

"Then where have you been during this time? Why is there no news at all?"

Hearing these words, Wang Lung was silent for a moment.

There were too many things that happened during this period, and for a while, he didn't know how to describe it to Sun Zihan.

More importantly, for an ordinary person like Sun Zihan, it may be impossible to understand what is Huanxing Holy Land.

After much deliberation, Wang Long still decided to keep this secret for now.

"It's a long story. I'll explain it to you slowly when I have a chance in the future. You should tell me first, what are those people doing just now, and why did they come to you suddenly?"

Sun Zihan nodded in agreement, and then told the whole story.

It turned out that Du Jia brought people to the company to visit Sun Zihan the day after Wang Long entered the holy realm.

At the beginning, she just claimed that she was the president of the Longguo Chamber of Commerce, and asked Sun Zihan's company to join the Chamber of Commerce and pay the membership fee.

"At that time, she told me that joining the chamber of commerce could bring more opportunities to the company. I also thought about it seriously and wanted to agree when I thought it was feasible. The company's shares are transferred to the chamber of commerce, so as to obtain membership qualifications, otherwise, the chamber of commerce will come forward to sanction the development of the company!"

"These guys are clearly trying to plunder!" Wang Long clenched his fists, and a flash of murder flashed in his eyes.

Sun Zihan nodded, but his expression was slightly helpless.

After all, the influence of the Longguo Chamber of Commerce cannot be underestimated. The companies that tried to fight against the Chamber of Commerce before are now forced to find it difficult to survive.

For this reason, Sun Zihan proposed consultations with Du Jia more than once, trying to seek some room for maneuver.

"However, you have seen President Du's attitude, and he is absolutely unwilling to give in! The chamber of commerce has already taken measures to require any company not to cooperate with our company. Those cooperation projects that have been negotiated before are now forced to fall into the trap. Shutdown, if you hadn't arrived in time today, I'm afraid the shares of Haijin Branch would have been given to them for nothing!"

Hearing these words, Wang Long immediately decided to deal with the matter himself.

"You come forward in person? Is this really okay? After all, you haven't asked about business matters for a long time."

"It doesn't matter." Wang Long shook his head: "Since I am one of the shareholders of the company, this matter has something to do with me. In this way, the Longguo Chamber of Commerce will not only touch your interests, but also provoke Feilong. meeting!"

While speaking, Wang Long's eyes suddenly flashed coldness.

"I want them to know what will happen if they dare to fight against Wang Long!"

(End of this chapter)

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