Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 225 The result is good!

Chapter 225 The result is good!
Seeing that Su Ning found another quilt, Ye was very surprised.

This is... Let yourself sleep here?
At first, someone thought that Su Ning would let him sleep somewhere else, although it's not that they never slept together, it seemed that they slept together last night.However, those are all driven by force majeure!

What's going on tonight?
Could it be that brother's spring has arrived?
Ye's little heart suddenly "thumped", and the eyes that looked at Su Ning became more and more hot.

"You, don't think about it. The other rooms are not cleaned up. If you think about those bad things, you can sleep on the floor." Su Ning quickly got into the quilt and wrapped herself tightly. The look in Feng's eyes was startling, she didn't even need to think about what that bastard Ye Feng was thinking at this moment.

Definitely thinking of something nasty!

Think beautiful!
No way!

Although the relationship between the two is getting closer, in Su Ning's view, Ye Feng and herself are at best lovers, and they are still the kind of lovers who have never confessed their love!
It's still too early to get away from that shameful thing!
By the way, this bastard hasn't tried to confess himself yet!

What a big asshole!

Ye Mou sighed, he knew that dreams are not so easy to come true.

The road is long and difficult!
Ye Feng turned over and got into the bed.

Turn off the lights.

go to bed.

In the dark night, neither of them felt sleepy at all.

Ye Feng is mainly because he slept for too long in the afternoon, and now he can't fall asleep at all.As for Su Ning, because of Ye Feng beside her, her mind is in a mess, and she is not sleepy at all.

After half an hour, Ye Feng was still not sleepy at all.He fumbled and took out the phone.

It's too boring, and I can't play with my wife, so I can only play with my mobile phone.

Open the circle to see if there is anything interesting.

Not to mention, Ye Feng really found something interesting.

Oh no, it's a movie to be precise!
On the homepage of the circle, the top message in the movie circle is this movie!

Just look at the cover and you'll know it's a horror movie!

Ye Feng skimmed through the news roughly, it probably means that this horror movie has only been online for a day, and it has swept all major theaters, creating a new record for the box office of a horror movie on its first day!
Ye Feng has no idea about these records, box office, etc., but he knows that this is a horror movie and that's enough!

And looking at the reviews, this should still be a very scary and scary horror movie!

That name sounds scary!

Look at those classic horror movies in the previous life, what kind of Sadako, what kind of wild son, aren't they all from the generation of "Zi"?
Watching this movie, Ye's eyes lit up. At this moment, he remembered the divine assist of his sister-in-law Su Ling.



"Are you tired?"

"not sleepy."

"I'm not sleepy either."


"Why don't we watch TV?" Ye Feng finally expressed his purpose. Although this movie has just been released, Ye Feng knows that the movie industry in this world is different from his previous life.Newly launched movies can also be watched on TV at home, but they need to be paid, and they are much more expensive than movie tickets.However, money is not the point, as long as you can see it!

"What are you looking at?" Su Ning seemed a little interested.

"Hey, a good movie just launched today."

Ye smiled, and didn't care whether Su Ning wanted to watch it or not, so he got out of bed in the dark and turned on the TV.

Seeing that Ye Feng had already turned on the TV, Su Ning leaned the pillow against the head of the bed and sat up.

I can't fall asleep anyway, so just watch TV for a while.

Holding the remote control, Ye Feng slipped back into bed, and sat up just like Su Ning.

After sitting down, Ye Feng picked up the remote control and found "Cinema" - "Online Today" - "Janozi".

I didn't even look at the price or anything, just buy it directly!
At this time, the pretty face of Her Lady Queen beside her has already darkened!

This bastard wants to watch a horror movie!

"Ye Feng, can you change it?" Su Ning said with her lips pouted. She doesn't want to watch horror movies, she will be afraid.

"Ah?" Ye Feng pretended to be surprised and said: "You don't like it? I told you earlier, I bought it all, so it's not a waste if I don't read it. Watch it carefully. Let's go to bed when we're sleepy."

Su Ning pouted, very angry.

"It's okay. Horror movies are deceiving. If you're afraid, lean towards me and I'll protect you." Ye Feng patted his chest like I'm not afraid!

Su Ning didn't move, but gave him a blank look. She felt that she seemed to be tricked by someone.

Ye Feng chuckled.

Start playing.

Mr. Ye was very interested. He had never watched horror movies in his previous life, mainly because those so-called horror movies were all nonsense in Ye Feng's opinion.The main function of horror movies is to scare people and then bring excitement to people.But Ye felt that those horror movies were not scary at all!Although he hadn't seen it, he was so confident!

I will be afraid?
Having grown up so big and lived for two lifetimes, I never knew how to write the word fear!

What did you say, brother is a person who has time-traveled!
Are you afraid of these?
After the credits were over, Ye Feng didn't feel anything, but Her Lady Queen was already grabbing the quilt tightly.It seems that he has begun to be afraid.

Looking at Su Ning's appearance, Ye Feng also wanted to laugh a little, he was obviously very scared, but his eyes were still reluctant to leave the TV.

Leaning against the head of the bed, Ye also looked up.


Ten minutes later, a long hair appeared on the TV screen... (harmonious, this picture is a little scary), someone Ye raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Su Ning, seeing that Su Ning was still the same as before, but tightly Grabbing the quilt, nothing changed much.


After 10 minutes, the screen of the film changed, and we came to a gloomy room... (harmony, this screen is a bit scary), Ye stared at the TV and swallowed subconsciously.


Three or ten minutes later, Ye began to feel a little cold, as if the temperature of the surrounding air dropped a lot in an instant, Ye Feng unconsciously pulled the quilt on his body, wrapping himself tightly.Su Ning next to her was still the same as at the beginning, just clutching the quilt tightly, but her pretty face had turned slightly pale.


Four and ten minutes later, huh?What's the matter with the sweat on Ye's head?


Eight or ten minutes later, the quilt on Ye Feng's body seemed to be trembling a little, Ye's lips were turning purple, and his head was covered in cold sweat.Su Ning beside her was still the same as at the beginning. Although she was scared, she was not as exaggerated as Ye Feng!

Ye Feng's mentality is blown now!

This Nima horror movie is too scary, right?
I am a killer!

In my previous life, I was the murderous Dark Night Shura!
I, Nima, still exist through time travel!

I can't even watch horror movies?

Ye Feng's mentality has collapsed!

I can't accept the fact that I've been scared!
Why is this him!
This is not scientific!
Moreover, what made Ye Feng explode the most was that he obviously didn't think this movie was scary, but that feeling was like a fear from the depths of his soul!It seems to be an instinctive fear!
In fact, if it was Ye Feng in his previous life, he might not be afraid because he is a killer after all.However, Ye Feng forgot that he is not the only one in this world.In his soul, there is also Ye Feng of this world.Although Ye Feng's consciousness in this world has dissipated, some things have been branded deep in his soul.

For example, the blood relationship with Yiyi, and the various memories and skills left to Ye Feng. How could Ye Feng know anything about music in his previous life?But now Ye Feng is proficient in various musical instruments, this is what Ye Feng branded him in this world.

Of course, Ye Feng can't take advantage of everything!
In addition to these good things, there must be some bad things left behind by Ye Feng in this world.For example, you can't watch ghost movies!

Why was Ye Feng able to cross over?

The premise is that Ye Feng in this world is dead, and Ye Feng has never figured out how Ye Feng in this world died.

In fact, he met a ghost in a teahouse, and was frightened to death!

It sounds like a fantasy, but in fact, it's true!

Therefore, deep in Ye Feng's soul, he would be particularly afraid of such ghosts.


"I wipe!"


A cry of terror, a sharp cry.

The scariest scene in the movie happened just now, someone Ye couldn't bear it anymore, and blurted out, almost scaring him to death without him!

Su Ning next to her was simply frightened by Ye Feng, that bastard.

"What are you doing!" Su Ning patted Ye Feng angrily.

"Ah!!! Ah!"

Ye Feng's face was pale, and his head was covered with sweat. Su Ning patted him suddenly, which directly broke his spirit.


Su Ning was startled by Ye Feng again, covering her face and screaming.

After a while, Su Ning slowly raised her head, and saw Ye Feng was sweating, his face was pale, and he was shivering under the quilt.

"Ye Feng? Ye Feng?" Su Ning called him twice, but Ye Feng didn't respond to her at all.

At this moment, Su Ning was a little panicked, and she couldn't care less about being afraid. She quickly lifted the quilt, knelt down in front of Ye Feng, touched his sweaty face, and said in a panic: "Ye Feng, are you okay? Don't you?" scare me!"

"No, nothing." Ye Feng replied tremblingly.

Su Ning quickly turned on the light, took the remote control and turned off the TV, sat next to Ye Feng, hugged him, and said like coaxing a baby: "Touch your head, don't be scared, don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Be good, mom is here ...Ah bah, I'm here." Su Ning blushed when she said it smoothly.

"I, I, I'm not, it's okay, say, say, come out, come, come, you, you may, may not believe it, I, I, at all, no, no, harm, fear."

Mr. Ye wants to die now, I really don't think this is scary!But I can't control myself!Ningning, listen to my explanation!I am not afraid!

Ye Feng's mentality has collapsed.

What an embarrassment for him now!

Su Ning suppressed her smile, followed him and said, "Yeah, I know you're not afraid, do you want some water?"

"Come, come, come."


After half an hour, Ye felt a little better.

The room was brightly lit, the two of them were nestled in the same bed, and Ye was already asleep.

Well, fell asleep in Su Ning's arms.Looking at Ye Feng who was curled up in her arms, there was still some sweat on her face, and this guy was clinging to her chest so tightly that the pajamas on her chest were all wet, Su Ning's little face was slightly rosy.

However, Ye Feng's appearance is really cute.

Thinking about Ye Feng's frightened look just now, Su Ning couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that this bastard also had something to fear.

Without turning off the lights, Su Ning just hugged Ye Feng and fell asleep.

In fact, judging from the results, Ye's goal has been achieved.

The two of them just slept in the same bed, didn't Ye Feng want this result after watching horror movies?

The result is still good!

This is the process, Ye Feng couldn't even dream of it!
To be frightened into such a fart?Where do you want me to put our killer's face?

Moreover, the most important thing is that tomorrow, Su Ning must not live to be laughed at by Su Ning!
Ahhhhh!I don't want to live anymore!

 Thanks to gm for the garbled rewards, there will be more in a few days, and I also thank you for your rewards, as well as your various supports.

(End of this chapter)

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