Chapter 960

"Where is this place?" Wang Long looked around, he could only see the scene of more than one meter around, it was because the mutant rat had its own light, otherwise Wang Long couldn't see it clearly at all.

"Of course this is my cave! I didn't expect that I've made it so secretive, you can still find it." Wishing the big mouse thought that Wang Long could enter the cave all by himself.

In fact, the reason is very simple, it is because he created quicksand phenomenon when digging the cave, otherwise Wang Long would not have discovered his cave so quickly.

Originally, he wanted to deceive a big mouse because he wanted to play it by ear, but the dinosaur in the first level told him that Wanglong was a master.

Moreover, there is still no news about the beast in the second level, and it is very likely that it has been wiped out by Wang Long.

The mutant rat, no matter how powerful he is, he has to look at the situation, but he is not timid at all.

"Stop talking nonsense!" The mutated rat didn't give Wang Long a chance to attack, and attacked directly.

Wang Long was grateful for it in his heart, because the mutant rat had its own light, so it was very clear where it went.

So Wang Long started to run around, he didn't take the initiative to fight back, but avoided, until after visiting the whole middle school, Wang Long understood his current situation very well.

If he wanted to leave, he had to eliminate the mutant rat in front of him, otherwise he might die here.

At that time, there will be no dead bodies, and the day will be seen.


Wang Long snorted coldly. Now that he understood the surrounding scene, he didn't restrain his hands and feet. The senses of cultivators are better than ordinary people.

In fact, his eyes can't see everything around him clearly now. Wang Long quickly gained the upper hand when he recalled the terrain he had explored before.

"Squeak..." The mutated rat was obviously attacked by Wang Long and lost its good temper. It angrily left the most primitive classroom.

And Wang Long also picked up the weapon in his hand and slashed at it when it was injured, but at that critical moment, the mutant rat actually bit Wang Long's foot!
"Ah!" One person and one mouse announced their results at the same time.

Wang Long's sword had already cut off the mutant rat's head, but his foot was also bitten off.

If not treated as soon as possible, it is very likely that he will become disabled. Wang Long sat down quickly, not caring about the blood around him.

He quickly took out the medicinal powder from the secret realm of the jade pendant, rubbed it on the wound on his foot, and the flesh and blood that had been bitten off were connected again.

This miraculous phenomenon is really surprising. If it was before, Wang Long would never believe it, but now he saw it with his own eyes.

And it happened to him, Wang Long sighed more.

"Huh!" Seeing that his feet have almost recovered, but they can't exercise vigorously, and they can't support the next battle.

Wang Long knew that he had to stop, and he also realized that he had been rushing through three levels recklessly during this period, all relying on the secret realm.

If there is no secret realm, he will most likely die here.

Now that the mutant rat has been dealt with, the next step is to think about how to get out of this cave.

That mutant rat came in by digging the ground, but if he wanted to get out, he had to dig until the year of the monkey!

He felt exhausted all over, and at this moment, Wang Lung heard movement.

Suddenly there was a bright light above his head, Wang Long subconsciously covered his eyes, and when he put down his hand, he saw the light above his head.

He could still see the sun hanging high in the sky, and the boa constrictor poked its head in, "Master, are you down here?"

Hearing the boa constrictor's concerned words, he finally came to his senses, "I'm right below, you save me up first!"

This place should be restricted, Wang Long wanted to fly up, but found that he couldn't fly at all, so he had to wait until the python rescued him.

The boa constrictor also cleverly dug a huge tree over, and Wang Long climbed the trunk to the ground.

"Master, are you okay?" Seeing that Wang Long's feet were covered in blood, the boa constrictor crawled over worriedly.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry, I'm almost fine." Although he said this, only Wang Long knew about his injury.

"What shall we do next?" The boa constrictor was still worried.

This time Wang Long didn't reply immediately, he fell silent.

But the boa constrictor didn't continue to question, it stayed beside Wang Long quietly.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and when the boa constrictor thought he was going to paint, Wang Long spoke.

"We can't continue to be so reckless anymore. If we want to go out, we must increase our strength. Just the mutant rat ranked seventh has already seriously injured me. The further we go, the more serious it will be..."

Wang Lung didn't continue to speak. It doesn't matter what he said clearly, even the boa constrictor could understand the truth.

"Since this is the case, what should we do now?" Did they understand it very well.

After all, he is just a ferocious beast and has no human intelligence at all.

"I have observed that there are no other beasts in this little grass, and I have killed the first big mouse. It is very safe here. I decided to practice here." Only when the strength improves to a higher level, can Wang Long Keep going.

The boa constrictor nodded, "I will obey the master."

The time for recuperation always passed quickly, and the days of cultivation were lost like sand in the hands, several months had passed in a blink of an eye.

Wang Long's injury has healed a lot, and relying on various natural help from the island, his strength has improved to a higher level.

After stopping, Wang Long realized that he was feeling light all over.

Walking on the ground seems to fly at any time.

But the boa constrictor has not been idle for a while. Seeing his master's cultivation level getting higher and higher, he knew that he couldn't hold back any longer, so he also practiced along with him.

Wang Long suddenly discovered that two horns appeared on the top of the boa constrictor's head. It seems that you have cultivated very well during this period of time.

He has never disliked boa constrictors, but the beasts around him are stronger than others, Wang Long is also very happy!
"It's all because you are by the master's side. When you are cultivating, your whole body will emit a kind of light. We are bathed in the light and our strength gradually increases."

Listening to the words of the boa constrictor, Wang Long knew that he was talking about the Nine Suns Kung Fu that he practiced, but he did not expect that the Kung Fu has such a miraculous effect.

"As long as you stay by my side, you will have everything you want in the future!" Wang Long's strength became higher, and his words also floated up.

He patted himself on the chest, and the boa constrictor was still acting like it was doing, lighting its huge snake head.

"Stop talking about that, let's speed up!" Wang Long glanced around, and suddenly frowned.

He deliberately chose the highest point of the island before practicing in seclusion, but now he suddenly found that the surroundings were surrounded by sea water! "this?"

"Master, when you are practicing in seclusion, the sea water will rise up."

(End of this chapter)

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