Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 226 The Juggernaut Competition

Chapter 226 The Juggernaut Competition

the next day.

It was past eleven o'clock, and Mr. Ye was soundly asleep.

The phone under the pillow buzzed and started to vibrate, Ye Feng turned over and ignored it, but the phone kept ringing.

With nothing to do, Ye Feng took out his phone impatiently.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"Brother-in-law, me."

"Who are you!"

"I'm Su Qi."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"You haven't gotten up yet? Are you exhausted last night? Oh? Why did my sister get up so early?"


Depend on!
Listening to my brother-in-law's swishing voice, Ye's head full of black lines, what the hell is he exhausted?You really think too much!I'm so frightened, it's almost the same!
well?By the way, how did he know that Su Ning woke up early?
Ye Feng opened his eyes and saw that Su Ning was not around, "Where's your sister?"

"Parents are here, Yiyi is also here." Su Qi said.

"Oh." Ye Feng sat up, leaned against the head of the bed with a chicken coop on his head, lit a cigarette, and asked, "Can I make a phone call?"

"Sister Xiaoyao is here and left the things here for me, can you come and pick them up or should I send them to you?"

"I'll go get it."

Ye Feng was also embarrassed to let his brother-in-law run back and forth.

"Okay, it's not a few steps away anyway, I live in the villa next to the small pavilion to the east of you."

"Well, I see."

Throwing away the phone, Ye Feng took a few puffs of cigarettes in a daze. Thinking of his performance last night, Ye felt like dying now!

What a shame!
I won't watch horror movies in Nima anymore!
Fortunately, Su Ning went out, otherwise Ye Feng would not know how to face Su Ning!

This may also be Su Ning's intention, to save Ye Feng some face.

After all, he is a man.

Throwing away the cigarette butt, flipped the quilt and got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to wash up.Ye Feng didn't pay much attention, it only took 3 minutes to brush his teeth and wash his face.

After changing clothes, Ye Feng didn't bother to eat when he got up, so he went out after a stroll.

Early in the morning, the air is okay, but the sun seems to be a little too big.

Strolling towards the east, the distance is not very far, and it takes only 10 minutes.

It was a single-family villa that was not too big, and there were two people standing at the door, a man and a woman.

It was Su Qi and Tao Xiaoyao, Ye Feng was a little surprised, he didn't expect Tao Xiaoyao hadn't left yet.

"Brother-in-law." Seeing Ye Feng coming, Su Qi quickly greeted him with a smile, Ye Feng also smiled and nodded to him.

"Your things." Tao Xiaoyao remained expressionless, and handed Ye Feng a paper bag.

Ye Feng took it with a smile, took it out and took a look.Ye Feng was a little surprised, this was not the one Tao Xiaoyao wore yesterday, but a bright red dress with gilt patterns, and a phoenix pattern on it.

Seeing Ye Feng's frown, Tao Xiaoyao said coldly: "Why, do you really want my aunt to wear it?"

"Uh, no."

Ye Feng smiled awkwardly, "This one is pretty good." Although this dress is not as hot as the one Tao Xiaoyao wore yesterday, it is more suitable as a gift for Su Ning.

At this time, Su Qi next to him came over and smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, tell me the truth, is this a birthday present you prepared for my sister?"

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, "How do you know?"

Su Qi said indifferently: "There's no need to guess, you can't wear this dress yourself if you want it, and if you don't give it to my sister, who will you give it to, and it will be my sister's birthday in half a month. Obviously , birthday gift."

"Huh?" Ye Feng said, "Half a month? Isn't it tomorrow?"

Hearing Su Qi say that Su Ning's birthday is half a month later, Ye Feng was immediately stunned!

How is it possible!

Didn't the old man say that Su Ning and himself were born on the same day?My ID card says my birthday is tomorrow!

How could Su Ning be in half a month?

Is the old man talking nonsense?

"Tomorrow?" Su Qi was also taken aback, and said, "Tomorrow is the solar calendar birthday, which is too close to grandpa's birthday, so my sister celebrates the lunar calendar birthday every year."

"Brother-in-law, don't you know?"

Ye Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, how the hell do I know a hammer!
After preparing for so long, I still thought about giving her a surprise on Su Ning's birthday tomorrow, which almost made a big joke!If Ye Feng really celebrated Su Ning's birthday tomorrow, Su Ning would be pissed off!

"I know! Of course I know!" Ye Feng laughed.

"Sister Xiaoyao knew that you had this plan, so she gave you this set of 'Phoenix Yufei', otherwise, even if she lost, she would definitely not lose this semi-magic weapon, isn't it Little Yaojie? "

Su Qi looked at Tao Xiaoyao with a smile on his face, but Tao Xiaoyao just gave him a supercilious look.

Ye Feng didn't think of this, he looked at Tao Xiaoyao in surprise, and said, "Thank you."

Tao Xiaoyao didn't even look at him, which made Ye Feng a little embarrassed.

Su Qi next to him tried to smooth things over and said, "Brother-in-law, don't take offense, Miss Xiaoyao is in a bad mood."

"Uh, what's wrong?" Ye Feng asked.

"It's not because of the game." Su Qi explained: "Isn't it the 'Juvenile Master' competition held every three years? The [-]th level has just stepped into the saint, and it has swept all the players in the baseball country in this year's big competition to stand out, and then swept half of the players in our twelve circles in China in the past half month."

"What... does this have to do with her? Has she been abused?" Ye Feng whispered.

The two of Su Qi got together and said: "Is that true, the little demon is not a sword master, so he is not qualified to participate in the sword master competition, but his brother is a sword master, and he will have a competition with that guy in the National Gymnasium this afternoon. It's bad luck."

Su Qi smacked his lips and shook his head with an indescribable expression on his face.

"What are you muttering about! Do you still want to eat? If not, I'll go home!" Over there, Tao Xiaoyao shouted impatiently.

"Okay, okay, let's go, let's go now, we agreed to treat you to delicious food, why not go."

"Brother-in-law, let's go."

Su Qi dropped a word, and left with Tao Xiaoyao.

Looking at their backs, Ye Feng touched his chin and smiled playfully.

This brother-in-law Su Qi seems to be in trouble!
So much for this little girl?


Ye Feng shook his head and smiled, carrying his clothes back to the villa.

Su Ning hasn't come back yet.

Ye Feng fixed Dong XZ first, so as not to be discovered by Su Ning, then nestled on the sofa in the living room, and turned on the phone.

Ye Feng was a little interested in the "Sword Master" competition that Su Qi mentioned just now.

In the game circle, the news has already been overwhelming.

"Today at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the National Stadium will hold the 'Heaven and Myriad Worlds-Jugamaster Contest-Knockout Rounds - Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Matches'."

"Seventh match: Tianwu Dasheng from the fourth realm of Tiantaigu Human Realm in the Huaxia Region will fight against Tianren Shiliulang from the third realm of Tianfubu Sword Realm in the Japanese Region."

"The eighth match: The blood seven kills from the seventh world of the Huaxia region, the Netherworld, will fight against the sixteenth kings from the fourth world of the European region, the Cain Blood Realm."

"Ninth match: The sword demon from the second realm of Tianyun in the Huaxia region will fight against Pu Yijian from the first realm of Tianhua in the Bangguo region and become our realm."

This is the official announcement, and there are many, many comments below.

"Pu Yijian is invincible!"

"It is estimated that this year's Juggernaut will definitely belong to Pu Yijian!"

"Support my brother Park Yijian!"

"Ouba Juggernaut!"

"What's so great about the people of Bangzi Kingdom? Watch me, the sword demon god, beat him up!"

"Pull it down! Can the sword demon beat Pu Yijian? Just dream! I guess his father will come out soon!"

"Upstairs you are cold, Sword Demon's father is the Demon Emperor..."

"Hehe, you will bully others with your power, Pu Yijian is invincible! We will always support you!"

"Pu Yijian will win!"

After skimming through these comments, Ye Feng was a little puzzled, why are they all talking about the ninth game?And why are there so many people supporting Bangzi Chinese?This is Huaxia!
A stick has so many fans?
But looking down, there is a star list below, which is the popularity list of the contestants this time.

Park Yijian ranks first!

Pulled the second Sword Demon ten times!
One of Nima's sticks is so popular in China?
Ye Feng couldn't understand it!

Isn't it just a little handsome?Isn't it just makeup?Isn't it more motherly than others?Isn't it just wearing a pair of short-leg pants with ankles exposed in winter?So is it more popular than others?
Uh, well, Ye Feng suddenly realized that this matter has nothing to do with him! ( ̄. ̄)
He just wants to watch the game, and you can like whoever you like.

Find Su Qi's phone number and dial it.

"Hello? How about eating? Ah, it's nothing serious, I just want to ask, do you still have the tickets for the game at the National Gymnasium this afternoon? Mmmm, yes, get me two, I'll go with your sister. Hmmm Um, okay."

After Ye Feng hung up, he called Su Ning again.

"Hey, little Ningning. Wake up, I woke up a long time ago! Didn't eat, go to my parents' place for lunch? Oh, ok, I'll go there then."

Ye Feng was a little nervous at first, afraid that Su Ning would mention what happened last night, but Su Ning seemed to have forgotten, and didn't mention a word.

Thinking about his performance last night, Ye Feng... miss him with a hammer!
If anyone mentions this again, I, Ye, will be at odds with you!
A careless move, regret for life!
Ye decided to take advantage of this competition among the heavens to save face!

Su Ning must not have understood this game by herself!
Isn't this a good opportunity to express (zhuang) and present (bi)!
Much more reliable than that horror movie!

(End of this chapter)

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