Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 193 Hold the Grass!Hijacking?

Chapter 193 Hold the Grass!Hijacking?
"Okay, draw the cards." Ye Feng took the hole cards on the table in his hand and glanced at them.

Although both of them were talking about playing cards, neither of them showed it.

Really, it's not that Lin Yi doesn't want to reveal, the main reason is that he can't reveal his card!

Nima's was clearly a square K just now, but in the blink of an eye, Nima's turned into a grass flower nine?

This is poisonous!

As soon as Lin knew it, it was Ye Feng who did it!

This bastard has exchanged his square K!
Lin Yi looked a little dignified, picked up the hole card, put his hands together, and pressed the card firmly in his palm.

Lin Yi closed his eyes, frowned slightly, and kept rubbing his hands together.

Seeing him like this, everyone was a little puzzled, what is this for?What about prayer?
The fat man pursed his lips and said, "You knead it, why can you turn it into another card? Hurry up and show it!"

Seeing Lin Yi's appearance, Ye Feng was taken aback, where did I see this posture?

Isn't this Nima the legendary "card rubbing technique"?

isn't it?
Ye Feng quickly glanced at his hole cards, his eyes widened immediately, hold the grass!

Isn't he poisonous!
You may not believe it, but Mr. Ye's current hole card is the same as the frying pan!
Behold the constant change!
Just like watching a movie, the cards keep changing!
Clenching his hands tightly, although Ye Feng still had a smile on his face, his mother had already scolded him in his heart!
Does this have special functions?
This Nima is too much!
Moreover, even if you have supernatural powers, why don't you change your own cards, why change Lao Tzu's cards?
Lin Yi was still rubbing, Ye Feng couldn't take it anymore, and started rubbing too!
When everyone saw it, they were speechless.

What are these two people doing?
As soon as Lin saw that Ye Feng had rubbed his hands, he was stunned.

This big brother also has special abilities?
isn't it?
Lin Yi rubbed more vigorously!

After a full minute, Ye Feng looked at the card again, I was dizzy!

What the hell is the photo of Lin Yi printed on the card?

This bastard is so amazing?
Ye Feng quickly replaced this card.

Also Nima is Lin Yi's photo?
I rub!

I can't believe it!
Change again!


I rub!

Change again!

Change again!


Mr. Ye has almost changed [-] photos, all of which are all kinds of photos of Lin Yi!
Ye Feng has black lines all over his head, this bastard turned the rest of the deck into his own photo!

That's enough, Mr. Ye doesn't need to show his cards.

Lin Yi on the opposite side stopped rubbing. He was already sweating profusely at this time, but seeing Ye Feng's expression was unkind, Lin Yi smiled, "Come on, let's play the cards." Lin Yi folded his hands in front of his chest, dying Holding the hole card in his hand tightly, he was afraid that Ye Feng would replace it if he was not careful.He was really afraid of Ye Feng's hand speed.

Ye Feng casually left his hole card on the table, and then stretched out his hand to reveal Su Ning's hole card, which was a Q.

"Two pairs are not big enough." Looking at Su Ning's pair of K and pair of Q on the table, Lin Yi smiled.

"It's your turn." Ye Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and gently tapped the table with his right hand.

Lin Yi smiled, and rubbed the cards in his hand onto the table bit by bit, as if afraid of being seen by others.

"As for..." the fat man said with the corners of his mouth pulled, and the others also looked at Lin Yi strangely, but Lin Yi didn't care.

You know what a fart!
As long as I let go, believe it or not, this diamond K will disappear in less than a second.

Finally, Lin Yi put the cards on the table and was about to show them, but at this moment, someone Ye showed his own cards first!
Diamond K!

Looking at the square K in front of Ye Feng, Lin Yi was stunned!

"Impossible!" Lin Yi couldn't believe it at all, Ye Feng could still exchange his own cards after protecting himself so well?

Just kidding!
"Nothing is impossible." Ye Feng said with a smile: "It's your turn, you play the cards."

Lin Yi's face was gloomy, and he looked down at the cards in his hand.

What is going on with him?
Lao Tzu, this is still a square K?

Looking at the diamond K under his hand, Lin Yi was stunned again.

Lin Yi stared blankly at Ye Feng, and at this moment, Ye Feng looked at the other card next to him and smiled slightly.

Hold the grass!Why is there another deck?Where did he come from?

In fact, Ye Feng only discovered that this deck of poker should have been taken out by them when they were fighting the landlord, and it was always in the corner, useless, and no one noticed it.

"Forget it, you won." Lin Yi rubbed his eyebrows, and looked at Ye Feng's teapot with some pity.

Although a bit dissatisfied, there is nothing to do.

"Then you're welcome." Ye Feng was a little surprised that Lin Yi surrendered so generously.However, who doesn't want free money.

Seeing Ye Feng handing over Lin Yi's black card to Su Ning, Zhao Meng gritted her silver teeth, her face full of anger.

She doesn't care how much money she loses, but the main thing is losing to Su Ning, which can make Zhao Meng mad!
"Brother, you're amazing!" The fat man looked at Ye Feng with admiration, and his sister-in-law's big eyes were full of little stars. It can be said that everyone had different reactions.

Li Xiang was surprised after all at this time, especially seeing that the relationship between Ye Feng and Su Ning is so good now?Ye Feng won the money and handed it directly to Su Ning?And Su Ning accepted it without saying anything?This is definitely a couple!

And Liu Xiaoying next to her was already so shocked that she didn't know what to say. She had seen someone who was good at gambling, but she had never heard of someone as good as Ye Feng and Lin Yi!

At this time, the fat man said with a charming smile, "Brother, is there a toilet?"

Ye Feng glanced at him, "Let's go."

"Exactly, I'll go too." Lin Yi also said.

With that said, the three big men went to the toilet together.

The beauties who watched felt a chill.

But Ye Feng and the three of them hadn't gone far before a scene that no one expected happened suddenly.

They were sitting in the first-class cabin, and at the end of the aisle was the driver's cab, which was covered by a curtain, and the cabin door could not be seen.But at this time, the cabin door opened, and it was unclear whether it was the driver or the co-pilot who came out, and it seemed that they were going to go to the toilet.But at this moment, a man in a windbreaker suddenly rushed out from the outermost seat. He was in the seat near the cabin door, and with one sprint, he arrived in front of the security officer behind the curtain.The security officer didn't even have time to react before he was knocked down by the man in the windbreaker with a punch to the head.

When the three of Ye Feng heard the voice and turned around, they saw that the man in the windbreaker had already knocked down the driver, rushed into the cab, and closed the hatch of the cab with his backhand, even if Ye Feng wanted to It was too late to stop.


Ye Feng and Lin Yi rushed back almost at the same time, afraid that Su Ning, Zhao Meng and the others would be in danger.

Almost instantly!
No one reacted to this sudden change!

But after a while, when everyone reacted.




"There are gangsters hijacking the plane!"

All of a sudden, the passengers screamed.

The staff members of the flight crew were also stunned, no one would have imagined that someone would dare to hijack a plane in China!Several beautiful stewardesses were so frightened that their faces turned pale and their pretty faces turned pale, but they didn't care about their fear at this time, and hurried over to see the fainted safety officer and driver.

Fortunately, I was still breathing, but passed out.

"Brother Zhao? Brother Zhao?"

"Wake up, old money!"

"Old Qian, are you okay, Old Qian?"

The flight attendants were about to cry.

And at this time, the cabin was completely chaotic, and it had become a mess!
Passengers are going to collapse one by one!

Nima's so unlucky?

Can you even encounter such a thing as hijacking?
Moreover, if you do it abroad, you can bear it, but, damn, can this kind of thing happen in China?
Seriously, if the driver and security officer weren't unconscious there, they would all think it was a prank!
But, apparently it's no prank!
This is really hijacking!


Really messed up!

The passengers screamed and ran towards the economy class.

The fat man also held his head and rushed towards the economy class with the crowd, and he was at the front.

There is an aisle between the economy class and the first class, and the aisle is also separated by a curtain. Just as the fat man was about to pass with his head in his arms, a big leather shoe suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Hold the grass!"

With a howl, the fat man was kicked back by a size 42 big foot, and hit several people behind him.

"Those who don't want to die, go back and sit down!"

Two men in black trench coats held a folded tempered glass knife in their hands, with fierce expressions on their faces.

"Don't kill me!"

"It's over, it's over!"


"What should I do!"

The screams of the passengers became louder, and they were at a loss for what to do in the face of a group of thugs armed with murder weapons.

"Go back and sit down so you didn't hear me?" one of the men in the windbreaker yelled at the chaotic crowd.

"What, let me go." At this moment, the fat man covered his kicked mouth, bent over and tried to squeeze back.

The outside world is so fucking cruel, but I still feel safe by my brother's side, woo woo woo.

"I wipe! Who the hell pushed me!"

The aisle is so wide, there are so many people blocking it, the people behind are still squeezing, and I don't know who made it, but they just squeezed the fat person a somersault, and fell directly under the feet of the two windbreaker men.

"You want to die?" a man in a windbreaker said coldly.

The fat man stood up scrambling, swallowed, covered his mouth and lowered his head, and said, "No, no." As he said that, he was about to back away.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, another man in a trench coat wearing a top hat said coldly, "Look up and let me see."

The fat man didn't speak, and just retreated back on his own.

But the man in the top hat lifted the fat man back and forcibly pulled his hand off. When he saw the appearance of the fat man, he laughed, "So it's you!" The man in the top hat said sinisterly.

"Brother, brother, good, what a coincidence, long time no see."

Fatty is about to cry, this man in top hat is none other than the guy who had clashed with Fatty at the airport, who the hell would have thought that he would be the big brother who hijacked the plane!
The man in the top hat grabbed the fat man's collar and went up to pat his belly. The pain caused the fat man to turn purple, cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and his expression was distorted.

This frightened the passengers to start running in the opposite direction. In short, they wanted to stay as far away from these people as possible.

Almost instantly, the second half of the first-class cabin was emptied, and everyone crowded into the front half.

Su Ning and the others were also pale. Su Ning hugged the little baby and Su Ling tightly, sticking them together as much as possible. Ye Feng couldn't care less, and squeezed directly beside Su Ling, protecting their three mothers. Not affected by the crowd.

Lin Yi also protected Zhao Meng over there, while Liu Xiaoying and Li Xiang were more pitiful. They could only find a sense of security for each other.

At this moment, Ye Feng heard Fatty's wailing.

Ye Feng looked up, his face darkened, and he saw that the fat man was being smashed by the collar of the man in the top hat!
If this continues, Fatty may be beaten to death!

"You guys just stay here." Ye Feng ordered in a low voice, then stood up.

But at this time, Su Ning suddenly grabbed his hand and held it tightly!

"Don't go." Su Ning's voice trembled slightly, she didn't know whether it was because of fear or worry.

"It's okay, don't worry, I don't pay attention to the little thieves." Ye Feng comforted softly, and patted Su Ning's jade hand lightly, "Take care of Yiyi and Su Ling, I will go back as soon as I go."

After finishing speaking, Ye Feng shook Su Ning's hand away, squeezed away the crowd, and walked towards those two people.

However, Lin Yi was faster than him, and had already matched the two of them.

"I know who you are." Lin was expressionless, and his voice was very gloomy: "Let him go, this matter has nothing to do with him."

The man in the top hat sneered, and actually left the fat man on the ground. At this moment, the fat man, with blood on the corner of his mouth and protruding eyes, curled up on the ground in agony.

"King, you are still so good." The man in the top hat said with a playful smile, "But unfortunately, you are going to die today."

"Death? Huh." Lin Yi sneered and said, "I don't know how many people have said this to me, but unfortunately they were all sent to heaven by me, but I am still in hell. You want me to die ? Just rely on your shadowy garbage?"

At this time, Ye Feng came over step by step, looking at the fat man on the ground, Ye's expression was very cold.

Fatty is one of his few friends, even his only friend.

"Don't go!" Lin Yi reminded with a frown.

But Ye Feng turned a deaf ear and still walked towards the fat man.

"Big brother, hurry up, go!"

The fat man wailed in pain, his mouth was covered with blood, and he spat out a few words with all his strength.

Ye Feng clenched his hands even tighter.

"If you don't want to die, get out!" The man in the windbreaker squinted his eyes and said.

Ye Feng didn't even look at him with a cold face, he just walked up to the fat man and picked him up.

At this time, the moment Ye Feng raised his head and stood up, the man in the top hat stabbed Ye Feng viciously while waving a knife.

Over there, Lin Yi's eyes shot brightly, and he rushed towards the man in the top hat like flying.

He wants to save Ye Feng!

However, Ye Feng's reaction was faster than his. When Ye Feng was still half squatting, he suddenly jumped back, holding the fat man in the air, and kicked the man in the top hat suddenly.

With a sound of "bang", Ye Feng put his foot on the mouth of the man in the top hat, and Ye Feng hugged the fat man and fell on the seat beside him. Someone Ye also groaned, mainly because, the fat man It's really too heavy.

But this is not the time to talk about these things, Ye Feng quickly put the fat man on the seat and felt his pulse.

Internal organs may be somewhat damaged!

But it's not a serious injury!
"It's okay, I can't die." Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Big brother, thank you, thank you." The fat man gasped.

Ye Feng didn't say anything, he stood up and looked towards Su Ning and the others, seeing that the mother and daughter were all fine, Ye Feng had no scruples.

At this time, Lin Yi and the two people over there had already exchanged hands.

Although it was a one-on-two fight, Lin did not lose the slightest bit.

Originally, Ye Feng wanted to help, but, with a few more scruples, Lin Yi would be able to settle them down, so Ye Feng didn't get started.

The passengers, who had already stared blankly at this moment, stopped screaming and stared dumbfounded at the three people who were fighting together.

Really, this looks much better than those martial arts movies!

The big eyes of those beautiful stewardesses were starting to show off.

"come on!"

"Hit them!"

"Young man hold on!"

"Hit him! Left hook, Baguazhang!"

Perhaps seeing that Lin Yi was completely like the two of them, the passengers actually started to cheer for Lin Yi.

Ye Feng was leaning in the middle of the aisle, smoking a cigarette he got from who knows where, and no one cared about him in such a mess at this time.

Ye, who was smoking leisurely, frowned in vain. Just now, Ye Feng saw that those two people seemed to inject something into his body.

"Boom! Boom!"

With two sounds in succession, Lin Yi, who had been hammering the two of them, was blown away by the man in the top hat, and the man in the windbreaker went up and kicked him, hitting the floor hard Even the plane seemed to vibrate.

This time, everyone was dumbfounded.

The intense cheering and cheering just now disappeared all of a sudden.

It was eerily quiet in the cabin.

Lin Yi struggled to stand up, with a serious expression on his face. At this time, Ye Feng also saw that something was wrong, and suddenly rushed over with a cigarette in his mouth.

"do not……"

Before Lin finished speaking, Ye Feng over there had already punched the man in the top hat.


Ye also flew back upside down, but the cigarette butt did not drop.

Lying on the ground, [-] grass-mud horses roared past Ye's heart, this shit is unscientific!

This guy didn't have such energy just now!

Someone Ye was completely dumbfounded by this punch!

 Thank you Dai Hao for your reward, and thank you all for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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