Chapter 98

"What are you doing!" Manager Xu took a long time to come back to his senses, and directly reprimanded him.

This research is worth tens of millions!All key information is recorded here!

Wang Long actually tore it into pieces?I'm afraid this person is crazy!

Not only Manager Xu and Meng Yuan, but Sun Zihan also looked at Wang Long in disbelief at this moment, unable to say a word for a long time.

But Wang Long did not rush, and said slowly:
"The so-called information is nothing more than a piece of paper. The real key is the person in charge of this research, right?"

This sentence is correct. Although the information is gone, as long as Meng Yuan is still there, the research can continue.

But the problem now is that Wang Long is in front of so many people, making it impossible for them to get off the stage. How could Meng Yuan still be willing to stay in this project?
And even if he keeps it, he will probably offer even harsher conditions.

"That's right, without me, it would be impossible for your research to continue!"

Meng Yuan's tone was tinged with disdain, and she had already planned how to make things difficult for Sun Zihan.

But Wang Long didn't think so, and replied coldly:

"Sorry, this research doesn't need you anymore, so go away."

"What?" Meng Yuan was stunned, staring blankly at Wang Long, unable to believe her ears.

He is the core figure in the whole research, how dare he let himself go?

What's more, Wang Long is not an employee of the company, so what right does he have to speak nonsense here?

"If you tell me to go away, I will go away? Who are you? It seems that this company doesn't have your share of speech?"

The real boss hasn't spoken yet, so where is it Wang Long's turn to make a decision?

But at this time, Wang Long suddenly turned his head and stared at Sun Zihan.

"Zihan, are you willing to give your years of hard work to these two heartless things?"

"If you really give up the position of the boss, do you think they will honor their promise?"

"At the beginning you supported them like this, and in the end they will treat you like this. If you lose your position as the boss, you will be of no use to them!"

Wang Long's words made Sun Zihan fall into deep thought.

This is indeed the case, these two people have treated me so much, and I still have expectations of them, this is simply ridiculous!

"But this project is really important, if there is no Meng Yuan..."

"It doesn't matter, even if the project fails, I can't let this kind of villain succeed!"

Wang Long's voice hit Sun Zihan's soul like a heavy hammer, but it really woke him up suddenly.

yes!Why should I let this kind of person take advantage of my hard work over the years?
If the project is gone, you can come back again. The big deal is to lose money and get in. After such a difficult time, is there any hurdle that you can't overcome?
"I'm sorry, Mr. Xu, Mr. Meng, starting today, you have nothing to do with the company!"

"What did you say?" Manager Xu was stunned.

He couldn't believe that this woman actually dared to fire the two of them?
"Mr. Sun, you have to be responsible for what you say! Have you considered the consequences of doing this?"

"It's nothing more than losing money, even going bankrupt, and I won't let people like you succeed in their schemes!"

Sun Zihan's face was full of indifference, it seemed that he had made up his mind to drive these two people away.

Seeing this, Meng Yuan felt a little panicked.

When his own company sent him here, it was to let him devote himself to research.

If his boss found out, not only did Sun Zihan's company come to Sun Zihan's company, but he didn't come up with any tricks. Instead, he colluded with Manager Xu and was driven back!

In that case, I'm afraid that if the benefits are not reaped, I will lose my job!

"Mr. Sun, let's discuss things carefully! You know, this research cannot continue without me!"

"I've made it very clear that my company doesn't need people like you, so get out!"

Sun Zihan yelled at them sharply, seeing that the two still had no intention of leaving, Wang Long simply clenched his fists and stepped forward aggressively.

Manager Xu didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly left the conference room.

He would rather walk than suffer a severe beating!
Seeing that her masters had left, Meng Yuan naturally wouldn't stay any longer, so she had no choice but to leave in despair.

"You guys, if anyone has the same idea as Manager Xu, get the hell out of here! I won't stop you!"

Sun Zihan's tone was very firm, it seemed that he had really made up his mind.

Several vice presidents looked at each other in blank dismay, each of them not even daring to say a word.

After all, Sun Zihan is the boss of the company. If he contradicts her at this juncture, wouldn't that ruin his job?
Just like that, the few of them didn't dare to say anything more, so they could only leave the conference room one after another.

After everyone left, only Sun Zihan and Wang Long were left in the conference room.

Only then did she let out a long sigh of relief, and she felt a burst of incomparable relief in her heart.

In the past few days, for this project, I was devastated and had trouble sleeping and eating.

It's good now, I don't have these troubles all of a sudden.

It's just that this relaxed feeling didn't last long, and Sun Zihan began to worry again.

"Wang Long, if this research really can't go on, what should we do?"

"It's okay, I think you all think too highly of Meng Yuan, but he's not that important!"

Although Sun Zihan didn't know where Wang Long came from, he dared to say such a thing.

But for some reason, when she heard these words, she still felt very at ease, as if with Wang Long, all difficulties would be easily solved.

But after a while, new difficulties came to the door.

"Mr. Sun, it's not good. Meng Yuan led his research team to resign collectively!"

Long Fei hurried into the conference room, frowning.

Most of this research is supported by Meng Yuan and his team. Once they leave, the whole research will only be suspended.

But this was within Wang Long's expectation.

How could these two people leave the company honestly with their stomach full of bad water?

Sun Zihan also acted calmly, after all, she also guessed that there might be such an ending.

"Then Mr. Sun, what about our company's research project now?"

Without Meng Yuan's team, the rest are just some insignificant people, not enough to continue the research.

"I will handle this myself, you go down first!"

Long Fei didn't dare to say anything more, so she left the conference room obediently.

Sun Zihan felt dizzy and couldn't help leaning on Wang Long's shoulder.

"What should I do..."

Wang Long took Sun Zihan into his arms and gently stroked her hair.

"Don't worry, and me, the project will not fail!"

(End of this chapter)

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