Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 214 1 Buddha Character

Chapter 214 A Buddha Character

"Sister, can brother-in-law do it? Didn't I hear that brother-in-law can also do calligraphy?"

"Sister, you didn't ask your brother-in-law to take over temporarily, did you?"

"Sister, there is no such thing as you cheating on my husband."

"I think it's better to look at Sister Leng."

The Su family is hardly optimistic about Ye Feng, mainly because no one has heard of Ye Feng and knows calligraphy.

Su Ning didn't say anything, just looked at Ye Feng from afar.She believed in Ye Feng. In her heart, Ye Feng was almost omnipotent, there was nothing he couldn't do.

"Huh? Those people seem to respect brother-in-law very much."

"Of course, these people are not only masters in the calligraphy field, but also people in the literary circle. My brother-in-law's status in the literary circle is frighteningly high."

"Uh, it's really scary. What did my brother-in-law say to them? They just scared them away."

"I'll go, brother-in-law is awesome! Before the competition started, I scared a few away! Awesome!"

Seeing Dean Hu and the others say a word to Ye Feng, this group of younger brothers and sisters backed out directly, and opened their mouths wide.

"Hehe, since everyone is here, let's start."

Although there were some episodes, Lan Xiu didn't care about it, and said with a smile: "The old man is very old-fashioned, and everyone here is a scholar, and he must know more about 'Qushui Liushang' than us ordinary people, so I won't talk nonsense. , but this rule is slightly changed. Since there is a competition, each glass of wine cannot be drunk by luck. Our stream flows very slowly, and it takes at least 10 minutes for the wine glass to float completely in front of you. , each glass of wine corresponds to a problem. Everyone needs to complete the problem before the glass of wine floats away. Whoever completes it well will get the glass of wine. We have a total of ten glasses of wine, and the party who drinks six glasses will be considered the winner. .”


Everyone has no objection, although this is no longer the real "Qushui Liushang", but after all, this is a competition, not pure entertainment, so there is nothing wrong with changing it like this.

There are two groups of people, the Lan family is on the left bank, there are a lot of people, the Su family is on the right bank, only Ye Feng and Su Leng are two.Purely in terms of numbers, the Su family is at an absolute disadvantage.

Everyone was also looking for a suitable place to watch by the stream. The servants kept bringing fruit plates, snacks, dishes, and fine wines. Everyone enjoyed this rare calligraphy feast and tasted various delicacies.I have to say that Lan Xiu's idea is really good.Holding a birthday banquet in this way is really fresh and refined.

The old man is also very happy.

Everyone else likes to drink spicy food, so we must not neglect this group of calligraphers. Delicious delicacies are also placed around everyone, and everyone is tasting while waiting for the upstream wine glasses to flow down.

Mr. Ye happily grabbed a handful of melon seeds and licked them. The elder brother even threw the melon seeds into the creek in front of him. Watching the melon seeds flow down slowly, Ye found it very interesting.

Seeing Ye Feng like this, the group of masters sitting on the opposite bank almost fainted. Some of those who didn't know Ye Feng thought this is a fool who came out of it?So casual?
Some people have heard of Ye Feng's name, so they think it's even more nonsense!This is the famous Professor Ye in the literary world?This is too embarrassing for a literati!
Fortunately, it's not from our calligraphy world, otherwise the calligrapher's demeanor would be lost by this guy!
The water speed in the upper reaches was still very fast, and after a while, a wooden carved boat was slowly floating down with a glass of fine wine, and there was a small red flag on the bow of the boat.When the boat drifted to their area, the speed slowed down in vain. Everyone took a closer look, and there was a "Buddha" written in golden ink on the small red flag.

Looking at the word "Buddha", everyone pondered.

You know, although they are comparing calligraphy, calligraphy is never isolated. Calligraphy and classical literature are inseparable. Calligraphy competitions like this are similar to poetry and poetry. The scope specified, and the word "Buddha" is the scope.

Write about Buddha, or about Buddha.

But you can't write randomly. The calligraphy competition is not just about who writes better. If you dare to write something like "ah, what a big Buddha", you will definitely be laughed at. It's completely useless.You must write something elegant, this kind of modernization is definitely not enough.

But when it comes to famous classical sentences related to Buddhism, the first reaction of everyone is the Buddhist scriptures, and there are many calligraphy copied from the Buddhist scriptures in the past dynasties.However, not to mention that few people present can recite Buddhist scriptures, but this occasion is not suitable. When you finish writing Buddhist scriptures, the sun will probably go down.

Therefore, Buddhist scriptures are definitely not acceptable, so only Buddhist poems and Buddhist gatha are left.

"This first question is not difficult."

"Well, Buddhist scriptures are definitely not suitable. There are not many Buddhist poems, but there are many Buddhist verses."

"It depends on everyone's understanding of Buddhism. If you don't know much about Buddhism, it will be a little difficult."

The people who watched the excitement began to discuss in low voices, and many interested people were also thinking about the answer.

On the other side of the creek, a group of calligraphers were talking about it, and even sister Leng beside Ye Feng was thinking.

On both sides of the strait, only Ye is the most leisurely, and he is obsessed with spitting melon seeds into the stream.

I don't know how many people looked at Ye Feng speechlessly, this big brother you are too unqualified, right?Can you stop spitting melon seeds into the stream!

No, that's not the point!The main reason is that you are too casual, right?Not in a hurry?You know what to eat, right?How delicious are melon seeds?Or melon seeds are fun?At such a tense and exciting moment, can you please stop eating!

Su Qi looked at Ye Feng like that, a little speechless, Su Ke even started to sweat, Su Li was older than the two of them, but he was relatively calm, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.Not to mention the younger sisters, each of them covered their foreheads, not knowing what mood they were in.It is estimated that at this time, only Su Ning and Su Ling still believe in Ye Feng.

At this time, a man on the other side suddenly stood up.

Everyone has a pen, ink, paper and inkstone by their side, which has been prepared long ago and is placed on the table next to everyone.

The man stood up, smiled and said to the crowd: "Mr. Wang is not talented. Thanks to everyone in the industry, I will answer this question."

"It's Wang Yuan." Over there, Dean Hu squinted and muttered, "He does have a lot of research on Buddhism, and he even wrote the Diamond Sutra."

"Well, I don't know what he's going to write this time." Feng Lao also said lightly.

"Hehe, it's useless to write anything, this group of people..." As he spoke, Dean Hu shook his head helplessly, and Elder Feng beside him also smiled wryly.

Really, it's useless for them to write anything.If this group of calligrapher masters don't fall into Professor Ye's hands today, I'll take their heads off!

Over there, Wang Yuan moved his wrist, picked up the pen, dipped in the ink, and swiped the brush, all in one go.

After he finished writing, two waiters held up his calligraphy so that everyone could see it clearly.

He wrote a poem about Buddha.

When a Zen guest comes to ask about the principles of Buddhism, I say where did this question come from.

The Buddha's mind is who I am, and what is the body of the Buddha.

"Good word!"

"This poem is also okay."

"Master Wang is really extraordinary, he didn't choose Buddhist verses."

"Indeed, although Buddha's gatha is also acceptable, the number of words is usually too small, and it falls behind."

"This Buddhist poem is not bad, mainly because the writing is really good."

"Yeah, Buddhist poems are relatively unpopular in the first place, and the number is too small. This one should be regarded as a top-notch work. The Su family's place is too much."

Everyone discussed in a low voice, trying to avoid affecting the game over there.

The boat carrying the wine glass in the stream has drifted four-fifths of the way, and is about to float out, but Ye Feng is still nibbling melon seeds in a hurry.

"You come and I come?" Ye Feng asked with a smile while spitting melon seeds into the creek, squinting at Sister Leng.

"Brother-in-law is here." Leng Mei was very cold, and spoke neatly, without a word of nonsense.


Ye Feng responded, stood up, and held a handful of melon seeds in his left hand. Without even thinking about it, he picked up a brush with his right hand and dipped some ink in it, and just brushed it. It felt like he was scribbling on the snow-white rice paper. After a while, the whole process took less than 30 seconds. Ye threw the pen away, and sat back to spit melon seeds into the creek as if nothing had happened.

A waiter next to him hurriedly lifted up Ye Feng's masterpiece, but when the audience saw it, many people who didn't know calligraphy were immediately stunned, and almost vomited blood like him!

What is this Nima?

 Thanks to gm for the garbled rewards. I owed it a long time ago, and I finally paid it back today.

(End of this chapter)

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