Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 216 Another win!

Chapter 216 Another win!
by the creek.

Calligraphy masters on the other side put away their contempt, Professor Ye's wild cursive is too surprising.

It must be taken seriously!

To be honest, many of them are not very good at wild grass, even if they are good at it, they are far inferior to Ye Feng.However, none of them are afraid, on the contrary, they have more fighting spirit!
You are so good at cursing, we can't compare, but the calligraphy class is not just a cursive!

But at this time, Lan Xiu stood up and said loudly: "The wild grass is extremely artistic, but it is too difficult to recognize. Everyone should try to avoid the next competition. After all, we still need to give the old man It is obviously inappropriate to use wild words to copy ancient books."

As soon as he finished speaking, the children of Su's family suddenly became unhappy and started muttering one after another.

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's clear that I deliberately made things difficult for my brother-in-law!"

"Seeing that my brother-in-law's Kuangcao is well written, why don't you use Kuangcao?"

"Isn't uncle's partiality too obvious?"

Everyone was muttering, but they didn't say it out loud, only this small group of people could hear it.After all, on such an occasion, if these juniors dare to talk back to Lan Xiu, then Su Ran can take their skin off.

Calligraphy masters on the other side were also a little surprised. They didn't expect Lan Xiu to directly ban Kuangcao.But what Lan Xiu said was right, if you want to transcribe ancient books, it is really inappropriate to use wild cursive.After all, this thing has no professionalism, and you don't even know a word, let alone read it.

Several calligraphers shook their heads regretfully.

But Mr. Ye didn't care at all, and was enjoying the glass of wine he just won.

Take a sip of "Zi Liu", don't tell me, this wine really has a taste.This is not the Erguotou of the imperial capital, but a kind of rice wine. The smell of alcohol is very small, but it has a light and sweet taste.

Ye raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

Yes, Not Bad.

Will have to try it later.


That's the end of the first game.

Another boat floated down with a wine glass and a small flag.

All the masters on the other side were paying attention. Just now, they had learned how powerful Ye Feng was. Let alone his calligraphy achievements, let's talk about his poetry level, which is beyond the reach of all of them together.You must know that the calligraphy competition has a limited framework, you can't digress from the topic, and this group of people can only find suitable ones in the past accumulation.But Ye Feng is different, this is the most famous contemporary poet, he can write classic poems without using his brain!
In this respect, Ye Feng already has an innate advantage.

Although Ye Feng can't use Wild Grass now, everyone dare not be careless.

Many people, including those guests who were close, stretched their necks and looked at the little red flag on the boat.


Another word, last time it was "Buddha", this time it was "Lan".

But this time the word "Lan" has a deeper meaning than the last word "Buddha".

Don't forget, today is at "Lan"'s house!

This must have written some praise poems!
"This question is ingenious!"

"Haha, such a question is indeed suitable for today's festive day."

"It is estimated that this is the idea of ​​Uncle Lan, it is really filial."

"That's right, such small details can best reflect sincerity and insincerity."

After seeing this question, many guests were full of praise and gave Lan Xiu a thumbs up.

The old man also laughed, his face was full of joy, obviously very useful.Lan Xiu, who was standing next to him, smiled lightly. Although he wanted to use this to seek benefits for the children of the Lan family, the core was still to make the old man happy.He may not be a qualified brother, but he is really a qualified son.

At this time, sister Leng beside Ye Feng stood up without saying a word.Seeing Lengmei come on stage, Ye Feng was also happy to relax.

The masters on the other side were slow to react, and a master who was good at cursive stood up directly, "Leave this game to me."

I don't know why this master is so anxious, anyway, he started to write hastily with his pen and ink, and the pen is exactly what he is best at, cursive!
I just said that wild cursive cannot be used. Although running cursive is also cursive, the difference from wild cursive is quite significant.At least, ordinary people in cursive can see clearly.

"This is Mr. Mu, right?"

"Old Mu seems to be a little anxious."

"Nonsense, can you not be in a hurry? There are only a few poems about orchids, even fewer high-quality poems, and only one poem that can suit the occasion! Calligraphy competitions cannot use the same work. If they are pre-empted, then they have nothing to write. They are not the young people who can create on the spot."

After this person finished speaking, Elder Mu over there stopped writing.

"I'm sorry, little girl, I'll finish writing before you." Elder Mu chuckled and stroked his white beard. Although he couldn't see what Leng Mei wrote, he could guess it, and he must be with himself. the same!

At this time, a waiter had already lifted up Mu Lao's work and showed it to everyone.

Although it is cursive, everyone can still recognize it.

"Lan is the king's fragrance, fragrant and fragrant in the breeze. It has always been in a cave, and it does not compete with prosperity and beauty."

This is a quatrain, the words are not many, but it vividly expresses the nobleness of orchids.This is exactly what the person just said, the only ancient poem that fits the occasion.

Apart from this song, although there are some other works of Wing Lan that are excellent, they are not suitable for today's occasion.

Sure enough, Leng Mei threw the pen directly, showing no expression.


Ye Feng was holding a piece of wife cake and eating happily. Seeing that Lengmei had also stopped writing, he thought she had finished writing too.But stretch your neck to see, huh?Why did you write half of it?

I have to say that Leng Mei's font matches her personality very well, giving people a cold feeling when facing her.

But after taking a second look, Ye Feng discovered the problem, the poem written by Leng Mei was exactly the same as that of the person opposite!
Although he didn't pay much attention just now, after thinking about it for a while, Ye understood what was going on.

Although Leng Mei wrote it first, she wrote it in Xingkai. The old man on the opposite side probably used cursive, so he finished writing before Leng Mei.

But it doesn't matter, the big deal is to write another song.

Ye Feng didn't care, and continued to eat his wife's cake.

"Brother-in-law, come here."

The cold voice made Ye Feng a little puzzled, "What's the matter?" Why did you let me come, can't you just change a song?Although this time is not too much, it is still enough.

"I know this song." After Leng Mei finished speaking, she stood aside on her own.

"Uh, okay."

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't think much, and stood up with his wife's cake.

Walking to the desk, he picked up his pen and was about to start writing.But at this time, Lan Hai asked loudly: "Can you change people temporarily?"

Lan Xiu glanced at him and said cooperatively, "No."

At this moment, all the juniors of the Su family were speechless.

"I'm convinced too, is it necessary to be so targeted?"

"Really, uncle, this is too much!"

"It's good that Aunt Lan agrees to the competition. This is our family's business!"

"Oh, stop talking."

The juniors of the Su family were aggrieved, but there was nothing they could do.

Ye Feng over there also heard it, raised his eyebrows, can't change?
Come on, if you can’t change it, you can’t change it, just because I’m too lazy to write it.

Ye threw the pen away and went back to sit leisurely.

"If Professor Ye was in, we might win this round, but now that Professor Ye can't, there is no hope for this round." Dean Hu shook his head and said.

Elder Feng also said: "Indeed, Lao Mu has already preempted such a suitable poem. That girl from the Su family..."

Although the words were not finished, the meaning was already obvious.

Many guests also noticed that this game should be won by the calligraphers.Didn't you see that Ye Feng couldn't play, did the little girl from the Su family not write?
If neither of them writes, it's a big win!

Someone said it just now, and everyone knew what was going on.

There is no more poetry to write!
Come on, this one is estimated to be a one-to-one tie!

Mrs. Ye by the stream finished eating the wife cake in his hand with a smile, took another sip of wine, squinted happily, and stretched.

Ye is in a good mood, but the mood of the masters on the other side seems to be even better, after all, they have to win the round.

Since everyone is so happy, I, Ye, will compose an impromptu poem!

Ye Feng sat on the bank of the water, raised his wine glass and paid respects to the old man from a distance, and said loudly: "Today is the old man's [-]th birthday, I am not talented, I would like to compose a poem."



Everyone was stunned, not sure what Ye Feng was going to do.You are about to lose the game, and you still have the mood to write poetry?
Oh wait a minute!
write poetry?

Many people looked at each other and saw each other's astonishment.

They seemed to understand what Ye Feng was going to do.

At this time, someone Ye raised his glass and said: "The orchid buds at the foot of the mountain are short of the dipping stream, the sandy road between the pines is clean and mud-free, and the cuckoo crows in the evening rain."

"Who knows that there is no less life? The water flowing in front of the door can still go west! Hugh will sing the yellow chicken with white hair."

Ye Feng's voice was not loud, very quiet.Maybe because he drank some wine, Ye Feng's voice became more cadenced, and it sounded very flavorful.

"Does the old man like this poem?" Ye Feng asked loudly while holding his wine glass.

"I like it, I like it very much. Who knows that there is no less in life? The water in front of the door can still go west!" The old man felt a lot younger when he heard this poem, and his energy suddenly revived.

At this time, Leng Mei who was next to her silently picked up the pen and continued to write.

The first line at the beginning of Ye Feng's poem is "Lan Ya short dipping stream at the foot of the mountain", and Lan Ya is also related to orchids!

The clever Leng Mei understood Ye Feng's thoughts in an instant.

And when everyone saw that Su Leng had started to write again, everyone was twitching, not knowing what to say!
How can he do this...

If you don't allow substitutions, you two will work together?

One for poetry and one for writing!

Lan Xiu almost didn't fall down, he really didn't expect Ye Feng to use this trick.

When Leng Mei finished writing, the boat drifted away just in time.

The waiter hurriedly lifted the work up.

Everyone took a closer look, this is Xingkai.

The handwriting is very solemn and beautiful, but when compared with Mu Lao's cursive, the gap is obvious at a glance.

Although calligraphy is definitely incomparable, everyone knows that Ye Feng and the others won this round again.

And it must be won!

Even if Su Leng's handwriting is not as good as Mr. Mu's, Ke Lanxiu will definitely let Su Leng win!

Because of this poem written by Ye Feng!

Just rely on these three sentences!

Who knows that there is no less in life?The flowing water in front of the door can still go west!Hugh will sing the yellow chicken with white hair.

Based on these three sentences, Lan Xiu didn't dare to let Su Leng lose.

If it was a simple calligraphy competition, Su Leng would definitely not be able to win, but don't forget what day it is today!
Today is the old man's [-]th birthday, and Ye Feng's three lines of poems are so fitting for him!

When cultural people flatter, no one can stop the real Nima!
 I kindly recommend a book by a friend, "The Bright Moon Illuminates the Han Pass". Back in the Ming Dynasty, the little policeman became a rich dude.A conflict formed an indissoluble bond with the future emperor.To change history, start with changing the emperor.Conquer the battlefield and dominate the Liaodong desert.Propagating the power of the sea, the place where the bright moon shines is full of Han soil.


(End of this chapter)

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