Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 221 Lanting Collection? ?

Chapter 221 Lanting Collection? ?

opposite shore.


Even the air seemed to freeze.

Mr. Song Qingxuan is already desperate!
He is full of confidence, and feels that Ye Feng's couplet skills are definitely not as good as his!Standing up flatteredly, thinking that this game must be won, yes, that's right, this is really not difficult!But who the hell would have thought that Ye Feng would come up with a font he had never seen before!
Thousands of calculations, who the hell can calculate this result?

Didn't die on the couplets, but was stumped by the calligraphy?
I, Nima, am a calligrapher!
If you say that I am not right with you, then I will admit it.But it's too much for you to write a book style that I don't agree with!

Elder Song's mentality has collapsed at this moment!

He even began to wonder if he was an expert in calligraphy!
Looking at the drunken Ye Feng on the opposite side, Mr. Song and his group of calligraphers were all dumbfounded!
Neither can anyone!

This can't be right!

"Alas, I lost."

In the end, Elder Song lowered his head bitterly.

Although I don't want to admit it, it's the truth.

He lost.

This group of calligraphers lost.

In six games, Ye Feng won six games in a row!

They have no power to fight back!

Seeing the number of Lao Song's contributions, the Su family immediately burst into cheers.

"I'll go! My brother-in-law is mighty!"

"Amazing my brother-in-law!"

"Ah, brother-in-law is so handsome!"

"Brother-in-law is amazing! Not only is he good at playing games, but even his calligraphy skills beat professional masters? Invincible!"

Su Li, Su Qi, and the others cheered endlessly, while the juniors of the Lan family over there were stunned.

What's up with this Nima?

You group of professional calligraphy masters can't beat Ye Feng, a layman?
wipe!Did you do it on purpose?
Lan Tian's mentality exploded!

What was thought to be a winning ticket, was swept away by Ye Feng all the way?

Seeing that Ye Feng won in the end, Lan Xiu sighed, and then said loudly: "I declare that the winner this time is Ye Feng!"

"Yay! We won!"

The juniors of the Su family danced happily, especially Su Ke. Ye Feng's victory meant that the opportunity to enter the Lan's Group belonged to him again.Su Ling took the lead, and a group of joyful younger brothers and sisters ran to the stream and surrounded Ye Feng.A group of people cheered and celebrated the victory.

Ye Feng's side was very lively, but the masters on the other side were dejected.

"Oh, I didn't expect Professor Ye to have such strength in calligraphy." Song Lao shook his head helplessly and sighed.

Wang Lao said sadly: "Maybe this is the so-called heaven and man. Maybe what we have learned all our lives is not as good as others who just look at it casually." Losing to Ye Feng, he was really hit.

This is not just a few of them losing to Ye Feng, but the entire calligraphy world has lost!

They know better than anyone else. Looking at the entire calligraphy world, no matter who comes, everyone has to kneel!
Not to mention anything else, just saying that Ye Feng wrote the style of the Shanglian at the end, it is already despairing.

How old is he?

He actually created an unparalleled style of writing?

And also proficient in the four scripts of seal script, grass script, regular script, and official script?

This is enough to establish a sect and be admired by thousands of people!Especially his unique font can be handed down for hundreds of generations and be learned and imitated by future generations!
"Hey, this is the so-called mountain is higher than the mountain." Elder Song said with a wry smile.

Wang Yuan raised his head and glanced at Ye Feng on the other side, and then asked in awe, "One mountain is higher than the other? Where is the mountain that is higher than him?"

Elder Song was taken aback.

Then there was a little bewilderment in his eyes.

A mountain higher than Ye Feng?
"I hope not." Elder Song smiled wryly, one Ye Feng is enough to make people despair, if there is a mountain higher than Ye Feng, it will really make people breathless.

At this time, Ye Feng had already been helped to the old man's side.

He won the first place, so he naturally wanted to help the old man transcribe the severely brittle ancient book, which was agreed at the beginning.

Song Lao and the others saw it, and they all followed.


A group of people gathered around a stone table. On the table was a complete set of pens, ink, papers and inkstones, as well as a yellowed ancient book.

"Xiaofeng, why don't you go back and rest first?"

The old man was also at the side, seeing Ye Feng's drowsy look, as if he couldn't even open his eyes, the old man said with concern.

"No, nothing." Mr. Ye rubbed his head. He wasn't so sleepy at first, but the cup of Erguotou just made him feel confused.But he also knows what day it is today, the old man's [-]th birthday, he can't leave the meeting early no matter what.

With a strong effort, Ye Feng opened his eyes and looked at the ancient book on the table.

Looking at the name on the book cover, why does Ye Feng feel that the name is a bit familiar?

"Lanting Collection"?
Could it be...

Seeing this name, Ye became more energetic.

Carefully opened the ancient book, it is indeed severely brittle, some pages have cracked.

After a cursory look, Ye Feng found that this "Lanting Collection" was different from the one in his previous life. Although both were poetry collections, the content in them was very different.But what is interesting is that from these poems, Ye Feng discovered that this "Lanting Collection" is also the work of a group of literati in the Eastern Jin Dynasty who gathered at a place called Lanting in Kuaiji Mountain on the third day of March.

No wonder today there will be such an event in the form of "Qushui Liushang", and nine out of ten it is because of this "Lanting Collection".

After reading this "Lanting Collection", there are only more than 30 poems, and the workload of transcribing it is not too big.

There was cut rice paper on the table, Ye Feng picked up the pen and started.

The group of people next to him all looked at Ye Feng attentively.

Soon, within an hour, Ye Feng finished transcribing.

People around are all amazed.

Ye Feng's handwriting is indeed beautiful!
He used Xingkai, with one stroke and one stroke, like a wandering dragon, which made people feel comfortable.

"Good! Good!"

The old man laughed and said "yes" twice, "The word Xiaofeng is enough to establish a sect!"

"Yes, the young man's writing is really vivid!"

"You are so young, the younger generation is formidable!"

"Professor Ye is worthy of being a heavenly man!"

"Writing is like a flying phoenix, and handling is like a dragon! Congratulations to the old lady for getting a fine collection of poems!"

"With Professor Ye's transcription, this is not just a collection of poems, it's already a signature!"

"A priceless treasure!"

After the old man finished speaking, the guests next to him, whether they knew Ye Feng or not, all boasted to him non-stop.

At this time, Lan Hai over there suddenly stood up and said to the old man respectfully: "Grandpa, grandson is preparing a birthday gift for grandpa, please look at it!" He said, holding a roll of rice paper in both hands, It was handed over to the old man.

"Okay, grandpa, take a look."

The old man took it with a smile, and he didn't just look at it for himself, but spread it out so that everyone can see it.

On the rice paper, everyone looked up.

"Lanting Collection Preface"!
(End of this chapter)

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