Chapter 124

"You, that classmate by the window." Ye Feng pointed to a classmate below.

This is a third-year senior, she is very good at studying, even if she is a top student in the whole Haida, she is a head higher than Senior Dou.This senior is very popular among the teachers, and the students in the classroom all know her. However, this senior may be too good at studying. She always likes to ask the teacher some special professional questions. Many teachers The sudden ones would even be stumped by this senior, so the teachers also love and hate her.

"It's Senior Sister Sun."

"This time, the question is probably deeper."

"Khan, why did Professor Ye point to her? Isn't this asking for trouble?"

"That's right, Senior Sister Sun is a well-known super student in Haida, and even some teachers sometimes have to ask Senior Sister Sun for advice."

The students said everything below, and my sister-in-law was also a little worried. She frowned and said to the phone and her sister: "My brother-in-law is in trouble now."

Su Ning over there heard her sister's words, her heart suddenly lifted, and she looked at Ye Feng nervously.

Even Dean Zhao looked back at the senior and smiled with satisfaction. Obviously, he knew this senior and liked such students very much. He was probably the key training object of the department.

Senior Sister Sun is taking prose appreciation as an elective. After standing up, she pushed her thick glasses expressionlessly, and said unceremoniously: "Professor Ye, the students are convinced of your achievements in mathematics, poetry and novels. However, human energy is limited after all, and I don’t think you are necessarily qualified to teach in prose.”

As soon as the words fell, the students around were in an uproar.

"Sure enough, it's my senior sister Sun, overbearing!"

"There's no need to be so serious, is there?"

Su Ling also muttered in a low voice, "Sister Sun is too straightforward."

Su Ning on the other end was also slightly worried, but she didn't say anything.

But Ye Feng felt a little interesting, "Oh? You mean I can't teach you?"

Senior Sister Sun nodded shamelessly, "Students in other fields can only look up to you, but students are skeptical about your prose. If a teacher is not knowledgeable enough to convince the students, how can he be a teacher? What about a good teacher?"

This is a bit harsh.

However, it does make sense.If you don't have a little ink in your stomach, why do you teach your students?What can you teach your students?Be human?
"Sister Sun is not saving any face for Professor Ye!"

"This hat is a bit too big!"

"Does she have a grudge against your brother-in-law?" Qi Qing said with shame.

Su Ling was a little unhappy but said helplessly: "No way, Senior Sister Sun is such a person, there is no way!"

Dean Zhao didn't speak, just sat quietly.

Principal Wu frowned and stopped, "Xiao Sun, why are you talking to Professor Ye?"

Maybe it was because the principal was angry, Senior Sister Sun said indifferently: "Then I won't say anything, Professor Ye is sorry, the student is reckless, you can just be a student and say nothing."

Ye Feng was not angry either, he waved his hand at Principal Wu, and said with a smile: "Since I said it at the beginning, you can ask anything, there is nothing reckless or not."

Principal Wu glanced at Senior Sister Sun, then turned his head and nodded to Ye Feng. Since Ye Feng had already said that, he had nothing to say. He was also a little curious and wanted to see how Ye Feng would answer.

Ye Feng was not angry, but instead asked with great interest: "Student, how do you know that I don't understand prose?"

Senior Sister Sun said solemnly: "No! You misunderstood, I never said that you don't understand prose."

Ye Feng was taken aback for a moment, but smiled after a while.

He now understands what's going on.

This classmate was actually testing him!
What they said just now is that if you don’t understand prose, then you are not qualified to teach the course of prose appreciation. In other words, if you want to teach, you must let your classmates know that you understand prose!

Oh, kind of interesting.

The students also responded.

"Khan, it turns out that Senior Sister Sun wanted Professor Ye to show off his prose skills!"

"Scholar is amazing!"

"But Professor Ye really doesn't seem to have any works on prose."

"It seems not."

Ye Feng smiled and said, "You just asked me how to be a good teacher, right?"


Sister Sun didn't know what to say, she obviously didn't ask this question.

Seeing Ye Feng like this, other students also laughed.

"Professor Ye is amazing!"

"It's really shameless to change the subject with this hand (Su Ling's murderous gaze hits)... Uh, no, it's invincible."

"I didn't expect Professor Ye to be so black-bellied! Haha!"

Principal Wu looked at Ye Feng approvingly, not bad, that's what we have to do!Questions that cannot be answered can completely break through from the side!Not bad!
Zhao Huangming and several other classrooms in the department showed a trace of contempt in their eyes. There is indeed no problem with such an answer, but doesn't this mean that they have exposed their shortcomings in prose to the public?Although the circle is over now, how can I still have classes in the future?

Zhao Huangming wondered if he should talk to the principal later, don't let Ye Feng teach prose appreciation, so that Ye Feng can feel better and won't delay the students.

Ignoring what everyone was thinking, Ye Feng turned around and wrote a big "teacher" on the blackboard with a water pen.

Under everyone's puzzled gaze, Ye Feng turned around, looked at all the people in the audience, and said softly: "Ancient scholars must have teachers."

When Ye Feng said this sentence, countless people were stunned.

Many people think that their ears are wrong and they didn't hear clearly.

However, Ye Feng didn't pay attention to those things, and said calmly while supporting the podium, "Teacher, so preaching and getting rid of doubts."

All of a sudden, everyone can hear clearly!
Ancient Chinese!

It's ancient Chinese again!

Why say it again?


What the hell, Professor Ye scolded Professor Liu and the others in ancient Chinese!

That prose that Professor Ye scolded the street yesterday was his prose!

And it's ancient prose!
Maybe everyone's focus was on Ye Feng's scolding and running away of five old professors yesterday, but they didn't pay much attention to how Ye Feng scolded him.

But now, Ye Feng's mouth is full of ancient prose, and the students who went to the scene yesterday immediately remembered it.

Who said that Professor Ye has no prose works?

The article about Maxima is prose!
Everyone raised their spirits. Yesterday, Professor Ye scolded five very senior professors in the Chinese Department with an ancient essay, and finally left the scene in embarrassment and anger. What will Professor Ye do today?And, again, this was improvised on the spot?
Even Dean Zhao and several professors from the Chinese Department pricked up their ears and listened seriously.

They are not these hairy kids, they just know to watch the fun, they are all professional literature.Just these two sentences at the beginning of Ye Feng's article directly shook their spirits!
Especially the sentence "Teachers, so preaching and accepting karma to solve doubts" directly explained the question of what a teacher is!
I saw Ye Feng let out a breath, and said in a slow and melodious soft voice: "People are not born with knowledge, how can they be free from confusion? If you don't follow the teacher if you are confused, you will be confused, and you will never understand it..."

"Before I was born, I heard the Tao before me, and I learned from it;" Ye Feng smiled and glanced at Sun Xuejie, and said: "After I was born, he also heard the Tao before me, and I learned from it." Teacher. I am a teacher of Dao. I don’t know how many years I was born to me? That’s why there is no noble or cheap, no long and no young, the existence of the Tao is the existence of the teacher.”

Regardless of age, as long as you know more than me, you are my teacher!

But how much do you know about me?

Senior Sister Sun sat down silently, and the rest of the students twitched their mouths, sighing in their hearts: Professor Ye is really not easy to mess with!

Ye Feng smiled slightly, and suddenly raised his voice, appearing very stern: "Wow! It's been a long time since the teaching of teachers has not been passed on! It's hard to be without confusion! The ancient sages are far away from others. , I still ask if I am a teacher. Today's people, the saints are also far away, and they are ashamed to learn from their teachers. Therefore, the saints benefit the saints, and the fools benefit the fools. The reason why the saint is holy and the reason why the fool is stupid is because Is it because of this?"

Ye Feng's eyes scanned the classmates back and forth in the class, and the students who were swept by Ye Feng all lowered their heads, and no one dared to look at Ye Feng.

Embarrass the teacher?

Examination teacher?

Heh, didn't he just look at himself a few times in his heart, and wanted to see if this teacher was qualified to teach him?
There is nothing wrong with doing this!
But is it right to do so?

You must know that everyone has their own strengths and places worthy of learning.

Not to mention, a teacher.

"A sage has no permanent teacher. Confucius taught Tanzi, Chang Hong, Shi Xiang, and Lao Dan. Tanzi's disciples are not as good as Confucius. Confucius said: If three people walk together, there must be my teacher." Ye Feng looked at everyone, indifferently Said: "That's why disciples don't have to be inferior to teachers, and teachers don't have to be better than disciples. There is a sequence in hearing the truth, and specialization in art, that's all."

The sentence was not changed, but two paragraphs were deleted by Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng finished his recitation, the classroom was already silent.

Whether it was Dean Zhao or the other professors, all of them were frowning and thinking.

Ye Feng's article really shocked them greatly.

Whether it is from the literary level or from the ideological level.

What is a teacher?

How can I be a teacher?Even being a good teacher?

I thought Ye Feng was changing the subject, but at this moment, everyone knew that Ye Feng didn't care about Senior Sister Sun's doubts at all.He really just wanted to simply show everyone his understanding of the teacher's way.

By the way, tell everyone that he knows prose.

At this time, Senior Sister Sun stood up and bowed deeply to Ye Feng, "Professor Ye, thank you!"

"You're welcome." Ye Feng smiled.


There was another round of thunderous applause. This is the first time this meeting has been held.All the other classes on the same floor should be very curious.

What is the class next door doing?

Are you having a party?

However, Ye Feng was not complacent because of this, he pressed his hand very calmly, and said, "Do you have any questions?"

This time, almost the whole class raised their hands.

"I am me."

"Call me."

"This one." Ye Feng randomly ordered one.

This is a well-behaved junior, he got up excitedly, looked at Ye Feng adoringly and said: "Professor Ye, you, you know so much knowledge, you are a great mathematician, poet, novelist, and even you The songs are quite researched, people always say that there is no limit to learning, but I think you are the one who is closest to the other side, can you, can you tell us where the end of knowledge is?"

Maybe he was too excited, this junior was a little trembling when he spoke.

The classroom was silent again.

The end of knowledge?
If it is said that knowledge really has an end, then, as this student said, Ye Feng is the one who is closest to the other shore.

Ye Feng thought for three seconds, then smiled lightly.

Turn around and take a pen.

On both sides of the big "teacher" on the blackboard, there is such a sentence written.

"The sea of ​​learning is boundless and the sky is the shore,"

"The peak of Book Mountain is man-made."

Everyone in the classroom, including Principal Wu and Dean Zhao, was staring blankly at the sentence on the blackboard and the person who wrote it.

(End of this chapter)

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