Ares out of prison

Chapter 961 The Strong Is King

Chapter 961 The Strong Is King

Looking at the large expanse of waves, Wang Long couldn't help complaining: "How can we get across such a long and deep sea?"

"Actually, I just observed that there are sharks prowling in this sea. If you can subdue a shark, it can save you across the river!"

The boa constrictor looked at the sea water, and offered advice to Wang Long.

Looking at this bottomless sea, there are indeed some sharks infesting, and it is a way to use sharks to cross the sea.

Thinking of this, Wang Long closed his eyes slightly, and the sound of the surrounding waves gradually disappeared in his mind, replaced by a huge shark.

If anyone could see Wang Long's appearance at this time, he would definitely be shocked by the golden light emitting from his body. Where the light spots were scattered, pythons were circling in them.

The huge sea wave also slowly transformed into shape, the silver-white dragon hovered in the sky, and the huge sound roared, making people feel that they were dazzled.

In such a spectacular scene, a shark finally poked its head out. As the python said, this shark is very huge. It fixedly looked at the giant dragon in the sky, and its small eyes seemed to be full of curiosity.

Seeing what he wanted, Wang Long put away his exercises, and the giant dragon in the sky disappeared, and the shark finally noticed Wang Long and the python standing upright beside him.

"Do you dare to come here?"

Looking at Wang Long's not strong body, the voice of a shark came out of his mouth.

This is indeed a place that should not be underestimated. Most of the fierce beasts can speak out their words, but Wang Long is not surprised: "Since you can live here, then your place is probably not an inaccessible place. Why can't I come here?" ?”

The shark gave him a look of disdain, and was about to leave with a flick of its tail.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wang Long hurriedly stopped it: "I invite you here today, do you want to cross the sea?"

"You want to cross the sea, what does it have to do with me?"

The shark seemed to have heard some joke, and laughed "hehe".If it had a human body, it would surely bend over with a smile in front of Wang Lung.

"I can let you come, naturally I want you to help."

Wang Long ignored the shark's ridicule, but explained very seriously: "You also know that the sea is not so high in the first place, so I don't need to bother you, but now..."

"You are young, but you are not small. In this world, how many people dare to order me like you? You can cross this sea if you can. If you can't, you will starve to death here!"

After speaking, the shark flicked its tail triumphantly, and plunged into the water.

"Master, what should we do?"

Seeing that there were no more sharks on the sea, the boa constrictor couldn't help but asked suspiciously. Seeing that Wang Lung was not only not worried, but sat on the shore leisurely, it finally swam away: "Why don't I try?" Let's see if I can get you there?"

Wang Long didn't answer, but a little smile appeared on his face.


As soon as the "3" fell, the sea water suddenly churned, and the giant shark flew out of the sea, mixed with the dark sea water, it floated on the water and glared at Wang Long: "What did you do?"

It turned out that just after the giant shark swam back, it seemed to be separated from the sea by a transparent and hard wall. No matter how it moved forward, this wall could not break through, so that even if it saw food, it could only look at it. Just look.

As it and Wang Long said just now, starving to death in this sea is...

"I told you a long time ago, take me across the sea, everything is easy to talk about."

Wang Long said leisurely and leisurely, regardless of the anger value of the shark that was about to burst.

All of a sudden, the sea water seemed to have great power to condense into shape, and it flew towards Wang Long like a pair of water daggers. Wang Long's pupils shrank. It seemed that this shark also had the power to manipulate sea water.

A ray of light slowly emerged from his hand, soft like water surrounding the ice daggers, and in a blink of an eye, those sharp daggers turned into tiny needles, turned and flew towards the shark.

Seeing that his weapon abandoned its mission and turned against him, the shark panicked, and it sank rapidly, but even so, it still did not escape those tiny water needles, those needles full of power. Even more terrifying than the water daggers, not only densely packed, but also extremely lethal, they quickly brushed past the shark's body, leaving many small wounds on its body.

The shark looked at the wound on his body in disbelief. Before that, he was the overlord of this ocean. He had no natural enemies, let alone rivals. It can be said that he was the king.

The man in front of him was his first opponent since he could remember.

Anger and unwillingness quickly dominated the shark's heart. It roared, and the whole ocean trembled. Its tail made huge waves in the ocean. It quickly swam towards the surface of the sea, trying to slap Wang Long to death.

What made it unpredictable was that just after it surfaced, the giant dragon above its head made it look dumbfounded. Before it could react, the giant dragon swooped towards it, and the huge impact made it start Unexpectedly, even water is full of lethality after it is full of strength, the shark just fell and smashed a huge hole in the sea.

When he woke up again, the shark only felt that his whole body was in pain and powerless, and the wound from the water needle on his body was still aching. It failed to die.

"Have you made up your mind?"

The familiar voice that made it hate it sounded, and it opened its eyes weakly, only to see Wang Long and the boa constrictor standing firmly in front of it, and the playfulness in their eyes made it angry, but after all, it could only say sincerely: "I lost."

"Take me across the sea." Wang Long just made such a request lightly.

The shark looked at him, closed his eyes weakly,

Wang Long finally came to his senses. He squatted down and took out a light green elixir from his bosom. The elixir was fragrant and gave off a faint fluorescence.He stuffed it into the shark's mouth and sat cross-legged.

In a colorful illusion, the shark heard a low Sanskrit sound, and under the guidance of this Sanskrit sound, it slowly opened its eyes.

What came into view was still Wang Long's face.It's just that this time it's different from the last time, not only is its body full of strength again, it's even much stronger than before.

The shark finally understood that the ordinary-looking man in front of him was not as weak as he imagined, he was even very strong. With the belief that "the strong is king", he finally lowered his head: "I will take you across the sea .”

(End of this chapter)

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