Ares out of prison

Chapter 99 Prescriptions

Chapter 99 Prescriptions
That being said, Wang Long doesn't know anything about cosmetics, what can I do to help her?
What's more, the new product developed this time is a cosmeceutical, which is also mixed with a lot of medical knowledge.

It is precisely because of this that they need to invite a top medical student like Meng Yuan to be in charge of research and development.

Now that Meng Yuan is gone, it is equivalent to losing the most important part of the cosmeceutical.

"You? Forget it, thank you for your kindness, but you really can't help this time."

Wang Long shook his head: "No, you give me one night, and I promise to wipe away all your troubles."

"What are you talking about!" Sun Zihan slapped Wang Long shyly.

Originally, he wanted to help Sun Zihan pass this test, but he got hit for no reason, which made Wang Long feel a little confused.

"Why did you hit me?"

"Why don't you say it! What dirty things are you thinking in your own mind?"

Only then did Wang Long realize that Sun Zihan might have misunderstood what he just said.

"Where do you want to go? What I mean is, I can help you draw up the formula of those medicines, and then you can add the formula of cosmetics yourself. This shouldn't be difficult for you, right?"

Sun Zihan thought about it, and it was true.

All the researchers in her entire company make cosmetics, so of course they are at their fingertips.

But they don't know anything about the ratio of medicines.

But Wang Lung actually said such a thing?Could it be that he is also knowledgeable about medicinal materials?

But as far as she knew, Wang Long was a person who hadn't even gone to university. How could he have such knowledge?

"Can you really do it?"

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me, there is absolutely no problem!"

Seeing Wang Long's confident appearance, Sun Zihan thought, anyway, now that Meng Yuan is gone, he can't find other technicians for a while, so he can only trust Wang Long first.

Back home, Wang Long cooked a table of meals for Sun Zihan first, and after coaxing her to finish eating, he locked himself in the room and wrote quickly.

Relying on the memory in his mind, Wang Long reproduced the original materials he had seen before.

Not only that, he also added a few herbs to it based on his own knowledge to make the effect of the medicine more extreme.

Although it is true that Wang Long has not read many books, it does not mean that he has not studied pharmacy.

I think when he was in prison, he met an old prison guard who was proficient in various pharmacies.

The usual work is boring, and when he is free, he will learn various medical skills from the old prison guards, which he has already learned by heart.

What's more, the scripture book obtained in the spiritual world before also recorded a lot of pharmacological knowledge, and Wang Long had already thoroughly understood that book.

Even the high-quality Yuanzhen Dan can be refined, let alone a small cosmeceutical.

In just one hour, Wang Long wrote a full prescription.

When the last medicinal material was written, he finally put down his pen and yawned contentedly.

I checked the time, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

After carefully keeping the prescription, he fell headfirst on the bed and fell asleep soundly.

Early the next morning, Wang Long knocked on Sun Zihan's door, urging her to go to the company with him quickly.

Even Sun Zihan still looked listless, but Wang Long was extremely excited.

The two walked past Sun Xueying and Liu Juan just like that.

"What happened to brother-in-law today? Didn't you rarely go to sister's company before?"

Sun Xueying felt a little strange when she saw Wang Long's appearance.

"What else can I do? I just want to be by Zihan's side and arrange a job for him! I really plan to have a soft meal for the rest of my life!"

When the two arrived at the company, Wang Long handed over the pharmacy written yesterday to Sun Zihan.

When the latter saw the densely packed words on the white paper, he suddenly felt like he was reading a prescription written by an old Chinese doctor.

Don't say that I don't know most of the characters above, even if I know one or two, I don't know what kind of medicine it is.

"Is this what you asked your former friend to write?"

Sun Zihan thought to himself, didn't Wang Long give Granny Sun a pill on her birthday?

Moreover, the elixir was praised by the famous Doctor Song from Beihai, which is enough to show that Wang Long's friend is proficient in pharmacy.

It is estimated that only his friend can write such a detailed prescription.

But who knew that Wang Long shook his head and said that he wrote all these by himself.

"What? You wrote it yourself? When?"

"Last night, after you fell asleep."

Sun Zihan's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

With so many things, when will this be written?

"when did you sleep lastnight?"

"It's not long, it's only a little over!"

Wang Long laughed, and Sun Zihan noticed that there was indeed a trace of fatigue on his face.

"Okay, it's not important, hurry up and ask your men to collect these medicinal materials and continue to develop them!"

Wang Long hurriedly urged, but Sun Zihan shook his head after thinking for a while.

"No, I can't do that."


The reason is actually very simple, but she couldn't bear to say it out, for fear of hurting Wang Long.

This is the most important research and development project since the establishment of the company. How could it be easy to trust a prescription written by a non-professional?

Even if Wang Long wrote the contents of the information through his own memory, if there is a slight error, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

Sun Zihan didn't dare to gamble with the hard work of all the staff.

It's just that even if Sun Zihan didn't want to say it, Wang Long could guess her worries.

"Don't worry, Zihan, I'm willing to guarantee with my life that this prescription will definitely work!"

Sun Zihan didn't know where Wang Long's confidence came from, but seeing his firm eyes, it was hard not to believe him.

Is there really no other choice?

While Sun Zihan was struggling, Secretary Long suddenly walked into her office.

"Mr. Sun, Party B's company has called to inquire, what shall we do?"

Hearing these words, Sun Zihan's eyes trembled slightly.

There is only less than a week left before the deadline for cooperation, but until now, the product has not been seen yet.

Seeing that Sun Zihan didn't answer for a while, Wang Long simply decided on his own and handed the prescription in her hand to Long Fei.

"Secretary Long, you give this to the researchers and ask them to mix the medicine according to this recipe!"


Faced with this unknown prescription, Long Fei didn't know what to do, so she cast a questioning expression on Sun Zihan.

"Do as he says."

(End of this chapter)

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