Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 215 Buddhist Love Poem

Chapter 215 Buddhist Love Poem
Among the guests over there, I don't know how many people stared wide-eyed and looked at the "masterpiece" written by Ye Feng with the corners of their mouths drawn!
What is this Nima?
The lines look like ghostly drawn symbols, not as good as when I was three years old!

Really, in the eyes of many people, what is written and written is simply children's graffiti, and they can't understand the words written at all!
"What is this stuff?"

"I don't know a single word!"

"Do you understand? Anyway, I don't understand."

"Can this young man do it? It's not scribbling, is it?"

Su Li and the others were about to vomit blood, and Su Ke was about to cry.

Brother-in-law, I know you are unreliable, but you are so unreliable?

I can look better than your writing!

However, a younger sister of the Su family still had some discernment, and said, "Brother-in-law wrote this, which looks like cursive script?" But she was also a little uncertain, mainly because you said it was cursive script, but cursive script is not so cursive. !
This is too sloppy!

On the whole piece of rice paper, you can vaguely see that there are four columns, but each column can't distinguish a word at all!

It's all connected together!

It's almost like the talismans drawn by those Taoist priests!

Don't say they know each other, they can't even find the words!

The voices of the guests were one after another.

However, what Ye Feng wrote was really cursive!
It's just wild cursive in cursive script!
The cursive calligraphy style is the most artistic, so ordinary people can't understand it at all.However, there are so many calligraphers at the scene!

They understand it!

And it is quite understandable!
"Hehe, let me just say it. Professor Ye said that he understands a little bit, but it's not as simple as knowing a little bit." Old Feng looked at the wild grass and said with a helpless wry smile.

Dean Hu was also a little frustrated, "Professor Ye is really... well, invincible! This wild grass, let alone the contemporary calligraphy world, probably has few comparable in ancient times, right?"

Both of them are masters who have been immersed in the calligraphy world for decades, and they can see the extraordinaryness of Ye Feng's work at a glance.

On the other side, almost all the masters were taken aback, looking at the young man who was leisurely spitting out melon seeds in amazement.

This is what he just wrote?
This, this, this is impossible!

It's impossible to reach this level without decades of kung fu in Kuangcao's calligraphy style!

How old is Ye Feng?
Moreover, wild cursive is what one pursues best in calligraphy. The unrestrained and free and easy charm in his works cannot be possessed by diligent study and practice. It is a kind of transcendent spiritual realm!Has Ye Feng reached this level at such a young age?
Master Wang Yuan's face is serious!

Mr. Song Qingxuan frowned.


What a surprise!
All the calligraphers were taken aback by Ye Feng's hand!
Ye Feng didn't react at all, it's strange if you don't get startled!
Brother, this calligraphy was done by Monk Huai Su who was known as the "No. [-] Wild Grass" in his previous life!
When Ye saw the word "Buddha", he had already thought about it, and he had to use the brushwork of Monk Huai Su!

This is so fucking appropriate!

Who is Huaisu?
That is the most famous monk in the ancient calligraphy world in the previous life, and his wild cursive is even more free and easy, with infinite Zen.Moreover, his calligraphy and the poem Ye Feng used complement each other even more!

And at this time, someone finally began to pay attention to this poem written by Ye Feng.

"Oh? Why haven't I seen this poem before?" Master Wang Yuan frowned.

Song Qingxuan also shook his head and said, "I've never seen it before, could it be that he created it on the spot?"

"What a poem!"

"This poem is really beautiful."

"Such a Buddhist school is really desirable."

Xu calligraphy masters began to admire, and someone who knew Ye Feng better said: "Professor Ye is indeed one of the two pillars of today's poetry circles. Such an excellent work, but it is also easy to come by. It is not admirable."

Wang Yuan also remembered Ye Feng's identity at this time, shook his head and smiled wryly, and said loudly: "I am defeated by this sentence, Wang is convinced! Professor Ye's wild grass is unrestrained and smooth, and it is done in one go, and the charm is even more detached and informal. One frame, especially this Buddhist poem, made Wang surnamed and convinced."


"Master Wang just surrendered?"

"how can that be?"

"Crazy grass? This kid actually understands wild grass?"

"It turned out to be wild grass, no wonder it's so messy."

"His crazy grass is as good as Master Wang said? Is it true or not?"

"It should be true. After all, so many people are watching. Master Wang Yuan is a senior in the calligraphy world, so it is impossible to talk nonsense."

Many guests were still discussing what Ye Feng wrote, but Wang Yuan over there just gave up!I don't know how many people were stunned, and they didn't understand what was going on.

At this time, many people looked at Dean Hu and Mr. Feng who had withdrawn from the competition and stood in the crowd. Even the old man and others looked over, hoping they could explain.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him and the others, Dean Hu and the others immediately understood what was going on. They looked at each other, and Old Feng smiled and said, "Let Lao Hu explain."

"Okay." Dean Hu didn't refuse, and immediately took a small step forward, cupped his hands towards everyone, and said loudly: "Hu is not talented, so I will tell everyone."

"Dean Hu, please tell me!"

Many people are coaxing.

"Professor Ye's calligraphy masterpiece is the best of Kuangcao! Whether it's..."

Dean Hu talked about a lot of technical terms, which many people didn't understand.However, the meaning must have been understood.

Ye Feng's crazy grass is invincible!

No one can compare!
This has already shocked everyone, don't want it!

"However, the excellence of Professor Ye's work is not only in the height of calligraphy." Dean Hu turned around and said: "Even this poem is also a classic!"


"By the way, what is written here?"

"Yeah, I don't know him at all!"

"Dean Hu, read it to us."

Facing everyone's request, Dean Hu had nothing to refuse, and said loudly: "This poem is written like this, read it from left to right."

Dean Hu cleared his throat, brewed it up, and put his emotions into it, "I thought about being too sentimental to damage the holy life, and I was afraid that if I went to the mountains, I might not fall into the city."

Everyone heard the first two sentences.

A bit unresponsive.

Is this the story of a flower monk?
What kind of rare masterpiece is this?
Isn't this blasphemy against Buddhism?

But just when everyone was wondering, Dean Hu sang the following two sentences.

"The world is safe and secure, and you will not fail the Tathagata or your Qing."

After Dean Hu finished reading, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing bitterly. Professor Ye's achievements in poetry are really terrifying!
Even the irrelevant subjects like Buddhism and love can be played in his hands.

To be honest, only Ye Feng can write such Buddhist love poems.Don't talk about writing others, they just don't dare to think about it.

Buddhism and love?
You can pull it down!

Only Ye Feng is so bold and eclectic.

At this moment, the guests at the scene also let out gasps one after another.

The first two sentences of this poem are unremarkable, but the last two sentences are simply amazing!
The world is safe and secure, and it is worthy of the Tathagata and worthy of Qing!
This sentence confused and intoxicated many girls at the scene.

The eyes of many little girls looking at Ye Feng changed again, as if they were full of love.

"What a poem!"

"I can't understand that word, but this poem is really beautiful!"

"Nonsense, I don't even look at who this person is! This is Professor Ye Feng, who is well-known in the poetry world. He compiled the "Yuefu Poetry Collection". Can his poems be inferior?"

"It's better to be famous than to meet, and to meet is worse than to be famous!"

Many guests praised and applauded.

Su Ran, who was beside the old man, was very happy to see Ye Feng being praised. Even the old man smiled a lot more when he saw that his grandson-in-law was capable.

However, the faces of the boys from the Lan family were not so good.

Especially Lan Hai, who had already dealt with Ye Feng, it was like seeing a ghost!

You are so good at playing games, and you are also so good at calligraphy and poetry?

This Nima is too much!
They are all hands typing on keyboards and playing games, why did yours have been kissed by heaven, and my father has been bitten by heaven?Why does my handwriting look like that of a spider?
Heaven has no eyes!
 Thanks to HPAaiLR for the reward, and thank you for your various supports.

(End of this chapter)

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