Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 218 Draw a picture

Chapter 218 Draw a picture
A total of ten games.

If you win six games, you win.

At this time, Ye Feng had already won three games!

This is no longer something entrusted by others. If the other side is a master in the calligraphy world, it is okay to say, then there is nothing wrong with losing.But the person opposite is Ye Feng, this guy is not from the calligraphy world!If they lose, where will they put their old faces in the calligraphy world?If you say it, you can't be laughed out of your teeth!

"Oh, I don't believe that Professor Ye is so amazing!"

"What a genius, I don't believe that his calligraphy can surpass us!"

"I'll write seal script later, hehe."

"Hahaha, good!"

"Old Li's Xiaozhuan is definitely helpless!"

"Although it's a bit of a bully, seal script is also one of the five major calligraphy styles, so it's fair and aboveboard!"

"That's right, I don't believe that this Xingye knows cursive script and regular script, and he still has time to learn seal script!"

"Yeah, seal script is not something you can learn casually, and you don't even know many people!"

"Okay, let Lao Li go up and write seal script later."

The group of calligraphers discussed for a while, and finally found a countermeasure.

Let Mr. Li, who is proficient in Xiaozhuan, go up and show off a wave of pre-Qin calligraphy!
At this time, before the boat floated out, Lao Li stood up, clasped his hands to Ye Feng and said, "Professor Ye is proficient in calligraphy, I don't know if he has research on seal script?"

Ye was happily drinking the third glass of wine brought by the waiter. He didn't expect that someone on the other side would talk to him at this time. Ye Feng swallowed the wine first, then squinted his drunken eyes and said: " I understand a little bit." Maybe it's because the alcohol content of this wine is too high, or because Ye has really drank a lot of wine today, at this time, Ye Feng's speech is a little slurred, and his body is a little unsteady .

Hearing this, Mr. Li said, "Why don't we have a competition in seal script next time?"

"Okay!" Ye Feng raised his neck and took a sip, and said freely and freely: "Just let the horse come over!"

Seeing Ye Feng like this, Su Qi worried: "Brother-in-law is drinking too much!"

Su Li also looked at Su Ning and said, "Sister, did brother-in-law drink too much at home?"

Su Ning frowned and said, "No."

Su Li was a little worried, "Brother-in-law doesn't really drink too much, does he?"

Su Ning didn't talk to her, and she didn't know, Ye Feng never drank alcohol at home, only drinking tea.

At this time, the fat man next to him answered, "Don't worry, big brother is like this, he is at most [-]% drunk, and he hasn't thrown a wine bottle on his head yet, what are you afraid of?" Su Li and the others felt a little relieved.

But what does it mean to throw a wine bottle on your head?
Everyone didn't understand, and the fat man smiled lightly and didn't explain.

A fourth boat floated down.

This time the number of words is not too many, just two words - "woman".

This topic is also a bit interesting, obviously to please the female relatives present.I have to say that these questions are really troublesome.First is Buddha, which means peace and security; then it is orchid, which is more obvious, and then it is thrifty; now this question is about women, almost all of which have meaning.

If the host is happy, you have to make the guests happy too, right?
The topic is limited to women, so it must be written in the direction of praising women.

Moreover, this time it was agreed in advance that it would be even more difficult to write in seal script.

On the other side, Mr. Li has already begun to get ink, obviously he has already conceived it.

Here, Ye Feng also stood up unsteadily.

He leaned on the table, feeling his head swell.

Women as the subject?


Ye Feng grinned and picked up his pen.

However, instead of writing first, he began to draw pictures.Although he didn't dream of a painter specifically, don't forget that some literati in ancient times were proficient in painting, such as Wang Wei.

Although there is no paint, even though the brushes used are not brushes, and even though Ye Feng's painting skills are not that strong, there is still no pressure to draw a simple portrait.

With just a few strokes, Ye Feng outlined on the rice paper a beauty who is ashamed of the moon.

Ye Feng looked at the beauties he wrote with a smirk, and then began to write.

Soon, both sides were written.

The waiter held up the works of the two for display.

Everyone took a look, come on, so he didn't know a word.

However, Ye Feng, what is he doing?

Why is there a portrait of a beautiful woman in the middle of the rice paper?

This Nima is a calligraphy competition, big brother!Is it too much for you to paint?

Seeing that Ye Feng actually drew a picture, I don't know how many people fainted.

Of course, after seeing this painting again, many people looked towards Su Ning.

Not for anything else, just because Ye Feng painted her!
"Sister, you are so happy." Su Ling looked at her sister enviously.

"Sister Ning, brother-in-law is still very romantic."

"Hey, it would be great if my husband could be so talented in the future. Take a look at my brother-in-law's paintings. Although they are simple, they are so good."

"I'm a little curious about what brother-in-law wrote, such a long paragraph?"

Seeing that Ye Feng actually drew herself, the sides of Su Ning's pretty face suddenly turned red. Under the eyes of everyone, and with so many elders like you present, this bastard can't show his affection even if he wants to show it at this time. , What a fool!
Although I scolded Mr. Ye several times in my heart, why are there so many little stars in Her Lady Queen's beautiful eyes?The corners of the mouth curled up unconsciously, isn't it embarrassing?Why does it feel like Her Lady Queen is already bubbling with happiness?

At this time, someone yelled at Dean Hu and the others, and asked them to help with the translation.This Xiaozhuan is the same as Kuangcao, no one knows it.

It was still Dean Hu who stood up and said with a smile: "Then I will read it to you again. Let's read Lao Li's works first. He wrote the famous "Nine Beauties Fu" by Liu Xiang in the Han Dynasty. Of course, It's just an excerpt, I'll read it to everyone..."

After reading Mr. Li's works, Dean Hu was a little puzzled when he looked at Ye Feng's works, "As for what Professor Ye wrote, it seems that it is not a piece of poetry, but more like a mixture of many lines."

"President Hu, don't be a fool, and read it quickly."

"Yeah, read it out and let's study it together."

cried many.

Dean Hu stopped talking, and directly praised each sentence: "There are beauties in the north, who are independent from the world. When you look at the city of Qingren, you look at the country of Qingren."

"An increase is too long, and a decrease is too short; powder is too white, and red is too red; eyebrows are like emerald feathers, muscles are like snow; waist is like a string, and teeth are like shellfish; a sweet smile will confuse the sun. City, lost Cai."

"Looking back and smiling Bai Meisheng, Liu Gong Fen Dai has no color."

"Easy as a frightened bird, graceful as a wandering dragon, full of autumn chrysanthemums, and luxuriant spring pine trees. It is as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the flowing wind in the evening."


After everyone heard it, they all realized that this is not a single word, but many sentences.

Ye Feng wrote so many sentences, and then drew a portrait of Su Ning in the middle, does this mean more?

At this moment, I don't know how many beauties who knew the relationship between Ye Feng and Su Ning began to envy Su Ning in their hearts.

Especially Zhao Meng!
That little mouth is going to stick up to the sky!

Seeing that Ye Feng was going to praise Su Ning to the sky, Zhao Meng was very unconvinced!
But she can't accept it, at this moment, Su Ning is all watching!

Even those who don't know the relationship between Ye Feng and Su Ning, all followed the crowd to look at Su Ning at this time!
At this moment, Su Ning is the most beautiful!

It should be because all Ye Feng's sentences were about this woman!

If it was any other woman, she might get a compliment from Ye Feng's sentences, and she would be elated.As for Su Ning, Ye Feng piled up so many beautiful and breath-taking sentences!

This is a woman who is full of praise.

And under the attention of the audience, Queen Damei pinched her right hand with her left hand, and her little heart was pounding.Even when she sang on stage for the first time, Su Ning was never so shy.But today, Her Lady Queen is a little shy.


The guests are all envious of Su Ning, but the calligraphers on the other side don't care much about it.

Of course, they are also very speechless about Ye's behavior. When should you pursue the little girl?Now we are racing!
But they also have to admire Ye Feng, look at what he wrote in this poem, it's really good!
What makes people fall into the city with a smile, and the country with a smile again; what looks back at a smile that is all charming, and the six palaces are colorless... How the hell did he come up with this?
But these are not the point. Although the sentences written by Ye Feng are good, the poem written by Li Lao is also a famous poem in the Han Dynasty.

In terms of content, it can only be said that it is about the same.

However, when they carefully read the words written by Ye Feng, they all gasped!

Mr. Li is proficient in Xiaozhuan, so what he writes is naturally Xiaozhuan, and what Ye Feng writes is also Xiaozhuan!
What's even more frightening is that Ye Feng's Xiaozhuan actually overwhelmed Mr. Li faintly?
how can that be!

It is surprising enough that Ye Feng can write Xiaozhuan, but it is too much for you to be better than Lao Li!
Mr. Li was stunned!

I can't react at all!
But Ye Feng didn't take it seriously, he used Li Si's brushwork, it would be strange if you can beat me, okay?Li Si is the originator of Xiaozhuan!

Although I don't know who invented Xiaozhuan in this world, but whoever you love, Xiaozhuan is Xiaozhuan, and Li Si is awesome!
In the end, Mr. Li took the initiative to admit defeat.

Four games!

Ye Feng has won four games in a row!
Kuangcao he will!

He knows regular script!

He can even use such an uncommon Xiaozhuan!

At this time, the calligraphy masters on the other side finally became anxious.

If things go on like this, they are about to lose!

We must find a way!
"I don't believe it anymore, this guy can still know Lishu!" At this time, a master of Lishu gritted his teeth and said.

"Oh, not necessarily." Master Wang Yuan sighed worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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