Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 217 Power through the back of the paper!

Chapter 217 Power through the back of the paper!
Ye Feng and the others won again.

The waiter fished up the boat, took out the wine from the boat, and brought it to Su Leng.But sister Leng doesn't drink, so this glass of wine belongs to Ye Feng again.

"Then brother-in-law will not be polite."

Ye Feng didn't refuse, picked up the wine glass, and took a sip as soon as he brought it to his mouth, a scent mixed with acridness slowly entered his throat.

Good wine!

This wine is different from the last glass, which is rice wine. This glass should be sweet-scented osmanthus brewed from the south of the Yangtze River, which is more fragrant and elegant.

This wine has an artistic conception!

Ye has a look of intoxication.

The masters on the other side, seeing Ye Feng like that, were all a little bit greedy.It's not that they don't have drinks here, the main reason is that the wine Ye Feng drinks is different from theirs!

That was won!

Everyone wants to taste it, even if it is sour, everyone wants to drink it!
It's not wine, it's honor!

"Although fine wine is good, don't be greedy in Professor Ye's class." The old Mr. Song Qingxuan on the other side said with a smile: "If you get drunk for a while, you will make everyone laugh."

"Old man, don't worry." Ye Feng took another sip, and replied with a smile: "The boy is still sure of his drinking capacity. This kind of fine wine is harmless even if you drink ten or eight glasses."

"Hehe." Elder Song said with a smile: "That depends on Professor Ye's ability. After all, we old bones also want to taste the taste of this fine wine."

"It tastes pretty good." Ye Feng chuckled and said with a smile.

The two of you said something to each other, although they were talking about fine wine, they actually meant more than they said.However, everyone didn't point it out.

While Elder Song and Ye Feng were talking, a group of masters on the opposite bank were not idle, and began to discuss in whispers.

"It's not good for us to win two games in a row."

"Everyone is entrusted by others. If we lose, what should we do?"

"Losing? Can't it be?"

"That's right, with so many of us, how can we not compare to that kid across from us?"

"Boy? Hehe, don't underestimate this person. This is Professor Ye, who is well-known in the cultural world today. This person has a very high status in the literary world, and he is especially good at poetry. We don't know him well, but try to respect him as much as possible." .”

"Indeed, it's not unreasonable for Professor Ye to be hailed as an 'eternal genius' and 'a man descended from heaven' in the literary world. We'd better be careful."

"Old Wang, you think too highly of him, don't you? Even if he has a solid foundation in literature, what we're comparing with is calligraphy. In essence, we still need to look at the foundation of calligraphy."

"Having said that, what we are comparing today is not pure calligraphy. Have you forgotten the scene just now? Professor Ye's poem abruptly reversed the situation. We have to let this go."

Indeed, when it comes to simply comparing calligraphy, these masters are not necessarily worried about Ye Feng, although his wild cursive did surprise them, but good cursive writing does not mean that other calligraphy styles are also good.What troubled them was Ye Feng's superb poetry skills!

After a while, the upstream boat floated down again.

Everyone quickly looked up.

This time it is not a word, but a word, and the four characters "diligence and thrift" are written on the small flag.

As soon as he saw this topic, the old man praised him: "Boss has a heart."

"Father is too much." Lan Xiu hurriedly said modestly.

"Well, this question is a good one. The younger generation should learn what is thrifty." The old man nodded and Lan Xiu quickly echoed.

Here, a calligrapher stood up voluntarily, clasped his fists at everyone and said, "Leave this one to me. I've been watching it for a long time, and my hands are already itchy."

Seeing old Mr. Baishi, everyone has no opinion.

"Bai Lao makes a move, this game should be stable."

"Well, indeed. There are many poems about thrift and thrift. Don't worry, Lao Bai, just write slowly."

"Even if it's Professor Ye's original work, it won't work. After all, diligence and frugality are our excellent traditional virtues, and there are countless good words and sentences."

Bai Lao stood in front of the table, laying out inkstones, flat paper, brushes, and ink, in an orderly manner, appearing calm and relaxed.

This time, Bai Lao is going to write regular script!

Looking at the calm Bai Lao, everyone is full of confidence.

To say that Professor Ye's cursive cursive is unique, many of them feel inferior, but when it comes to regular script, Bai Lao is definitely one of the best masters in the entire calligraphy field in China!
Regular script emphasizes grandeur, uprightness and straightness, which requires extremely high brushwork. Generally, people who are good at cursive cursive are not willing to write regular script, because they will feel a sense of restraint.

Seeing that Bai Lao had already started to write, and Ye Feng just finished drinking the wine in the glass, he felt warm all over his body, full of strength.

"I'll go!"

Ye was a little energetic, and he didn't know if he drank too much or something, but this time he took the initiative to take the initiative.


As soon as Ye Feng stood up, he felt top-heavy and almost fell down.

Everyone was speechless when they saw it.

This big brother drank too much!

But everyone also understands very well, after all, the "wooden cup" carried on the boat is not small, and there must be four taels of white wine.Originally, this glass of wine was prepared to be drunk until the end, but Ye Feng himself had already drank two glasses in a row, and it's normal to be a little floaty.

But the members of the Su family were a little worried. If Ye Feng drank too much, who the hell would continue the game?

Now it seems like this is a bit confused, and I will definitely drink too much in a while!
But at this time, Ye Feng had already started to write. Seeing Ye Feng's swift and arrogant posture, everyone became suspicious.

Did Ye Feng write cursive script again?Or running script?

Anyway, writing regular script will not have this kind of posture.

After a while, Bai on the other side was still writing stroke by stroke, but Ye Feng, who wrote later here, stopped writing first.

Seeing Ye Feng stop writing first, the waiters on both sides quickly lifted up the work.

"how can that be?"

"Xingkai? Why did he write so fast?"

All the calligraphers took a cursory look at it, and they were immediately shocked.

What Ye Feng wrote was Xingkai?
But he obviously started writing after he was older than Bai!

Oh, by the way, it may be that the number of words he wrote was small. Ye Feng wrote five-character quatrains, only twenty words.

At this time, Bai Lao over there also finished writing, and everyone looked over again.

Everyone didn't pay attention to the poems written by Bai Lao, they just looked at how many words they wrote!

Seeing this, everyone was stunned!

It is also a five-character quatrain!

Also twenty words!

But Bai Lao is so much slower than Ye Feng?
How can this be?

Bai Lao is the top regular script master in China!
Both of them use Xingkai, so Bai Lao's speed is so much worse than Ye Feng's?
This makes everyone a little difficult to accept.

However, there was something even more unacceptable. After everyone took a closer look at the calligraphy of the two, they almost vomited blood.


This is everyone's first reaction!

"How could this be?"

"Professor Ye can still write regular script? And his skills are so profound? How can he be indistinguishable from Bai Lao?"

"How will the winner be judged in this game?"

"It's hard to say. Although Professor Ye wrote this poem by himself, the poem selected by Lao Bai is also a classic. It's hard to distinguish the content of the poem, and the calligraphy skills of the two are equally good. It's hard to say."

"Oh, I didn't expect it, I really missed it."

There are no judges in this competition, it all depends on the calligraphers present to judge consciously, but now it really stumps everyone.Although Ye Feng's writing speed is faster, the calligraphy competition is not about who can write faster. The faster speed can only show that Ye Feng's comprehensive skill is better.Well, well, when everyone thought of this, they couldn't take it anymore.

Ye Feng's comprehensive strength is even higher than Bai Lao?

I go!

Are you kidding me?

Although no one wanted to believe it, the facts were right in front of them, and there was no room for them not to believe it.

But this is not enough for Ye Feng to win.

In fact, this is Ye Feng's first time writing calligraphy, and he still seems very unskilled, otherwise, hehe, how could it be possible to be on par with Bai Lao just based on Yan Zhenqing's handwriting he used just now?That should definitely be a complete crushing!

At this time, Mr. Song Qingxuan said, "Otherwise, it will be a tie this time."

"Oh, that's the only way to go." Although the others felt a little sorry, there was no other better way in front of them.

"Old Bai, what do you think?" Elder Song asked.


Bai Lao smiled wryly, "How can I qualify for a tie, alas, I lost."



"Old Bai admit defeat?"

Everyone was taken aback, wondering if their ears had heard it wrong.

Song Lao also wondered: "Old Bai, what do you mean? Although Professor Ye wrote a little faster than you, his handwriting is just as good as yours. Why admit defeat?"

"When they are turning around, you should take a closer look." Bai Lao said with a wry smile.

Look when you turn around?

Then you can only see the back of the rice paper, what's so good about it?

Everyone frowned in confusion.

The two waiters are holding Ye Feng's work, but they are actually turning it slowly, because it needs to be seen clearly by everyone around.When the two waiters turned their backs to the calligraphers again, everyone frowned and looked over.

"Uh, is this?"

"No way!"

"Strength through the back of the paper?"

"how is this possible!"

"Professor Ye has reached this level?"

"It's amazing!"

Looking at the back of the rice paper that should have been snow-white, at this moment, I can clearly see the ink lines left by the tip of the brush when writing!
This is so scary!

Of the many calligraphy masters present, how many of them can reach this level?

Not a few, but none!

No one can reach this point!
At this time, several calligraphers swallowed involuntarily.

They have only seen this kind of state in some calligraphy works handed down from generation to generation. In reality, they have never seen any master write it!
Old Bai sighed, cupped his hands and said, "Professor Ye is truly a heavenly man, and Mr. Bai is not as good. I lost this round." After speaking, Old Bai sat back down.

"Damn it! Brother-in-law won again?"

"I thought it was an effort! I didn't expect to win!"

"Brother-in-law is invincible!"

"Brother-in-law, come on!"

When the Su family heard that Bai Lao had conceded defeat, everyone was overjoyed.

How could my brother-in-law stand up against the multi-professional calligrapher on the opposite side?

And the most amazing thing is that the brother-in-law still has the upper hand?

At this moment, the younger brothers and sisters of the Su family all cheered up.

Seeing that I have won hope!

(End of this chapter)

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