Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 150 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 150 Reaction of the Parties
In the afternoon, there were supposed to be two classes, but Director Zhao called Ye Feng and asked Ye Feng to take a rest and come back in a few days.

Ye Feng is Haida's "National Treasure" now, what if he is exhausted?
The little baby was playing with Su Ling downstairs, and Ye Feng was lying in the room to catch up on sleep. He got up too early today, and Professor Ye really needs to sleep well.

While Ye Feng was sleeping, the Internet was already bombarded with various news and news.

"The Only True Master of Contemporary Art and Science——Ye Feng! "

"Ye Feng: Revealing the Major Shortcomings in the History of Poetry Development!" "

"Poetry No.1, Professor Hai Daye! "

"Exclusive Interpretation of Professor Ye's Core Theory! "

"Following the Shock in the Mathematics World, Another Great Event Happened in the Chinese World!Was it caused by one person? "

Major newspapers have reported the relevant information one after another.And in the official circle of Haida University, the school also directly posted various videos of Ye Feng's lectures.In just one afternoon, it attracted widespread attention, and it can even be said to directly detonate the entire college circle!
I don't know how many people squeezed into Haida's circle to leave messages and comments.

"The history of poetry development is actually incomplete?"

"I'm going to fuck his second uncle! I've learned something for more than ten years, and you're telling me it's wrong now?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Is this man talking nonsense?"

"Anyway, he doesn't believe me!"

Many people who have little knowledge of poetry are questioning, but soon, some students who really study poetry stand up.

"Hehe, you guys are so funny. Please open your eyes and see who is doing the work in the audience, not to mention the professors of the Chinese Department of Haida University, look at the rest of them, they are all well-known experts and professors from various universities. If there is any flaw in what Professor Ye said, he will definitely die miserably! So, hehe."

"Although it's hard for me to accept it, at present, it seems that there is nothing wrong with what Professor Ye said."

"However, there is still no conclusion in the industry. I asked the teacher, and he said that it will take time to confirm. However, according to the teacher's opinion, it is almost inseparable."

"It's really hard to imagine that Professor Ye is not only unparalleled in the field of mathematics, but also has such a high attainment in poetry!"


"Professor Ye belongs to our school, so proud!"

"Oh, Haida is really about to rise now!"

"I have a hunch that next year the admission score for Haida University will definitely be raised... emmmmm"

In the college circle, there is a mess, you can say anything.Of course, it was a group of students discussing in full swing.None of the professors and experts from the prestigious universities spoke at this time.

say what?
I can't refute it again!
Soon, the celebrity circle also became lively.

I don't know who it was, but they picked up the video from Haida's circle and put it directly into the cat circle.

Now, Ye Zi's fans are excited.

"What the hell!"

"Boss Leaf is awesome!"

"Invincible invincible!"

"However, I still want to ask, when will the novel be updated?"

"I guess, Mr. Ye Zi has forgotten that he still writes novels?"

"That's not the point!" Suddenly, a fan said excitedly: "Look at that little girl! Is that the daughter of Mr. Ye Zi?"

"little girl?"

Many fans were taken aback, they were not experts or scholars, they just wanted to join in the fun, so naturally they didn't watch the video carefully, some even didn't watch it.Having said that, they turned over and took a look.


There really is a little girl.

Take a closer look.

Hold the grass!

"This, this, this little girl is so pretty!"

"Oh my God!"

"To be honest, this is definitely the daughter of Mr. Ye Zi. This is not the first time I have seen this little girl on the news!"

"Master Ye Zi actually has such a lovely daughter?"

"Father-in-law! From now on, Ye Zi will be my father-in-law! If he can't get along with my father-in-law, he can't get along with me!"

"Upstairs you are a beast! How old are you? If Mr. Ye Zi knows, he will kill you!"

"Um, well, I was wrong."

"What father-in-law! That's obviously my in-laws!"

"Stop talking, draw your sword and fight!"

The little baby accidentally became popular in the cat circle. Of course, because the picture is blurry, this is just a small wind, and it will pass quickly.

Everyone's eyes were still focused on Ye Feng.

"Hey, I'm more curious now. In terms of poetry, is Master Zi Ye the leader, or Master Ye Zi?"

"Um, Zi Ye, after all, the "Da Tang" series is there, and it is estimated that no one can surpass it in a hundred years."

"If you want me to say it's Mr. Ye Zi."


"Look, Mr. Ye Zi also has "Confucianism and Taoism" in terms of poetry. Although it is slightly inferior to "Da Tang", Mr. Ye Zi's professional research on poetry is definitely not comparable to Zi Ye. The two are comparable. Plus, of course, Big Brother Ye Zi is stronger."

"Uh, in fact, to put it simply, Great God Zi Ye is slightly better in poetry and literary talent, while Big Brother Ye is strong in theoretical research. Looking at it this way, it can be said that each has its own strengths."

"Yes, there is no way to compare."

The cat circle is still very harmonious now. Although there are five fans gathered in the whole cat circle, the fans of these five families have gone through too many storms together, and they have long been indistinguishable from each other.If it was in the past, comparing Ye Zi and Zi Ye like this, the fans of the two probably would have picked each other up.

But now, the fights among cats will basically not happen anymore.

The cat circle was calm, but in the evening, the college circle over there suddenly became turbulent.

"Chinese, Chinese, simple."

"Who said that those who are engaged in mathematics cannot teach Chinese?"

"Some people will have to say that their Chinese is taught by a math teacher when they go out in the future, hahaha!"

"Sit and watch Professor Ye sweep the Chinese world!"

"Spicy Chicken Academy, who dares to beep?"


I don't know who is so boring and caused a dispute between literature and science.

However, this time it was overwhelmingly suppressed.

Faculty of Science overthrows Faculty of Letters!

After all, Ye Feng really studied mathematics in the past, and his professional titles are all full professors in the mathematics department!
The group of students in the Faculty of Arts, at this moment, was so aggrieved that they were dying.

Which literary dispute has been bullied like this?
But this time, they really couldn't refute it!
At home, Mr. Ye slept all afternoon and had enough sleep. When he had nothing to do, he took out his mobile phone and looked around.Coincidentally, Professor Ye witnessed the "bloody" abuse of the Faculty of Science with his own eyes.

As an upright and fair teacher of the people, Professor Ye was not happy all of a sudden!
Literary dispute?

It’s such an old-fashioned thing, don’t you bother to use it to make troubles?
And, still in the name of brother?

The students in the mathematics department are Ye Feng's students, but the students in the Chinese department are also Ye Feng's students. The palms and backs of these hands are all fleshy.It's like two of my own children fighting, it doesn't matter if they get hurt.

As the parent, Professor Ye is about to start fighting.

Mathematics students, you dance very happily, don't you?

"This may be the simplest ancient essay."

Ye Feng edited a post, and put a picture below it.

In the chaotic college circle, Ye Feng's news suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"Huh? Professor Ye?"

"My God! My idol!"

"Professor Ye has appeared!"

Many people in the mathematics department became excited when they saw Ye Feng.


"Hahaha, in Professor Ye's eyes, no ancient prose could be any simpler!"

Everyone was having fun, and they clicked on the picture of Ye Fengfa.

But when everyone saw the content on the picture, they were all dumbfounded.


"Hold the grass?"

"What is this?"

"Is this ancient Chinese? What's going on?"

"Professor Ye sent the wrong message?"

"How can this be ancient Chinese! I'm dizzy, it's definitely a mistake in my hand."

Seeing the speechless comments, the students of the Faculty of Arts, who had been under the weather for a long time, also clicked and glanced curiously.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, but after reading it, the students in the Chinese department almost went crazy laughing one by one.

 Thanks Dai Hao for the reward.In addition, let me talk about the update issue. Because Yusheng has started school, it needs to attend classes and prepare for civil service exams during the day, so it will be updated every night in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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