Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 229 Who Says I Have Nobody in Huaxia?

Chapter 229 Who Says I Have Nobody in Huaxia?

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned!

No one thought that such a thing would happen!
And it happened so fast that no one could see what was going on, and the little boy had already fallen to the ground.Even though it was a holiday, he was still wearing a very clean school uniform, as if he had sprained his ankle, and he was covering his ankle with one hand.It can be seen that it must be painful.The eye circles were red, but the little boy pursed his lips and never let his tears fall.

But that's not the point, the point is what the little boy is doing!

He was still tugging at the little red flag at the bodyguard's feet!

The bodyguard of Bangziguo looked stern, he didn't even look at the little boy under his feet!
"what happened?"

"How did someone get hurt?"

"Are you alright kid?"

"Don't worry about these things, help people up first!"

Many people around didn't know what happened, and they talked in a hurry.

Pu Yijian over there frowned and didn't move at all.And the two bodyguards remained motionless, always on guard against these fans, for fear that someone would sneak past them without paying attention.

At this time, a young man in his 20s was pushed out from the crowd, with an anxious face, he ran up and quickly squatted down to pick up the child, "Little brother, little brother, are you okay?" It's sweat.

The little boy shook his head stubbornly, looked at the little red flag on the ground, and pursed his lips, but his little hands refused to let go.

The young man froze for a moment, then became angry, hugged his brother and shouted at the bodyguard: "Are you so blind? Can't you see that you stepped on the national flag?"

In fact, there were many small red flags scattered on the ground, which were discarded at random by the audience before they left. As long as they were not blind, they could almost see them, but no one would pay attention to them.

When the young man roared, many people around were stunned, including Ye Feng and Su Ning in the crowd.Seeing that little boy still tightly grasping the red flag that was trampled under his feet, many people felt a burst of anger in their chests at this moment!

But the bodyguard remained indifferent.


Seeing that the bodyguard was still motionless, the young man kicked him on the calf. The bodyguard obviously didn't expect that the young man would make a move directly. Caught off guard, he took several steps back and almost didn't fall down. .

The little boy finally picked up the little red flag. Holding the red flag, the little boy wiped away the tears from his eyes.

Seeing that his bodyguard had been kicked, Pu Yijian's face darkened immediately, and he muttered something in Korean.

At this time, the young man straightened up holding his younger brother, looked at the bodyguard who had been kicked by him just now and said, "You guys must apologize!"


"Apologize! You must apologize!"

"Apologize to this injured child and apologize to our flag!"

"What's bullshit? No one can leave today without an apology!"

"Isn't he just a gamer? What's the big deal! Apologies!"

"Who are you putting on a dirty face for? Do you think you are great? Just an eighty-level saint who wants to sweep our thirteen worlds in China? Do you know how many emperor-level powerhouses we have in China? Do you know how many demigods we have in China? ? Your tiny country can be destroyed with a snap of your fingers! What a joke!"

"That's right, then put on airs! Do you really think you are a star? Those big-name stars from your Bangzi country dare not be as presumptuous as you when they come to China!"

"Step on our national flag and hurt my Chinese! You must apologize!"

Many patriotic fans scolded loudly.

There were also a few young men who were originally fans of Park Yijian, but in the face of this big right and wrong, they were completely awakened, and they pointed at Park Yijian in public and started cursing.Although everyone knows that this is the fault of Park Yijian's bodyguard, but who told him to be your bodyguard?And the most exasperating thing is that when your people make trouble, you still can't say a word?Not even a "sorry"?This is not a question of who caused trouble, but a question of the most basic quality of being a human being!Even if you may be short of time, even if you are too tired from the game and want to go back and rest quickly, no reason is considered a reason in this matter!You, Pu Yijian, must be responsible for this matter!

"Yes! I must solemnly apologize!"

"Apologize to the children! Apologize to Hongqi!"

Many fans of Park Yijian are very embarrassed. They like Park Yijian, but they are not all brain-dead. It may not be too big to hurt a child, but it is definitely not a big deal to step on the national flag. There is no room for negotiation!Of course, many fans still have illusions about Park Yijian, as long as he apologizes at this time, this matter is actually no big deal.After all, the ground is full of small red flags, who hasn't stepped on a few of them?This is the tragedy of the Chinese people!

However, those fans who didn't like Park Yijian were not so easy to talk about, and they all shouted one by one.




I don't know when, everyone's slogans became unified, and the voices were much louder than before.There are even many patriots who are very impulsive and angry. They don't have a good impression of Bangziguo, and this kind of thing happened, which made these people even more angry.

Some people started shoving the security guards, trying to rush over.

Seeing this, the security guards in the venue held hands one by one, and blocked these people out, for fear that they would rush in and make the situation even more out of hand.

"move back!"

"Everyone calm down!"

"The leader has been notified!"

"Everyone, wait for the leader!"

The security guards at the scene have already reported it to their superiors. They are just security guards. They have no way to deal with this kind of thing, and they can't manage it if they want to. Moreover, they have to protect Pu Yijian's safety. After all, this is their job.

But the more this happened, the more angry the crowd became.


"They've all beaten people! They've all trampled on the dignity of our China! Why the hell are you telling me to calm down?"

"Are you from Huaxia? If you are, get out of the way!"

"Is this China China or Bang Country? Are you protecting the people of Bangzi like this?"

"Get out of the way for me!"

Many people began to scold the security guards, but the security guards didn't respond, and they still blocked the crowd tightly, preventing them from taking a step forward.

Here the security guards blocked the crowd.

Over there, two bodyguards protected Pu Yijian and walked out against the wall.

"Stop for me!"

"Apologize! Don't even think about leaving without an apology!"

"They're running! Stop them!"

Many people pointed at Park Yijian angrily and cursed.

But Pu Yijian acted as if he didn't hear him, and he still walked outside. The car that picked him up was at the door. As long as he went out, he would be fine.

There are many fans of Pu Yijian leaning against the wall. Seeing Pu Yijian approaching, these fans don't know what to do.

Of course, there is no shortage of fans of Ha Han in this world. Even when the facts are in front of them, there are still people who defend Park Yijian.

"Everyone has to trust Teacher Park. Teacher Park is just tired and wants to go back to rest."

"Yes, Mr. Park has a good rest and will definitely give us an explanation."

"Yeah, we trust Teacher Park."

"Mr. Park is not wrong, why should Mr. Park apologize?"

Just like that, Park Yijian walked out along the base of the wall with his two bodyguards.

Those patriots who had been yelling for a long time became louder and louder, but no one dared to step forward to stop them.After all, Pu Yijian is from Bangguo, and it's okay for them to scold him, but no one dares to let them go up and detain him.This trouble is not good, it is a diplomatic dispute!They cannot afford this responsibility!

"You fucking stop!" The young man who was holding the little boy rushed up, but was pushed back by the bodyguards, and even fell down on his butt because he was holding the child in his arms, and his center of gravity was unstable.

The young man fell to the ground, shouting angrily, and everyone clenched their fists tightly, looking at the young man, at the little boy silently wiping tears in his arms, and at Pu Yijian who was about to go out , they are angry!They are uncomfortable!However, they have nothing to do!
"Is there no one in my great China!"

The young man roared and questioned, looking at Pu Yijian who was going further and further away, the younger brother in his arms bit his lip and his face turned pale, and finally couldn't help it anymore, with a "wow", the tears in his eyes were rushing It just flowed out!He didn't cry when he was pushed just now, he didn't cry when his ankle was injured, he didn't even cry when his brother came to protect him!
But seeing that Pu Yijian was leaving, he cried!

I don't know how many people, listening to the little boy's cry, felt as if their hearts were torn apart!

However, a scene that no one expected appeared.

At the outermost door, where the sign was hung, a young man appeared. This young man was more than 1.8 meters tall, tall and thin, wearing big sunglasses, he couldn't see his face clearly, and had hair over his eyebrows. He was wearing a black half-length shirt and had a cigarette in his mouth.It looks sloppy, and it feels like a social bum.

But it is such a person who walks on the street that no one looks at him directly. When the three of Pu Yijian walked towards him, under the stunned gaze of everyone, the young man raised his legs and went up. kick!
A simple kick!
A quick kick!
A kick as powerful as a thunderbolt!
Park Yijian flew away!
It flew five or six meters away!

Pu Yijian flew upside down and smashed into the group of fans cheering for him!
"Who said I have no one in Huaxia?"

Ye Feng took a sharp puff of his cigarette, and said to Pu Yijian and the two furious security guards, "If you don't apologize today, no one will leave."

Ye Feng's voice was not loud, but it resounded through the audience!

 Thank you for your reward, and thank you all for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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