Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 194 Dreaming!

Chapter 194 Dreaming!


With one punch and one kick, Lin Yi who just got up was knocked down again.

Ye Feng also stood up, although he grinned because of the pain in his chest, but Ye Feng knew that this was not the time to back down.

However, in less than three seconds, with a "boom", Ye flew back upside down again.

Ye Feng lay on the ground gasping for air in pain, punched, it was really a punch, Ye Feng was blown away immediately!
Isn't he too strong?
Feeling the numbness in his right arm, as if being shocked by an electric shock, Ye felt a little suspicious of life.

I think back then, my brother was also a peerless powerhouse who crossed the world!

Although the current body is much weaker than the previous life, but it is not so weak, right?
Can't handle a punch?
What about trouble?

Ye Feng didn't believe it, and struggled to stand up again.


Ye was laid down again.

"Hold the grass! I won't believe it!"

Although there was blood on the corner of his mouth, Ye Feng didn't care at all, he didn't believe in evil anymore, the arrogance he was once honored as "Pluto" couldn't allow him to bow his head and admit defeat!
Once, twice, three times...

Ye Feng and Lin Yi kept falling down, but kept struggling again.

Behind, the sister-in-law was already crying, "Sister, brother-in-law is bleeding." Su Ling grabbed Su Ning's arm, and Lihua said anxiously with rain.

And Su Ning hugged Yiyi tightly, not letting her see this scene, while she pursed her lips, just staring blankly at Ye Feng's figure, holding back the tears in the corners of her eyes, without saying a word.

At this moment, the passengers hiding behind them, seeing the bloodstains gradually appearing on Ye Fenglin's body, felt very worried.Seeing their resolute figures rushing towards the powerful gangster again and again, finally, the passengers broke out!

"Grass! If it's a man, stand up!"

A young man roared out suddenly, and rushed up while waving his fists.

"Grass! What the hell!"

"Count me in!"

"He's the one who died today, so I must be beaten to death!"

"He, just the two of them, I don't believe it!"

In the crew and among the passengers, as long as they are young and strong, everyone is red-eyed. At this time, there is no timidity or cowardice, everyone is infected, and they rush forward to do their best!

However, sometimes it is not the strength of the number of people.

A group of people were beaten back in less than three seconds.

Lie on the ground with bruises and swollen faces, howling.


Another punch.

Ye Feng flew far away, lying on the ground, he felt his mind was dizzy, he wanted to struggle to stand up again.However, he really couldn't do it.

Gradually, Ye Feng's vision began to become blurred...

"Big brother!"

Seeing Ye Feng fell to the ground and passed out, Mei Pu let out a scream, got up quickly, "hiss", enduring the pain in his body, Mei Pu rolled and crawled to Ye Feng's side.


"Ye Feng!"

The sister-in-law and Su Ning exclaimed at the same time, at this moment, Su Ning finally couldn't hold back, handed Yiyi in her arms to her sister, pushed away the crowd, and rushed over.

"Papa! Mama!"

The little guy was crying in a hurry. Although Su Ling was also worried, she knew that she had to take care of Yiyi, so she resisted and put the little baby in her arms, "Yiyi, it's okay, it's okay."

"Ye Feng! Ye Feng!"

Su Ning knelt on the ground, holding Ye Feng's upper body, seeing Ye Feng's bruised eyes, bloody mouth, blood and sweat mixed and flowing down, Su Ning really couldn't help it, tears gushed out like a bank .

"Brother! Big brother! Wake up! Wake up!" Mei Pu next to him yelled frantically.

"I'm a doctor! Quick, bring him here!"

At this time, a middle-aged woman among the passengers yelled.

"Okay, okay." Su Ning didn't bother to wipe away her tears, and quickly dragged Ye Feng's body back, and Mei Pu, who was next to her, also quickly moved Ye Feng's body.

Some of the passengers over there also ran over to help.

"Hehe, King, your helper is useless, and it will be your turn next." The man in the top hat said ferociously.

Lin Yi glanced at Ye Feng, who had been dragged into the crowd, with a gloomy expression, turned his head to the man in the top hat and said coldly, "You guys are far behind if you want to kill me!" As he spoke, a flash of determination flashed in Lin Yi's eyes.I saw Lin Yi suddenly punched himself hard in the chest, and after that, Lin Yi's aura rose steadily.

Seeing this change in Lin Yi, the man in the top hat and the man in the windbreaker also looked terrified, but they were not too surprised. They saw that they each took out a potion and quickly pierced their wrists.


Lin Yi's voice was hoarse, and he roared, rushing over like a river flooding.


The three of them fought together again. Although Lin Yi was not directly blown away this time, Lin Yi was still inexplicably horrified.

He lifted a layer of seal at the risk of being backlashed, but still can't gain the upper hand?
"Boom boom boom!"

The three fought fiercely, almost punching to the flesh.

Over there, the middle-aged woman is also giving Ye Feng simple treatment.

"It's nothing serious, he just passed out because of exhaustion."

Hearing what the woman said, Su Ning's hanging heart fell to the ground. Many passengers beside him heard that Ye Feng was fine, so they turned their eyes to Lin Yi who was fighting again.

Only Su Ning was still holding Ye Feng tightly, and Mei Pu beside him was also quietly waiting.

But at this time, Ye, who was in a coma, was dreaming!
He dreamed that he became a teacher, a teacher who taught physical education, and there was also a physical education teacher who had alopecia and finally became a bald head!

If someone could complain in the dream, I'm afraid he has already started cursing. After a dream, what's the use of becoming a physical education teacher?
Is there still a chance to teach physical education in the future?

However, with the development of the dream, Ye was dumbfounded.

On that day, during the heightening competition, Mr. Saitama jumped out of the solar system and punched the aliens one by one. The aliens who beat them had no chance to escape!Another day, monsters appeared on the earth and destroyed the city everywhere. At this time, Mr. Saitama stepped forward again, that was one punch!Another day, Saitama-sensei got angry, and he punched through a planet...

When Ye Feng woke up, he was still in a daze!

Really, he had dreamed many times, but it was the first time for such an outrageous dream like this one!


Hold the grass!

Then they are all younger brothers!

Although Ye has never watched the anime "One Punch Man", but just the performance in the dream, he has already swelled to the extreme!
If this dream is the same as the previous one and has the ability to become a reality, then Nima, I Ye, someone will be invincible directly!

One hundred times more awesome than the previous life... Ah no, ten thousand times!

"Ye Feng, you finally woke up, you scared me to death."

Seeing Ye Feng woke up, Su Ning quickly wiped the tears off her face.

"Brother, I knew you were fine." The fat man also heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's okay." Ye Feng said with a smile, sitting up from Su Ning's arms, Ye felt refreshed.

(End of this chapter)

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