Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 195 One Punch Man!

Chapter 195 One Punch Man!
Over there, Lin Yi was going crazy.

What kind of monster is this?

He broke the triple seal by himself and couldn't beat it?

Lin Yi was punched and kicked again on the face and stomach, and flew back in an instant.

"Cough cough."

Half kneeling on the ground, Lin Yi coughed up two mouthfuls of blood.At this time, Zhao Meng had already rushed to the front of the crowd, and Lihua covered her mouth in the rain, she didn't dare to look at Lin Yi's current state.

The man in the top hat and the man in the windbreaker walked towards Lin Yi step by step, their faces full of amusement, and walking in front of Lin Yi, the man in the top hat raised his leg and kicked Lin Yi far away, wiping out all the ground. There was a long bloodstain.

"I don't know how a hot chicken like you can become the king." The man in the top hat sneered.

"Lin Yi, Lin Yi!" Zhao Meng screamed and ran to Lin Yi. Lin Yi's face was covered with blood, and she reluctantly gave Zhao Meng a smile, "Maybe, I won't be able to protect you in the future." Although, Lin Yi His voice was weak, but his eyes became more and more crazy.

He's going to work hard!
Even if you die, you have to pull a few backs!
"Don't worry, you won't die."

But just when Lin Yi wanted to go all out, Ye Feng's voice came from the crowd.

I don't know when, Mr. Ye started smoking again. Although his nose was bruised and his face was swollen from the beating, Ye Feng at this time was as calm and breezy as he was at the beginning.

The flickering cigarette butt seemed to be declaring that I, Ye, was about to pretend again.

"Don't go, you are not their opponent." Lin took a look at Ye Feng, although he was surprised that he recovered his strength so quickly, but he still persuaded him.

Through Ye Feng's performance just now, Lin Yi has roughly seen Ye Feng's strength. Although he is very strong, he is still no match for those two people.

But Ye Feng didn't listen to Lin Yi, and started to walk over there.

"Ye Feng..." Su Ning's eyes were full of worry, she didn't want Ye Feng to stand out.

"It's okay." Ye Feng turned his head and gave Su Ning a smile.

In the end, Ye Feng still walked in front of Lin Yi, blocking everyone behind him.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you!" The man in the windbreaker said sinisterly.

In the blink of an eye, he had already reached Ye Feng's eyes.


A muffled sound.

Everyone in the cabin was stunned!

Ye Feng was still standing there with a cigarette in his mouth, while the man in the windbreaker had already flown upside down, and was lying at the feet of the man in the top hat, foaming at the mouth.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, couldn't this, this person beat them just now?
Why is it suddenly so powerful now?
The man in the top hat looked at his companion who was rolling his eyes at his feet, also with a confused expression on his face.

What's the situation with him?

What about trouble?

One punch and it's scrapped?
"Come." Ye Feng exhaled a smoke ring, and hooked his fingers at the man in the top hat.

The man in the top hat turned dark, and rushed towards Ye Feng while waving his fists.


Another punch.

The man in the top hat went with the man in the windbreaker.

Looking at the gangsters lying side by side on the ground, foaming wildly, Lin Yi was dumbfounded.

Looking at Ye Feng with an unbelievable face, Nima, is this taking medicine?

So weak just now, so fierce in the blink of an eye?

After almost 3 minutes, a beautiful flight attendant stammered and asked: "This, this gangster has been subdued?"

A passenger next to him nodded dully, "Yes, maybe!"

After three seconds of silence, loud cheers broke out in the cabin in vain.


"We are saved!"

"Good boy, good job!"

"Good fight, good fight!"

In the cabin, the passengers cheered one after another.

Su Ning looked at Ye Feng with a blushing face, her beautiful eyes sparkled even more, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Tie them up." Ye Feng said while breathing out smoke.

"That's right, find the rope quickly." Said the elder brother of a crew.

Soon, the two gangsters were tied up by Wuhuada.

And the passengers also gradually calmed down, but that kind of fear may not be forgotten in a short time. If these two young people did not try their best to stop them, the consequences would be...

"thank you all!"

"Thank you, young man!"

"You are good!"

Lin Yi was being treated by that woman, and Ye Feng was obediently asking Su Ning to bandage the wound. Suddenly hearing the sincere thanks from the passengers, both Lin Yi and Ye Feng were taken aback for a moment.

"It's still early to say thank you, this matter is not over yet." Lin Yi said weakly.

Ye Feng also nodded, "Indeed, don't forget, there is another one in the cab."



"One ran into the cab at the very beginning!"

"What does he want to do?"

"You don't want to die together, do you?"

"Hurry up, find the key!"

Although there are no villains in the cabin, the crisis has not been lifted!

As one passenger put it, if the last gangster took control of the plane and died together, they would all die!

front cabin.

After being reminded like this, everyone became anxious again.

A group of people blocked outside the hatch, turning around in a hurry.

"We have to find a way to get in!" A young man with bruises on his face hurriedly said, it was obvious that he also stepped forward to help just now.

A beautiful stewardess said sadly: "There are no keys outside, only one is in the cab."

The young man became even more anxious when he heard that, he raised his foot and started kicking the door. A young man also came over, "Let's kick it open together!"

Several tall and burly passengers gathered around, taking turns to fight!
The boys were sweating profusely from exhaustion, but the door of the cabin didn't even have a piece of patent leather off it.

The beautiful stewardess said anxiously: "It's useless, the door of the plane cannot be kicked open, only if it can be opened."

"But we don't have a key!" a young man said angrily.

A middle-aged uncle on the flight crew said: "Let's quickly find a tool at hand. We must break open the door. Otherwise, when the gangsters take control of the plane, all of us will be finished!"

"I'm afraid the gangsters have already taken control of the plane." A passenger said pessimistically. The woman next to him was blank-eyed and said blankly: "It's over, all of us are over."

"What's the matter, there must be a way!" The uncle of the crew shouted firmly: "Xiao Li, you can contact the cockpit, Lao Feng is still inside, see if you can get in touch!" Airplanes usually have two pilots. There are one officer and one co-pilot. The one who came out just now is the co-pilot Lao Zhou.

"Well, let me try." The pretty stewardess named Xiao Li hurried over to pick up the communicator, but then put it down again, "No, I can't get in touch, the communication in the cab has been cut off!"

The face of the middle-aged uncle changed, "This gangster actually knows how to cut off the communication?"

An even worse thought flashed through the mind of a young crew member next to him, and his face changed drastically, "Could this gangster know how to fly a plane? Otherwise, how could he understand this?"


"how is this possible?"

"It's over! It's really over now!"

Hearing this news, everyone was struck by lightning, and now almost everyone was in despair.

Although Lin Yi over there was far away, he was also in the cabin, and Lin Yi heard what they said clearly.

"This group of lunatics!" Lin Yi's face was very ugly. He knew the origin of this group of people better than anyone else.
They are more terrifying than terrorist organizations!
If it was said that the gangster inside would drag everyone to pay for their lives, Lin Yi would definitely believe it!

"Let me go and have a look!"

Lin Yi struggled to stand up from the seat.

"Don't move, your wound hasn't been cleaned yet." The female doctor hurriedly said, and Zhao Meng who was next to her also wanted to hold Lin Yi.Ke Lin didn't care, and seemed to be struggling to move towards the front cabin.Seeing this, Zhao Meng hurriedly supported Lin Yi.

"Let me try!"

A hoarse voice came, and everyone saw that it was Lin Yi, and stepped aside one after another.For this strange young man, they all had an inexplicable trust at this time.

Hope he has a way!
Zhao Meng helped Lin Yi to the hatch, and Lin Yi suddenly raised his gauze-wrapped right hand, and punched three times violently towards the hatch.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

Fist it open?

Everyone looked at each other.

How can this be?

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Another three punches, and the gauze wrapped around Lin Yi's hand was already seeping blood.

As if he didn't know the pain, Lin Yi frantically beat the hatch with his fist.

"Look! The hatch is really sunken!"

"Come on!"

"Hurry up! It's about to be smashed!"

Seeing that Lin Yi really smashed the cabin door into a big hole, everyone felt incredible, but they were more excited!
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Lin Yi desperately smashed it down more than ten times, but the hatch in front of him never broke open, only a piece was dented.

In the end, Lin Yi no longer had the strength to raise his right hand.

Lin Yi looked sad.

The people around also collapsed!
The despair after seeing hope directly broke down everyone's last line of defense!

Many people slumped on the ground and cried.

The crew members were also silent, and they were helpless.An atmosphere of panic spread immediately.

However, at this time, Ye Feng, who had been bandaged over there, finally came over.

Supported by Su Ning, Ye came to the door, "Have you opened it yet?"

"No." Lin Yi's face was full of unwillingness. If the injury was not too serious, maybe he could really break open the alloy hatch.

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and got a little closer to the cabin door. Before everyone could react, he raised his hand and punched him.

"Boom!", no one reacted, and the impenetrable hatch flew out directly!

Really, instead of being opened, it flew out!

"It's not very strong, is it?" Ye Feng raised his eyebrows.

The people around looked at the hatch that flew to the driver's seat, their faces were full of bewilderment, they were dumbfounded, and their brains couldn't react.

Not very strong?
We smashed it here for a fucking hour and didn't break it, isn't it very strong you say?

Lin Yi was also stupefied, and looked at Ye Feng in disbelief, why did he feel that Ye Feng had changed?so strong?

"Huh? Where's the gangster?" At this time, the middle-aged uncle of the crew was the first to react, looking at the situation in the cab, and said doubtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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