Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 227 Taking the Queen to the Game

Chapter 227 Taking the Queen to the Game
In the afternoon, after one o'clock.

At the entrance of the National Stadium, there is a sea of ​​people, all of whom are queuing up to enter.

Both Ye Feng and Su Ning were wearing sunglasses, but they didn't have to wait in line because they had VIP tickets.Walking in the VIP passage, Ye Feng held Su Ning's left hand and put it in his jacket pocket, with a happy face. This is the first time Ye Feng has been so intimate with Su Ning outside.

Su Ning doesn't have much reaction now, of course, she definitely disagreed at the beginning, but don't let Ye Feng be shameless, he insists on taking advantage of you, what can you do.

However, Ye Feng had only walked a short distance inside, and as soon as he entered the aisle of the museum, he was startled by the crowd in front of him.

What's the matter with this Nima?Why is the VIP channel so blocked?
The passage, which was originally relatively wide, was divided into two halves, one side was full of people, and the other side occasionally passed by a few people.

There is also a sign in front that says "For Players Only" and there is an arrow pointing to the right, that is, the side with fewer people, and the "VIP Audience Only" arrow points to the left side where there are more people.In the middle of the aisle, there were a lot of security guards standing in a row, blocking the audience on this side.

"Can you still play like this?"

Ye is speechless, is this the so-called VIP?Why is he not as good as queuing up outside!

"What do you think VIP means?" Her Lady Queen was quite familiar with it.

"What do you mean?" Ye Feng asked stupidly.

Su Ning explained: "VIP means that you can see stars up close by spending money."

Ye Feng twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "You do the same when you hold a concert?"

Su Ning gave him a blank look, knew what Ye Feng meant, and said unhappily: "This is all the organizer's idea, and it's not up to me."


After Ye Feng thought about it, he understood that this is a way to collect money, and no one can change it.Forget it, let's go inside slowly.

Just when Ye Feng was about to raise his leg, a group of people suddenly came from behind.

Then, there was a sudden scream.

"My God!"


"My man!"

"God Park Yijian!"

The voice was extremely loud, and most of them were girls, that sharp voice made Ye Feng's eardrum hurt.

"Step aside!"

"Everyone step back!"

"Don't push forward!"

A large group of security guards around Pu Yijian quickly entered the passage first, resisting the fans on this side, preventing them from crossing the line.

"move back!"

A security guard brutally pushed Ye Feng, and Ye's expression changed immediately.

Damn, how dare you not give me face in front of my queen?

Ye can't take it anymore!
"Oh, alright, alright, let's go in first." Su Ning quickly grabbed Ye Feng and held his arm, for fear that he would get angry and make trouble.

Ye Feng glanced at the person coming from behind.

Park Yijian!
Damn it!

Someone Ye remembered him.

"Forget it, let's go in." Su Ning persuaded Ye Feng with her arm.

Her Lady Queen has spoken, let him go today.

Pulling Su Ning, Ye Feng walked in.

"Leave me alone."

"I'm sorry, I borrowed it."

"Oh my god, who stepped on me!"

There were really too many people, and because of the arrival of that Pu Yijian, this group of people crowded in like crazy.Ye Feng was afraid that someone would squeeze Su Ning or accidentally step on her, so he simply hugged her in his arms.

Su Ning hugged Su Ning's neck, her pretty face was a little red, and her voice was very low, "You put me down, I can walk by myself."

"no, you can not."

Ye Feng said seriously, think about it?Then how can I protect (mo) protect (pi) you (pi)!

After squeezing for a long time, Ye Feng protected Su Ning and squeezed in.In order to take advantage, Ye almost squeezed himself to death inside. Of course, Su Ning, who was hugged in his arms, was fine.

"Huh, it counts."

Ye Feng wiped the sweat off his head, and looked back with lingering fear.

"I'll shine your shoes, they're all dirty."

With that said, Su Ning took out a wet wipe from her bag and handed it to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looked at his shoes and rubbed them, how could he shake off two catties of soil!

Son of a bitch!It's all the fault of Pu Yijian!
Ye Feng bent down and wiped it a few times. After cleaning it a bit, he dragged Su Ning to find a seat.

There are already many people in the venue, and their seats are No. 26 and No. 27 in the second row from the left.

The location is not bad.

Although it is a bit biased, there are advantages to being biased!
When Ye Feng sat here, he even wanted to change to the last row! (As for why, make up the scene of going to the movies with the female ticket by myself.)
After Ye Feng and Su Ning sat down, more and more audience members came in one after another.

After a while, the venue with 2 people was almost full.

This can also show the influence of the game All Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms.

Soon, the lights of the arena dimmed.

Two anchors appeared on the super big screen on the stage, a man and a woman, both of whom are well-known anchors in the game industry.

"Hi everyone, I'm Wang Jiu."

"Hi everyone, I'm Xiaoyu."

"For today's match, there are two of our partners who will commentate for everyone."


"Next, the first player to enter the stage is Tianwu Dasheng from the ancient world of our Huaxia region. Let us welcome his debut with the most enthusiastic screams!"

"Tianwu is invincible!"

"Tianwu, I love you!"


There were many screams below.

"His opponent is from..."


The game has begun.

There were waves of screams in the arena, and the battle between the two contestants on the stage became more and more exciting.

Ye Feng was also talking about it beside Su Ning, explaining the various operations and tricks of the two contestants on the stage quite thoroughly.

"This trick of Flying Immortal Beyond the Sky is..."


"This is amazing,..."


"Wonderful! This is..."


"There's something! Gossip Soul Refining Palm is paired with..."


Ye was full of enthusiasm, boasting in front of Su Ning, showing off his invincible vision and unique insights.However, Su Ning was not interested, she just responded to Ye Feng with "uh, oh" from time to time.

Su Ning was able to come with Ye Feng mainly because of Ye Feng, not because of this match.

This is the first time Ye Feng asks her out. Although he doesn't understand these things, or even understand the game, Su Ning still comes.

I just don't want to reject Ye Feng.

Gradually, Ye Feng also shut up, because he found that Su Ning didn't seem to be interested.

Although there was a faint smile on Su Ning's face, Ye Feng could feel it, and Su Ning didn't even look at it.

"Uh, Ningning, why don't we go."

Ye Feng was a little embarrassed. He originally thought that Su Ning would worship him, but he didn't expect Su Ning to be so bored to the point of bubbling.

That's right, Su Ning doesn't play this game, she worships wool!
Alas, Ye's big plan to seduce a girl has just begun, and it has already been declared a failure.

"Why did you leave?" Su Ning asked back with a smile.

"Um, because you don't like it." Ye Feng said as a matter of course.

"Hehe." Su Ning covered her mouth and smiled happily.

"-_-||, what are you laughing at?" Ye Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Keep watching, I think it's quite interesting." Su Ning said.

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, a little disbelieving, "Really?"

Su Ning nodded, "Really."

Hearing what Su Ning said, Ye's brows were filled with joy, he took Su Ning's little hand, and continued to watch the game happily and began to talk.

When Ye Feng spoke, Su Ning listened quietly, and looked at Ye Feng who was full of interest from time to time.


Why are you leaving?

Should I leave if I don't like it?
But if you like, we can stay too.

Suddenly, Su Ning's other hand rested on Ye Feng's.

This is Su Ning's own initiative!
Ye Feng froze for a moment.

She turned her head and looked at Su Ning foolishly.

Su Ning winked playfully at him and smiled slightly.

At this time, a big brother from behind suddenly patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said: "Hey, buddy, I think what you just explained is quite awesome, I guess you are also a master, listen to my advice, games don't need a girlfriend. Stay away from love and cherish the game! Break up, for your own good, indulging in love will make your operation regress, after all, the hand speed can’t keep up. Look at me, when I had a girlfriend, my hand speed was very slow. talent……"

Ye Feng turned around and said one word: "Get lost!"

"Damn~" The elder brother looked at Ye Feng with regret, shook his head and said nothing.

Ye Feng didn't care, but looked at Su Ning and smiled.


For the next match, Ye Feng didn't explain anything, the two just held hands and watched quietly.Although the surrounding environment was very noisy and lively, Ye Feng was not disturbed at all at this time.

I really don't know if Ye Feng picked up Su Ning, or if Ye Feng was picked up by Su Ning...

(End of this chapter)

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