Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 122 Meeting and Exchange Meeting

Chapter 122 Meeting and Exchange Meeting

Anyway, the lecture theater was boiling.

Full of joy and doubt.

"How could it be Professor Ye!" A senior shouted.

A senior sister was full of nympho, "Professor Ye is so handsome!"

A roommate next to Qi Qing was dumbfounded, "The school really wants Professor Ye to substitute for us? Oh my god!"

A male student at the back said very excitedly: "I've heard of inviting singers to teach vocal music, and I've heard of inviting actors to teach acting. I can accept you even if you invite athletes to teach sports, but what about our school? Invite a world-class mathematics master to teach us Chinese? Isn't this too nonsense? Thinking about it is exciting!"

Qi Qing almost jumped up, "I'm going!"

Other students also had round eyeballs.

Only my sister-in-law looked like "I knew it a long time ago", and she didn't respond.


Shouts could be heard in the corridors outside the classroom.

The dean of the Department of Chinese, Zhao Huangming, came with a few teachers from the department. He actually didn't want to come. That bastard, Ye Feng, scolded the five oldest professors in the department and ran away. Huang Ming was so pissed off, he wanted to bite Ye Feng to death now.However, he also knew how important Ye Feng was to Principal Wu, since Principal Wu brought him here to meet the students himself, it would be inappropriate for him not to come as the principal.

However, what he didn't expect was that Ye Feng was so popular?
You are a math teacher, okay?
"Principal Wu."

"Principal Wu."

Zhao Huangming came in with several teachers and professors.

Principal Wu nodded, "They're all here? Professor Chen is here too? Aren't you planning to visit and study at Peking University? Why do you have time?"

The 50-year-old Professor Chen said with a smile: "I heard that Ye Zi is here, I am very interested, so I came to have a look. Professor Ye's poems are very well written, and I have admired them for a long time." He also teaches poetry in the Chinese Department On the other hand, he is still a member of the Poetry Association, but he didn't participate in the last time Ye Feng swept the poetry world, he just watched the excitement.Professor Chen admired Ye Feng's accomplishments in poetry from the bottom of his heart.

In the classroom, the students are still talking about it.

Zhao Huangming helped Ye Feng suppress the end, "Everyone be quiet, listen to Professor Ye." If you are not satisfied with Ye Fenggui, you are not satisfied, but in front of the students, Zhao Huangming still has to give Ye Feng face, at least The students can't see that he, the dean of the Chinese Department, doesn't trust Ye Feng, otherwise Ye Feng won't be able to guide the students.

The majesty of the dean is still very high, the students stopped discussing immediately, and sat there quietly one by one.

Ye Feng looked at Principal Wu and Dean Zhao, "Principal Wu? Dean Zhao?"

Principal Wu waved his hand with a smile, took Zhao Huangming and a few teachers and sat in the first row, "This is your class, and it's also the first time you meet the students, so you decide." Principal Wu came over, actually It's because of Ye Feng's pressure. Now the students are becoming more and more disobedient. Although Haida is a famous institution, there are many thorns. Usually, the smarter the children, the more rebellious they are, and they like to challenge the teacher. authority.

However, at present, although some students doubt Ye Feng's teaching, there are also quite a few students who welcome Ye Feng very much.

Hmm, kind of polarized.

Ye Feng nodded and said, "Okay."

The students in the room below all looked at him intently.

Ye Feng coughed softly, this was the first time he was standing on the podium, he was a little nervous at first, but after actually standing here, Ye Feng was not so nervous anymore.

"Hi everyone, I'm Ye Feng."

Ye Feng's voice was very soft, and at this time he was no longer as careless as he used to be, "Maybe some of you know me, and some of you don't know me, no matter what I did before, but from now on, I will be everyone's teacher, I will take these three elective courses this semester first."

"As for me, I'm more casual." Ye Feng looked at the students below, and said with a smile: "My class doesn't have so many rules. I haven't taught them before, and I don't know much about those rules. But, I used to go to college, and I know that whether or not I pass the final exam depends on the teacher's mood, if any of you don't come to class, well, it doesn't matter, but it may affect my mood."


Many students were very happy.

It doesn't matter what the hell, is it so oblique to talk about literature?

Just say that if you skip class, you will fail the subject.

Ye Feng's words immediately enlivened the atmosphere in the classroom.

Many students felt that no matter how well Professor Ye taught, at least he was quite humorous.

Even Headmaster Wu and Headmaster Zhao couldn't help nodding their heads, Ye Feng still has two brushes, at least this first step was taken well.

You must know that it is not easy to be a good teacher. You must not only be knowledgeable, but also know how to get along with your classmates.Back then, they had a very knowledgeable professor at Haida University, but because they didn’t know how to get along with their classmates, those students were particularly disgusted with this teacher. During class, they either slept or deliberately made things difficult. Anyway, in his class On the Internet, except for students who are not serious about studying, they can do everything.

Ye Feng's approach is very wise. He said to the students: "I know that everyone is very busy now, and I don't want to take up your time. How about this, let's conduct this meeting and exchange by asking questions, so hurry up. It can also quickly let us get to know each other. Well, there is no limit to the number of times, as long as you want to ask, you can ask anything."


"Ask anything?"

"I me me!"

Many people raised their hands.

Qi Qing and her roommates also raised their hands.

Everyone's enthusiasm is still very high. Before any new teacher came to class, everyone has never been so enthusiastic. The main reason is that everyone is too curious about Ye Feng, a legendary figure, and Ye Feng doesn't want to be as rigid as those traditional professors. Ye Feng is so young, it is the first time for everyone to experience this novelty, and the mood is naturally high.

Qi Qing raised her hand very high and shook it so much that she was about to stand up.

Ye Feng also noticed her, she is not very beautiful, she looks ordinary, sitting next to Su Ling looks like a green leaf.Ye Feng remembered that this girl was Su Ling's best friend.

"This classmate." Ye Feng pointed at Qi Qing, "This one with short hair."

Qi Qing immediately stood up with a look of surprise, and said, "Hello, Professor Ye, my question is, when will you update the novel? We are almost dying of anxiety."

"Ha ha!"

"That's a great question!"

The group of novel fans in the class booed one after another.

Zhao Huangming shook his head speechlessly, what kind of problem is this?

Ye Feng, who was standing on the podium, swayed and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. This girl is really poisonous, which pot you can't open.However, Ye Feng still replied: "Don't worry, hurry up."

"Which day is it soon? Tomorrow?" Qi Qing asked persistently.

"Tomorrow! Yes, it is tomorrow!"

Ye Feng stroked his forehead, this funny look made the people below laugh out loud.

After getting an affirmative answer, Qi Qing sat down in satisfaction.

"Next question, the male student in the back." Qi Qing sat down, and Ye Feng called the male student in the back row.

The male student stood up and said, "Professor Ye, what is your relationship with Su Ning?"



There was another booing.

This time, not only Zhao Huangming, but even Principal Wu twitched. What are these students asking?Gossip?

Ye Feng also had black lines all over his head, but after thinking about it for a while, he replied, "That's my goddess."

"Goddess? Then won't your wife be jealous?" the student asked again.

Ye Feng was speechless, my goddess is my wife, so jealous!
"That's her goddess too."

Ye Feng answered seamlessly, indeed, Su Ning once said that she is her own goddess.

The sister-in-law in the audience suppressed a smile and secretly gave Ye Feng a thumbs-up, then took out her mobile phone, opened the video with her sister, and whispered: "Sister, sister, look at brother-in-law, he looks good .”

At home, Su Ning was lying on her bed, holding her mobile phone, next to the little baby who was nestling in her mother's arms, hugging her mother's soft body, and looking at her father on the phone with wide eyes.

Ye Feng didn't pay attention to Su Ling's small movements, and didn't know that he had been broadcast live, so he called another student.

"Professor Ye, you are a world-class mathematics master, why don't you teach in the mathematics department? Instead, you come to our Chinese department?"

Hearing this question, Ye Feng twitched the corners of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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