Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 164 Luck is overwhelming!

Chapter 164 Luck is overwhelming!

In the auditorium.

Many viewers also saw Ye Feng's angry look, and they all clenched their fists!

Professor Ye is so sick and still insists on participating?

What for?
I don't want to discredit Haida!

Didn't they say that Professor Ye cheated?
Professor Ye wants to prove himself!

You can't let the whole Haida be looked down upon by the outside world just because of yourself!

"Professor Ye!"

"come on!"

"Hold on!"

Suddenly, I don't know how many students, with red eyes, waved their fists and shouted for Ye Feng, and I don't know how many students silently cheered for their beloved Professor Ye in their hearts!

"Baba, what's wrong with Ma Ma Baba?" The little guy also saw the weak father, and asked Su Ning anxiously and crying.

At this time, Su Ning's eyes were also dazed, wondering why Ye Feng fell ill suddenly.

"It's okay, Dad is just tired." Although she was more worried than anyone else, Su Ning still forced a smile to comfort the little baby.

"It's all these bastards who slandered my brother-in-law, otherwise my brother-in-law would have gone to the hospital by now!" Su Ling said while gnashing her teeth, her eyes could kill people.

At this time, Principal Wu stood up and shouted to the audience behind: "Students, be quiet, don't disturb Professor Ye!"

Suddenly, the originally noisy auditorium fell silent!

No one speaks out!
Looking at this scene, those who are not Haida, do not know how shocked it is.People from the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Writers Association, Sun Meng, Zhao Hanyang and even the three judges looked at the venue that was silent for a second. Only then did they really realize what kind of role Ye Feng has in Haida. status!

Whether it is the school or among the students, Ye Feng's status is really unimaginable!
"The finals have begun." Even the host, at this time, tried to simplify his words as much as possible.

That's how the finals started.

And Mr. Ye, in fact, is panicking now!
Participating with an illness?

Just kidding!
When did brother get sick?

Brother wants to slip!
But who would have thought that these bastards would slander Lao Tzu for cheating?

I cheated!

But, it's impossible for you to know!

This is slander!

Can someone bear Ye being blatantly slandered?

I can't stand it at all!
In fact, even if he slipped away now, few people could say anything.Because several doctors came over just now, checked Ye Feng's body, and found that Ye Feng's body was really abnormal!And there is no cause at all! (Ye: Brother is an old Chinese doctor, how can you tell if you pretend to be sick?)
Therefore, even if he slipped away, it was really because he happened to be sick!

However, Mr. Ye doesn't want to slip away anymore.

He was sick anyway, so he wanted to take a gamble!
And it's okay even if he loses the bet, he's ready to retreat!

Dare to slander yourself for cheating?
That doesn't exist!
Ye Feng will never bear this kind of stain!

At this time, the contestants were all ready, and the male host said to the judges: "Mr. judges, you can start now."

"Yeah." The third judge nodded and said, "Let me do the first question, everyone, get ready."

The competition is a quick-answer system. Each contestant has a microphone in front of him, and whoever wants to answer quickly can just speak.For a moment, everyone's spirits tensed up, and they all stared at the little old man closely, ready to answer at any time.

"This first couplet is just an appetizer, it's not difficult, listen up"

"Pine leaves, bamboo leaves, and green leaves."

The little old man said his Shanglian with a smile, and the contestants in the audience laughed wryly when they heard it.

Is this not difficult?
There are seven characters in total, but your old four characters are the same?
How is this right?
All of a sudden, all the players lowered their heads and thought hard.

As the last runner-up, Zhao Hanyang originally wanted to open the door and grab the first joint, but even if he saw this first joint, he shook his head helplessly and could only honestly think about it slowly.

This first couplet is really hard!
Not only are the four characters the same, but there is also a connection between them!

Although it is very complicated, Zhao Hanyang and many others believe that as long as they are given a little time, they can come up with the second line.Everyone was bowing their heads in thought, racing against time to get off to a good start.

And someone Ye, who was sitting in the first row and was about to hang up, immediately regained his energy after hearing this couplet. I'm sorry, I've heard of this couplet!

But Mr. Ye was not in a hurry, he squinted his eyes and took a sneak peek at the other contestants, and saw that they were all bowing their heads in thought!

Really no one will?
No one can tell?

I wipe!Then I'm sorry, I'm going to start pretending!

"The sound of autumn geese and the sound of coldness."

Just when all the contestants were frowning in thought, a feeble voice broke the silence of the scene.

Everyone was stunned and looked at Ye Feng in astonishment, even the third judge was shocked.

So fast?
He didn't even arrive in 30 seconds, did he?
Even Zhao Huangming and the others beside him were taken aback for a moment, but then they came to their senses, fearing that everyone might not have heard clearly, Zhao Huangming repeated loudly again excitedly, "Professor Ye's second line to the second line - the sound of autumn geese Chill!"

Old Feng nodded with a smile, "Yes!"

The other two judges also said: "Pass!"

The hostess immediately gave Ye Feng a five-point score in excitement.

Without wasting time, the second judge, the little old lady, came up with a question, "Fengluo Wutong, Wuluofeng." This is a palindrome, and it is a difficult palindrome. Zhao Hanyang and others did not dare to delay for a second. Bow your head and take a pen to write and draw.

Ye Feng blinked his eyes and looked at the players who lowered their heads in thought.

After a while, Ye Feng saw that Zhao Hanyang stopped writing suddenly, so he suppressed a smile and said: "Perfect combination!" Zhao Huangming next to him had been concentrating on preparing. He yelled out loudly.

Over there, Zhao Hanyang looked at his second couplet with a smile on his face, and glanced around at the other players. Seeing that the other contestants were still contemplating, Zhao Hanyang smiled disdainfully, and stood up confidently.

"Professor Ye matches the perfect combination!"

But as soon as Zhao Hanyang stood up, Zhao Huangming shouted excitedly.

Zhao Hanyang's face turned green all of a sudden!
A perfect combination of pearls?
Look at my second line again... I'll go to Nima's!Damn Ye Feng!
Zhao Hanyang sat down again with a dark face, but everyone else was taken aback.

Is Ye Feng facing each other again?
Many people looked at each other in astonishment.



Another five.

It was Mr. Feng's turn to come up with a question, "Good mountains, good waters, good wind and good moon, beautiful scenery for thousands of years."

This upper line is even more difficult!
Zhao Hanyang didn't dare to waste a second, thinking quickly.

And Ye Feng here is already smiling.

Even the three old masters know how to do it?

This luck is too damn good, right?
No hurry no hurry!
Wait a minute!

Ye Feng was suffocating in his heart, he wanted to wait for someone to come out with a couplet.

But it may be that this couplet is too difficult. After 8 minutes, there is still no movement.

"There are still 2 minutes." The host on the field reminded, a total of 10 minutes, if the time has passed, it will not be correct.

Zhao Hanyang frowned, "It's almost there! It's almost there!"

Sun Qi was also sweating profusely, "No, no! This word is wrong! This? It's not right, it's not right!"

Time passed by second by second, and it was almost 10 minutes.

Almost at the same time, both Sun Qi and Zhao Hanyang shouted excitedly.

"Wonderful man..."

"Strange painting..."

But someone was faster than them, and louder and more excited than them.

"Professor Ye is infatuated with idiots, sex, sex, dreams, generations of idiots!"

Zhao Hanyang almost couldn't hold back a mouthful of old blood, and angrily beat the table in front of him.Sun Qi wasn't much better either, and stared at Ye Feng with gritted teeth.

Aren't you fucking dying of a headache?
How could he come up with such a difficult couplet?
And every time he cuts off his beard?

on purpose!
This bastard definitely did it on purpose!

Zhao Hanyang was furious!
I want to scold my mother!
But no one paid any attention to them, the three judges all looked at Ye Feng in astonishment.

All right?
Moreover, Ye Feng didn't even use a pen!
Thinking it out directly with your brain?
The three looked at each other.

Answering all three questions in a row, Ye Feng directly scored [-] points!

Senior Dou jumped up excitedly, "Professor Ye is doing well!"

"Professor Ye is the most handsome!"

"Professor Ye is invincible!"

Many students off the court broke out at this time, relieved!He's so relieved!Who said Professor Ye cheated?Open your eyes and see, is this called cheating?

Those contestants were also dumbfounded. Could it be that Ye Feng is really a couplet master?


"Yes, it must be a coincidence!"

Many people think so, Zhao Hanyang and others also think that Ye Feng is lucky, these couplets happen to be his specialty!Anyway, this bastard's couplet level is definitely not so high!They didn't believe that Ye Feng would be so powerful!Even if Ye Feng is really stronger than them, they don't want to believe it right now!They prefer to believe that this is Ye Feng's luck!
However, they were right, Ye Feng was really lucky!
He has seen these three couplets before!
However, it is not certain whether there will be such good luck in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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