Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 222 Ancient 1st Running Script!

Chapter 222 The first running script in the ages!

These are the four big characters that everyone sees at first sight!
Everyone was stunned.

Especially Ye Feng, he almost popped his eyes out!
Nima's "Lanting Collection Preface" is just a joke, right?

How is it possible!

This is impossible!
This is absolutely impossible!
Not even Wang Xizhi, how can you have "Lanting Collection Preface"?
Who the hell wrote it!
Ye Feng's heart was agitated, but when he read on, his mood calmed down again.

This "Lanting Collection Preface" is not the same thing as his world at all.

The content is completely different, it has nothing to do with it!
Lan Haidao: "This is a book preface that my grandson invited more than a dozen scholars from the cultural field to study together. It is based on the contents of my grandfather's "Lanting Collection". like."

After everyone listened to it, no one asked how it was written, but they all praised it.

"Lan Hai is really filial!"

"Have a heart!"

"Even if the preface of this book is well written, it's not ordinary at first glance!"

"A dozen scholars from the literary world? This is also a big deal!"

Hearing everyone's praise, Su Li and the others had black lines all over their heads.

Are you guys over yet?
Everyone looks so filial, where the hell do you put us?

When Lan Hai does this, outsiders may seem to be really filial.However, anyone who knows Lan Hai knows that this is to highlight the disfiliality of the younger generation of the Su family!

"Brother-in-law, please trouble you to write a few words, and copy this book preface as well." Lan Hai said to Ye Feng with a smile: "This book preface, together with brother-in-law's calligraphy, will complement each other. ah."

"Yes, yes, yes! Professor Ye is a great talent, and he writes a piece of paper, and let us learn a lot!"

"That's right, it's a pity that this "Lanting Collection" is out of order."

"If Professor Ye can transcribe the book preface again, it would be perfect!"

Over there, many juniors of the Lan family also booed, "With Ye Feng's skills, if you don't write a famous article that shines in the past and the present, it is disrespectful to grandpa!"

Someone Ye rubbed the center of his brows, feeling dizzy. Hearing what Lan Hai said, Ye Feng didn't even think about it, and just curled his lips and said in disdain: "I write all kinds of rubbish? I don't write."

Let him transcribe this "Lanting Collection Preface"?
Just kidding?
What the hell is this garbage?
How dare you call it "Lanting Collection Preface"?
Who the hell gave you the confidence!
Moreover, this one was given by Lan Hai!If Ye Feng was a gift from the Su family, he would be reluctant to write, but your Lan Hai wants to use Lao Tzu to borrow flowers to present Buddha, then lean back!

Do not write!

As soon as Ye Feng finished speaking, everyone was stunned, a little unresponsive.


Ye Feng said that this preface is rubbish?

Immediately, Lan Hai said directly with a gloomy face: "Ye Feng! Don't think that you can be supercilious because you are talented. This book preface is a work led by the deputy director of the Institute of Poetry of the National People's Congress. How dare you call it rubbish? "

"Deputy director of the National People's Congress? Hehe." Ye Feng smiled, "You call him and ask, and say that I, Ye Feng, said that what he wrote is rubbish. Do you agree with him?" Come on, what Ye Feng said was really too domineering.

Even Dean Hu frowned, his face was a little ugly.

Indeed, Ye Feng is qualified to say this, but if he really said that, no one in the cultural circle would feel good if he heard it.

"You, you!" Lan Hai stomped his feet angrily, but didn't say a word abruptly.He suddenly remembered just now that this bastard's status in the literary world is much higher than his calligraphy world!

Maybe if he made a phone call, the deputy director of the National People's Congress might really dare not fart!

Lan Hai's face turned green!
"Okay! You say I'm rubbish, then write a famous article that will be passed down through the ages!" Lan Hai gritted his teeth and said, don't you call me rubbish?OK!You are awesome!What the hell are you doing? You are writing!
Lan Hai felt that Ye Feng would never be able to write it!He didn't even see "Lanting Collection" until today, and he can write the book preface after only transcribing it once?What an international joke!
"That's right! You are amazing, you write it!"

"I'll see what you can write."

"Hehe, don't be worse than garbage by then."

Lan Hai's brothers also sneered.

"If you say this is rubbish, it is rubbish. This kind of thing is a masterpiece? Heh, I really haven't seen it before. I'm happy for grandpa's birthday today. Let you have a look and learn a lot, so that you won't go out to the Su family in the future." Disgraceful!" After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to the old man: "Grandpa, I encountered some trouble when I came here, the salute was thrown into the sea, and the gift is gone. Today is your boss' birthday, so I will write something to give to you. You made a present, I hope you like it." Although Ye Feng's mouth was full of alcohol, his attitude was very respectful.

The old man was not unhappy because of their dispute, but said with a smile: "Okay, I also want to see what gift our family Xiaofeng can give the old man."

"Brother-in-law, don't you really want to write the book preface on the spot?" Su Li said worriedly.

"I said, let them learn a lot." Ye Feng said in a daze.

"Brother-in-law, the sequence of this book is..."

Su Qi wanted to say something, but was pulled back by Su Ling, "Brother, just look at it, my brother-in-law has never lost in the field of culture. If he says he can write, he must be able to write!" My sister-in-law is full of confidence in Ye Feng, she has seen Ye Feng display his supernatural power with her own eyes.

Competing culturally with my brother-in-law?
Why don't you have nothing to do!
At this time, a waiter collected all the ancient books and manuscripts on the table, and spread a new sheet of rice paper.Ye Feng touched the piece of paper, then looked at the pen he was using just now, frowned and said: "Such things are not worthy of my preface!"

"Change the paper, change the pen, change the ink!" Ye was full of pride, as if there were stars hanging in his eyes, and he was angry.

"Change!" The old man's eyes flashed brightly, and he said to the waiter, "Bring 'Zijin Yanyun'!"

Soon, four waiters came over with a tray each.

A purple pen, a plate of golden ink, a piece of strange paper like smoke, and a pure white inkstone carved with clouds.

This is the so-called "Zijin Yanyun", and it is also the reward mentioned at the beginning.

Ye Feng's blurred and drunken eyes suddenly lit up, "Good baby!"

Ye Feng personally spread out the smoke-like paper, polished the golden ink himself, and held the purple mouse brush. At this moment, everyone looked at Ye Feng eagerly, and all their eyes were focused on Ye Feng. body.

Ye Feng raised his hand to let the brush lick the golden ink, and then he wrote.

Preface to Lanting Collection!

These are the four big characters written by Ye Feng at the beginning!

Running script!

Many calligraphers present immediately became energetic, and Ye Feng actually used running script this time!

This is the only style of calligraphy that Ye Feng has never used before, but unexpectedly it appeared here.

"In the ninth year of Yonghe, the age was Kuichou. At the beginning of late spring, I will meet at the Orchid Pavilion in Shanyin, Kuaiji, to repair the deeds. All the sages will come, and the young and old will gather together."

The first line began to drop characters, and Ye Feng wrote a word, and the old man read a word himself, so that people who couldn't see clearly outside could hear it.

"Nine years of Yonghe? When was that?"

"Was this "Lanting Collection" completed at that time?"

"It's also a matter of repairing? What does this sentence mean?"

Many people were pointing and talking.

Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all. When he was transcribing just now, he had roughly browsed the contents of this "Lanting Collection". No change.Therefore, he did not hesitate at all, his pen was firm, and he did not need to conceive at all. "Here there are lofty mountains, lush forests and bamboos, and clear and turbulent streams. They are reflected on the left and right. They are cited as flowing cups and curved waters, which are second. Although there is no such thing as silk and bamboo orchestra Sheng, a glass of wine and a chants are enough to narrate the quiet feelings.”

Lan Hai frowned. The things Ye Feng wrote so far were similar to the beginning of the book preface in his hand. They were all about what happened at that time.

"Is this what you call a peerless masterpiece?"

"Hehe, this is another way of saying it. What's so good about it?"

"Wonderful fame!"

Many juniors of the Lan family mocked, not only these juniors of the Lan family, but even many guests looked contemptuous. Although they didn't speak, their expressions said everything.To be honest, except for this group of calligraphers who were shocked, the rest of the people present were quite disdainful.

They don't understand, but these calligraphers have seen a clue, not in literature!

But calligraphy!

But how well this article is written, but just this handwriting directly confused the calligraphers present!

However, Ye Feng ignored these reasons and continued to write, "It's the day, the sky is bright and the air is clear, and the wind is smooth. Looking up at the vastness of the universe and looking down at the abundance of categories, it is enough for you to enjoy your eyes and ears. For entertainment, I believe in happiness. With my wife, I will look up to you for the rest of my life. You can take it in your arms and understand the words in one room;

Seeing this, Lan Hai frowned.

The things Ye Feng wrote are starting to be different from his book sequence!

The others also suddenly fell silent.

Ye Feng's eyes are drunk and blurred, but he writes faster and faster, "Although the taste is very different, and the calmness is different, when he is happy with what he meets, he gets it for himself for a while, and he is happy and self-sufficient, and he doesn't know that old age is coming; I am tired, and my feelings change with the situation, and I am deeply moved. I am happy with it, and it has become a thing of the past, and I still have to be happy with it, and the short and the short are changed, and the end will come to an end!"

When the pen goes away, the surroundings are completely silent!


This turned out to be a realization!

How can it be?

Ye Feng was not there in person?How could he have the perception of the situation at that time?

"The ancients said: 'Death and life are too great.' Isn't it painful! Every time I look at the reasons for the excitement of the ancients, if they are united, they will be mourned in the text, and they can't be described in my heart. I know that a death and a life are a false birth. , Qi Pengshang is a false act. The future looks at the present, just like the present looks at the past, sad husband! Therefore, I will list the people at the time and record what they said. Although the world is different, so I am happy, and it is the same. Later Those who read it will also feel the elegance."

The last paragraph is still a sentiment!

After reading this article, everyone is a little overwhelmed.

It seems to be a narrative at the beginning, but the rest of it is all written from the perspective of the people at that time!
This is impossible!
Ye Feng was not the person at that time, how could he write such a true and moving sentiment?

Ye Feng signed and put down the pen.

It's officially done!
The whole place was silent!

The guests were shocked by the content of this article and were dumbfounded. However, they were not the most shocked!
Those calligraphers, reading this article, can no longer think at this time!

Running script!

This is the running script!
This is the first running script in the ages!

Absolutely the first running script in the ages!

The content doesn't matter at all!
This word has completely surpassed the value that the content can reflect!
The calligraphers present began to breathe rapidly, and their eyes were all red!
(End of this chapter)

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