Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 224 Unknowing Relationship

Chapter 224 Unknowing Relationship

"Behind every successful woman is a hardworking man."

"As the saying goes, a man who doesn't love his wife is not a good man."

"A good man is me, I am...a good man!"


While Ye was washing his underwear, he was nagging himself to comfort himself.

It doesn't matter, isn't it just to wash Su Ning's underwear?
How big is it?

It's all clouds!

I leave someone to accept it!
After all kinds of self-comforting and self-hypnosis, Ye Feng finally finished washing.


Ye Feng shouted towards the outside.

"Really? Did you wash it clean?"

Su Ning got off the bed with her bare feet, and stood at the door with her hands behind her back.

"Clean! It's absolutely clean!" Ye Feng said with a smile, "Would you like to come in and have a look?"

Su Ning raised her eyebrows and walked to the door, but suddenly thought, is this bastard dressed yet?

"Put on your clothes." Su Ning said first.

"Clothes? There are no clothes here!"

"No?" Su Ning asked suspiciously, "Why not, the bathrobe is inside."

"Where is it? Why didn't I see it?" Ye Feng said.

"It's in the cabinet, look for it."

After a while, Ye Feng said: "It's really not there, if you don't believe me, come in and have a look."

Su Ning was still very surprised at first, the bathrobe was in the cabinet, how could she not find it?But upon hearing Ye Feng's last words, Her Lady Queen understood immediately.

"If you don't have it, then you don't have it!" Su Ning's head was full of black lines, she turned around and went to bed angrily, "You don't need to come out, just spend the night inside!"

This bastard just wanted to trick himself into it, so he wouldn't be fooled!

In the bathroom, Mr. Ye also has black lines all over his head!

Looking at the empty cabinet, where the hell is there a bathrobe?
I am not talking nonsense!
This is true!

"Little Ningning, I really don't have any clothes, you can quickly find me one." Someone Ye wailed.

"You stay inside!" Su Ning sneered at what the bastard Ye Feng said, she didn't want to believe a word.

"You really don't want to find it for me?" Someone Ye asked through gritted teeth.

Su Ning ignored him.

"Not looking for it?" Ye Feng asked again.

Su Ning still ignored him.

"Okay, don't regret it!"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Su Ning suddenly felt something was wrong, she just wanted to speak, but it was too late!

The bathroom door opened, and Mr. Ye walked out naked and swaggeringly!

Her Lady Queen was stunned for two seconds, and then there was an exceptionally loud scream in the dark night!

"You bastard! Pervert! Pervert!"

Su Ning was like a frightened little rabbit, covering her face and sitting on the bed, not daring to move, trying not to let herself see some unclean things.

Ye was speechless, "I told you to bring me a piece of clothing, but I have to go out and look for it myself." While talking, he went to the closet and found a pair of pajamas, and quickly put it on. on the body.

Ye Feng went to the bed and sat down, took Su Ning's arm, "Okay, okay, get dressed."

"Ah! You go away! You pervert!" Ye Feng put his hand on Su Ning's arm, and Su Ning kicked and kicked Ye Feng with his hands and feet.

Su Ning pouted angrily, and stared at Ye Feng with her big eyes, those small eyes wanted to bite him to death!

Ye Feng sat by the bed, touched his nose in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "I can't help it, there are really no clothes inside, if you don't believe me, go and have a look."

Su Ning glared at him, seeing that Ye Feng didn't seem to be lying, but still hummed: "I don't believe it." Although she said she didn't believe it, Su Ning didn't go to the bathroom to look, anyway, Ye Feng didn't believe it. It's out, and it doesn't matter what happened.

Moreover, if there is really a bathrobe inside, then Ye Feng really has no steps to go down.

That's it, that's fine.

After a while, Su Ning sat on the bed with her legs crossed and said to Ye Feng, "Go and take out the clothes to dry on the balcony."


Seeing that Su Ning's anger seemed to have dissipated, Ye Feng hurriedly went to the bathroom to take out both of them's underwear, and hung them one by one on the balcony to dry.

After tossing and tossing for so long, and not eating much this day, Ye Feng felt a pang of hunger.

"Is Ningning hungry?" Ye Feng asked with a smile.

"I'm hungry."

Her Majesty the Queen gave her a beautiful roll of eyes, why do I need to ask such an obvious matter.However, Su Ning is already used to Ye Feng calling herself "Ningning" or "Little Ningning", and basically has no uncomfortable reactions.

It can also be seen that the relationship between the two has really undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Okay, then what do you want to eat?" Ye Feng asked.

Su Ning stretched her waist and lay comfortably on the bed, "There is fish in the kitchen downstairs, I want to eat fish soup." Originally, Su Ning wanted to make dinner for the two of them while Ye Feng was taking a bath. But who knew that bastard Ye Feng wouldn't stop taking a bath!
Otherwise, Ye Feng would be able to drink hot fish soup after taking a shower at this time.

"Okay, wait for me for a while."

Ye Feng naturally didn't know these things, so he said something with a smile and went out.

After a while, about 10 minutes later, Mr. Ye came back with a pot of hot fish soup.

Su Ning got off the bed and reached out to help Ye Feng hold the dishes.

Putting it on the bedside table, Ye Feng warmly helped Su Ning take it.

"There's so much, how can the two of us eat?" Looking at the pot of fish soup, Her Lady Queen was a little worried before she started eating.

Ye Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, you just need to eat enough, and leave the rest to me." Ye has a confident face.

"You are a pig!" Her Lady Queen carefully picked up the soup bowl that Ye Feng handed over, and wrinkled her cute little nose towards Ye Feng.

Looking at Su Ning, Ye Feng smiled warmly, and reminded softly: "Be careful of burning."

"En." Su Ning responded, and said softly, "Smile, eat quickly." Holding the fish soup, the corners of Su Ning's mouth curled up into a crescent moon.

Very sweet.


The soup is finished.

A large pot of fish soup was completely drunk.

Su Ning just drank a small bowl, and Ye killed the rest!
He didn't even spare that fish!

Ye Feng lay sprawled on the bed, gently rubbing his belly.

Really fed up!
Su Ning wiped her mouth first, then put away all the bowls and chopsticks, and when she came back to see Ye Feng like this, she was amused to giggle.

Ye Feng couldn't understand Su Ning's smile, and he didn't know what she was laughing at.

Have you ever seen a stuffed one?

Ye Feng turned over and looked at Su Ning, who was laughing non-stop, speechlessly.

Su Ning seldom smiles, but when she smiles, Su Ning is even more beautiful.

Looking at it, Ye Feng became a little obsessed.

Seeing Ye Feng staring at her, Her Lady Queen seemed a little shy, her pretty face was slightly flushed, and she stopped smiling.I went to the cabinet to find a quilt, and went to bed obediently.

Tonight, the two of them must be sleeping in the same bed again.

Although there were other bedrooms in the villa, those bedrooms were not cleaned.Well, that's why.

(End of this chapter)

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