Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 228 An Accident Happened

Chapter 228 An Accident Happened

In the first match, the player from Huaxia won.

The Chinese red flag was flying at the venue, and the audience was full of fans holding small red flags and cheering.


The second round was the same as the first round, without any surprises, the Huaxia players still won the victory, and the bright red flag was flying again.

Although this is just a game, it is a competition from all over the world after all, and it is also an opportunity to fight for honor for the country.

However, in the last game, the Eight Diagrams flag of Bangguo was raised on the venue.

Park Yijian still won.

I have to say, he is really strong.

Countless fans in the audience were shouting the name of "Pu Yijian", and some even kept waving the small flag of Bang Nation.

Seeing this, Mr. Ye got angry for a while, a descendant of you, a descendant of Yanhuang, didn't see you roaring so hard when Huaxia won the victory just now, right?
How about Bangzi Country?

Ye Feng didn't understand the hearts of these happy people at all.

But he won't interfere with others, after all, freedom is important now, Ye Feng can't control it, and he doesn't bother to control it.

On the stage, Park Yijian stood in the center with a smile on his face, and a host beside him was interviewing him.

"May I ask Teacher Park what's his opinion of his opponent Sword Demon?" the host asked with a smile.

"He is very strong, but he is a little worse than me, so he lost." Park Yijian said lightly.

Seeing Pu Yijian's arrogance, even the host seemed a little embarrassed, coughed twice, and said, "Then what do you expect from the players from other worlds in Huaxia?"

"Expectation?" Pu Yijian smiled arrogantly, and said: "Sooner or later, I will be defeated by my subordinates. This year's Juggernaut must belong to me, and must belong to our Big Bangzi Kingdom!"

"Ahhh! The male god is so handsome!"

"Mr. Park, you played perfectly today!"

"Always support Teacher Park!"

"Blow up everyone!"

Park Yijian's words were filled with pride, and his incomparable self-confidence directly ignited the passion of the brainless fans off the court.One by one, like Erbi, shouted and cheered for him.However, as a Chinese with a sense of national honor, the host couldn't listen anymore.

Sooner or later, you will be defeated by your men?

The Juggernaut must belong to your Bangzi Kingdom?
Isn't this too contemptuous of our great China?

"You mean you can beat all the contestants in Huaxia?" the host asked with narrowed eyes.

Unexpectedly, Pu Yijian shook his head and said, "No! Not all the contestants, but I will sweep all the saints in the Twelve Worlds of China!"

So fucking crazy!

Many Chinese people at the scene couldn't stand it anymore!

Even Ye Feng frowned.

"We have thirteen realms in China!" The host's voice was a little cold.

"Thirteen Heavens? Are you talking about the Tiantian Punishment Forest in the New Territory?" Pu Yijian smiled, "That Jietian will be in my pocket sooner or later. After I become a sword master, I will go to the Heaven Punishment in person Forest, kill that world lord!"

Pu Yijian was full of self-confidence, and he didn't pay attention to the Heaven's Punishment Realm Lord who made the thirteen realms of China change their colors!

"you sure?"

"Of course, it's just a tortoise that will always hide in its own shell." Pu Yijian compared Ye Feng to a tortoise, mocking him for not daring to go out to other worlds.

In the audience, Ye was almost as angry as he was!

This bastard!
Who are you scolding?

Did I provoke you to provoke you?

What the hell are you a turtle!

You son of a bitch!
As soon as Park Yijian said that, the patriotic fans off the court immediately exploded.

"Get out of Huaxia! You bastard!"

"He's the only one who can brag!"

"You still want to kill the Lord of Heaven's Punishment? Ten of you are not enough!"

"The stick who sits in the well and watches the sky! Just wait for you to be brutalized by Yiye Yiyi!"

Of course, Park Yijian also has a lot of brain-dead fans, and their momentum is not weak.

"A group of losers who know how to yell! Wait for my brother to become a sword master, and blow up that Heaven's Punishment Realm Lord!"

"Heaven's Punishment Realm Lord can be domineering, that's because he didn't meet Teacher Pu!"

"When Mr. Park makes a move, he will know what despair is!"

"It's just a scum of more than 50 levels! Raise your hand and slaughter it! Teacher Park is invincible!"


"Go to Nima, right? How dare a stick show off against us?"


Hehe, this is the quality of Chinese people, really low.


Looking at it, two groups of people are about to start working.

The host didn't dare to do the interview anymore, so he hurriedly ended it.

The game ended like this.

Very sloppy.

The staff organized the audience to leave, and many people were cursing during this period.

Ye Feng also cursed secretly, but he had no choice but to take Su Ning along with him.

Damn it, don't let me meet him in the game, or I will beat him out of the game!


It was still the divided VIP channel.

But the congestion at this time is even more exaggerated than when I came in just now.

The flow of people could hardly move, the door was full of fans who came to "block the stars", it was three floors inside and three floors outside, it was tightly blocked.

And the worst thing is, someone is blocking you in front, and someone is pushing you behind!

This is very hopeless!

Ye Feng and the two of them can't retreat even if they want to retreat now, and they can't go out even if they want to go outside.

"I'll never watch this kind of game again!" Ye Feng held Su Ning tightly in his arms and complained with a look of despair.

Su Ning giggled, leaned on his chest, and spat, "You deserve it."


"Great Saint!"

"Sixteen Lang!"

"Seven kills! Seven kills!"

"Sword Demon! Sword Demon! So handsome!"

The players came out one by one, the fans shouted crazily, Ye Feng really couldn't understand them, how can you be so obsessed with the players just playing a game?

Is this too exaggerated?
Fans frantically crowded down the aisle over there.

A row of more than 20 security guards formed a human wall, blocking the fans with their bodies.

"Don't squeeze!"

"Back! Everyone back!"

"Don't cross the cordon!"

The security guards were hoarse.

Ye was the same as when he came in, he held Su Ning's little butt and hugged her high, and squeezed her out.This is Ye Feng, if it were someone else, let alone hugging his wife, in this situation, it would be a big deal if he squeezed out.

Some players seemed to be in a good mood. They not only greeted fans with smiles, but even signed autographs for some fans.

Suddenly, a loud scream resounded through the hallway, drowning out all other voices.



"So handsome!"

"Brother Yijian!"

"Teacher Park, come on!"

Park Yijian came out, he was the last to come out, but he had the most fans.

The screams one after another seemed to stimulate the action of the fans, and this group of fans rushed to the security guards in front of them like crazy, hoping to get closer to their sword Oppa.

Mr. Ye was about to squeeze out, but who would have thought that he would be beaten back by the crowd again!

This gives Ye Fengqi ah!
Glancing at Pu Yijian, this guy actually has two bodyguards?

Ye Feng was even angrier!

I was almost squeezed to death, why are you protected by bodyguards?

A game player really thinks of himself as a star, right?My daughter-in-law never brought bodyguards with her when she went out, you really take yourself seriously?

Originally, Ye didn't have a good impression of Bangziguo, and this bastard scolded himself just now!

Ye Feng can't wait to go up and kick him now!

The fans were still screaming frantically.

The aisle dedicated to the contestants over there has been squeezed more and more down by the fans, and Park Yijian couldn't even get through.

There was no way, Pu Yijian could only frown and stop.

At this time, the two bodyguards beside him also stepped forward, pushing and shoving these fans, trying to open a way for Park Yijian.

Everyone just pushed and shoved each other, and the people behind kept pushing forward.

Suddenly, there was a scream from among the people in the front row.

"Don't squeeze!"

"Someone fell!"

"The bodyguard hit someone!"

"Don't squeeze the ones behind! Quick, help her up!"

Shouts of alarm startled the crowd back.

At the very front, at the feet of the two bodyguards, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy had fallen to the ground!He is holding four or five small red flags in his right hand, and he is still clutching his ankle, while his left hand is grabbing a small red flag that is still standing on the foot of the bodyguard in front of him. As usual, he remained motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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