Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 223 Book Saint!

Chapter 223 Book Saint!

Many calligraphers present widened their eyes and breathed rapidly. Mr. Wang Yuan's lips even started to tremble, and Master Song Qingxuan beside him was even more frightened!
That's right!

Just freaked out!

Staring at this "Lanting Collection Preface", Dean Hu was stunned, Mr. Feng was stunned, and all calligraphers were shocked!

It's unbelievable!

How could anyone in this world be able to write such calligraphy?

Song Lao and the others were shocked for 3 minutes before they came back to their senses.

Immediately, this group of calligraphers exploded!
No matter what kind of people are around, they all exclaimed directly.

"The first running script in the ages! This is definitely the first running script in the ages!"


"It's hard to describe the value of this post!"

"Priceless! This copy of calligraphy is priceless!"

""Preface to Lanting Collection"? Professor Ye has directly pushed our Chinese calligraphy to a new level! No one can match it!"

"Heavenly man! Heavenly man!"

"Book sage! Contemporary book sage, Professor Ye is well-deserved!"

This group of calligraphers is already bursting with excitement!This "Preface to Lanting Collection" had a great impact on them!

Everyone's complexion changed drastically and they shouted loudly. At this moment, no one could keep calm and care about the demeanor of a master.Some people even call Ye Feng the holy book!

This title is too scary!

However, at this time, no one refuted it!

Because, at this moment, in the hearts of all calligraphers, Ye Feng is a well-deserved calligrapher!
Seal script, official script, running script, regular script, and cursive script, Ye Feng's five script styles are all at the pinnacle, especially this running script, which amazes everyone.In addition, there is that special, Ye Feng's original calligraphy style, which is even more amazing.

Book Saint!

Professor Ye is the sage of calligraphy!
This is the common will of all calligraphy masters at this moment!

"Why are Dean Hu and the others so excited? It's not necessary, is it?"

"The first running script in the ages?"

"What do you mean?"

"This "Preface to Lanting Collection" is well written, and it's not the best in the ages, is it?"

"Scholar? This young man? Is it true or not?"

The excited performance of Mr. Song and his group of calligraphers was naturally particularly eye-catching, and the surrounding guests were a little surprised when they heard their exclaimed words.

The first running script in the ages?

Can't describe it in a word?


Listening to the excited words of the calligraphy masters and the words they used, everyone around them clicked their tongues.

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

Many people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Many of them don't understand calligraphy, and they can't see why Ye Feng's calligraphy is so good, but they know the status of this group of calligraphers in the calligraphy world!
That's what they all say, is it true?

That's too shocking, right?


Just this drowsy young man in front of him?
It doesn't look like it!

"Mr. Song, you must be responsible for what you say, don't say anything casually!" Lan Hai said with a gloomy face.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Feng was praised as a book saint?

This made the mentality of the juniors of the Lan family explode!

We put so much effort into preparing the calligraphy banquet, but in the end we didn't get any benefits, and you became a god right away?
Lan Hai is going to explode with anger!

"Nonsense?" Mr. Song, who is in his 60s, is still very excited at this time, his face is flushed, "This calligraphy is natural, light and ethereal, without any deliberate carving. The traces are almost as if they were formed naturally."

Dean Hu next to him also said excitedly: "Looking at the whole article, all the same characters are written in completely different ways! Words such as 'zhi' and 'for' have their own changes. Especially 'zhi' Chinese characters have changed into more than 20 different ways of writing, which is simply unheard of, and it has never been seen in ancient and modern times!"

"This "Preface to the Collection of Lanting Pavilion" is written even more quietly and calmly, and the brushwork is like flying..."

"Apart from Professor Ye, who else dares to be called a scholar?"


After Lan Hai finished speaking, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest. This group of calligraphers were like machine guns, making various analyzes one after another. The momentum was terrifying, and Lan Hai couldn't say a word directly.

Even Ye Feng, who was about to fall asleep, was taken aback. Hearing their analysis, Ye nodded secretly.

These people still have the real stuff.

In such a short period of time, it is not easy to see the extraordinaryness of this manuscript.

The best running script in the world!

They were right!
This "Preface to the Lanting Collection" written by Ye Feng is almost the same as the one written by Wang Xizhi back then. It is not an exaggeration to say that Ye Feng's article may be a little better than Wang Xizhi's!

Because Wang Xizhi is just Wang Xizhi.

But Ye Feng is different, he is not alone!

He is a super bug who has gathered many ancient calligraphy masters in his previous life!

Maybe Ye Feng was a little rusty when he wrote Kuangcao at the beginning, but after the airport competition, he has fully stimulated the calligraphy skills in Ye Feng's bone marrow.

In addition, he is now drunk, he is simply invincible!
Don't think that the calligraphy written by drinking too much is not as good as usual, in fact it is quite the opposite!If you don't drink some wine, you will never be able to write such an elegant, natural and unrestrained work!When Ye dreamed that he became Wang Xizhi and wrote "The Preface to the Lanting Collection", he was drinking and drinking to his heart's content!
Moreover, Ye Feng didn't have any special reaction when he heard them calling him a scholar.If you can't be a scholar at your own level, then the others are really even less qualified!It's not that Ye Feng has confidence in himself, but that he has confidence in those calligraphy masters in the past and ancient times!
Just relying on Wang Xizhi himself, he can be called a sage of calligraphy!
Ye Feng has merged with so many super calligraphers, is it not easy to become a calligrapher?

"The best running script in the world? The sage of calligraphy? Good! Good! Good!"

The old man also knew calligraphy. Hearing the exclamation of Mr. Song and the others, he couldn't help clapping his hands and yelled "Hello" three times!


Seeing that the old man had made an agreement, even if the juniors at the Lan family were upset, they didn't move.

All of a sudden, there was a burst of applause at the scene.

"Long experience!"

"Young man has a future!"

"I think this young man is very handsome and looks like a scholar!"

"That's right, even drinking is so elegant and free, even falling down is so refreshing and refined, you can't look like an ordinary person at first glance, you must be able to become a great talent!"

Regardless of whether this group of guests knew calligraphy or not, anyway, seeing the old man agreed, everyone came up to praise without even thinking about it, scratching their heads one by one, wishing they could spit out more ink.

However, these are all small scenes, and they are all uneducated little brothers. There is a big brother in his thirties over there, and he is not an ordinary person in terms of clothes. When he opened his mouth, he immediately shocked the audience.

I saw the elder brother clapping his hands towards Ye Feng with a smile and saying: "Yes, yes, this handwriting written by this little brother is really flamboyant, and it is even more colorful and beautiful! Pleasant to the eyes, very admirable... I have long heard that Professor Ye is an eternal genius, a pedantic genius, and his name is even more resounding, resounding all over the world... My admiration for Mr. is like a torrential river, and I am fortunate to see it today. , As expected, he is the dragon and phoenix among the people, and he is outstanding, and it is worthwhile to witness the professor splashing ink with his own eyes... The title of the sage of calligraphy, the professor is well-deserved!"

After he finished speaking three sentences, many people around couldn't help but look sideways.

When he finished speaking seven sentences, no one else spoke at the scene.

When he finished ten sentences, everyone almost popped their eyes out!

But after he finished speaking, everyone on the scene was stunned!It even looks like someone fell over!

I rub!

It is also stainless steel, why are they so rusty?

For this group of guests, the elder brother's words had a much greater impact than Ye Feng's calligraphy!

Even Ye Feng was fooled by what he said!
Looking at the big brother in a daze, his eyes couldn't move.

It's so fucking strong!
Even the old man was a little embarrassed, he coughed twice, and said with a smile: "Xiaofeng is indeed very good, but you must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, don't be inflated, and keep learning with an open mind." The old man encouraged Ye Feng a few times. Ye Feng respectfully responded.

"Everyone go back to your seats, we're officially starting the banquet." Seeing this, Lan Xiu who was next to him said at the right time.

A waiter put away all of Ye Feng's signatures, Mr. Song and the others looked at the "Preface to the Lanting Collection" reluctantly, there was no way, this was given to the old man by Ye Feng, even if they liked it, no one could do it can take away.

Maybe he understood the look in the eyes of Mr. Song, and the old man said with a smile: "Well, although these are all written by Xiaofeng, I will be the master today, and the works written by Xiaofeng during the competition just now, All of them have been donated to the Calligraphy Association. This "Lanting Collection Preface" can also be lent to you for a period of time, but remember to return it to me when the time comes, it is my treasure."

Elder Song and the others were stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.

"Thank you, Mr. Lan!"

"Hahaha, it's okay, Xiaofeng, do you have any objections?" The old man turned his head and asked with a smile.

"No, no, it's all up to grandpa to decide." Ye Feng said vaguely, at this moment, Ye Feng was drinking again, and he was about to fall asleep.

I will never drink Erguotou again!
"Hurry up, take Xiaofeng back to rest first." Seeing that Ye Feng could not stand still, the old man said to Su Li, Su Qi and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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