Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 230 Am I cruel?

Chapter 230 Am I cruel?
"I wipe!"

"It's too fierce!"

"He really has a bad temper!"

"Do you really dare to do it?"

"Ms. Park was beaten?"

"Grass! Didn't do anything, so he moved his feet! Kicked people away with one kick?"

"How powerful is this?"

"Who is this young man? He's so awesome!"


Everyone around was stunned, and everyone looked at this scene dumbfounded. Nima, there are really fierce people who dare to make a move, oh no!

With just his kick, Pu Yijian flew upside down for four or five meters!

Tai Nima's shock!
Many people couldn't come back to their senses, and couldn't believe their eyes!


"Almost hit me!"

Pu Yijian flew upside down into his fan group, but no one reached out to catch him, instead they all scattered at once, for fear of being hit by him.

With a "boom", Pu Yijian fell to the ground hard, and then remembered his scream.

Seeing Pu Yijian who was curled up on the ground clutching his stomach and howling, everyone gasped!

This big brother is really Nima's ruthless hands!

Ah bah, it's a cruel foot!

This shit is Pu Yijian!This is a great countryman!You just go up and kick it without any scruples?
Have you eaten the bear heart and leopard gall?
Who is this big brother Nima?

Looking at the young man blocking the door, no one would have guessed that he was Professor Hai Daye who had recently gained fame.Although many people have heard of Ye Feng's name, although Ye Feng's figure has often appeared in various news recently, he is not an entertainment star after all, and he has not yet reached the point where he can be recognized immediately when he goes out.Just like those well-known professors in the previous life, such as Yi Zhongtian, you may know him, but when he stands in front of you, you may not know him.

The same is true of Ye Feng, plus he is still wearing sunglasses, no one can think that this is Ye Feng.

However, this is not the point. Everyone doesn't know who this young man is, but everyone knows that he is from Huaxia!

This is enough!
What the hell are you showing off your might in China?
He really thinks there is no one in China, right?

Ye Feng's kick kicked out the anger in many people's hearts!

"Good fight!"

The young man who fell to the ground suddenly yelled out.

When he shouted, many people looked at him immediately, and some of them still didn't react.Seeing the astonishment on the faces of the people around him, the young man didn't respond, his face turned red immediately, what happened to my Yangyang Huaxia?Still silent at such a moment?The young man hugged his younger brother and struggled to stand up. Just as he was about to roar again, the others all reacted immediately.

"Yes! Good fight!"

"Well done lad!"

"Kill him to death!"

"You son of a bitch, damn it! Who's pretending to be a master with him? You grandson!"

"Young man, don't be afraid, we support you!"

Shouting like a tide broke out in an instant, and the voice of the crowd was like a pot of boiling water, boiling endlessly.

Of course, boiling water can't scald those reptiles to death, and at this moment, there are still some idiots who complain about Pu Yijian's injustice!

A female fan said angrily: "Who told you to beat someone? You have broken the law!"

"Yes! How can you do it? No quality!"

"How is Teacher Park? Are you okay?"

An uncle next to him couldn't bear it any longer, "Are you from China? What's so good about a stick? If you stick it up like this, will people pay attention to you?"

The female fan shouted angrily: "I want you to care! What's the matter with you? I just like Mr. Park, what's wrong? If you like Bangzi Country, you are not patriotic? Is it stipulated by the law? Am I breaking the law or committing a crime?"

"Yes! Whoever we like is our freedom, you don't need to worry about it!"

The uncle's face was flushed with anger, and he was indisputable. He said, "If there is no law, you don't know how to do it? There is no standard of conduct? You can't even distinguish between right and wrong in the nation? Is it necessary to be bound by law?"

Although there are very few brain-dead people who are still firmly standing on Pu Yijian's side, there are still some. People on both sides still scold each other from time to time, and the scene is getting more and more chaotic.

Ye Feng didn't respond to this at all, he only had Pu Yijian in his eyes right now.

You bastard first insulted me as a tortoise, then insulted my compatriots and trampled on our national flag, so you, a tortoise grandson, are worthy of being called a teacher?

Ye Feng walked towards Pu Yijian step by step, and said as he walked: "I said, today, if you don't apologize, no one wants to leave."

Pu Yijian, who fell on the ground, saw Ye Feng walking towards him, and yelled Korean at the two bodyguards resentfully, the two bodyguards looked at each other, and rushed towards Ye Feng suddenly.


"Boy be careful!"

"He's such a shameless fellow, he even sneaked up on him!"

Seeing the two burly bodyguards rushing towards Ye Feng, the crowd immediately burst into exclamations.



Ye Feng didn't even look at the two bodyguards, they were kicked away.

Terribly quiet!
No matter who it was, they all looked at Ye Feng in disbelief at this moment, speechless in a daze.

Many people even swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva unconsciously.

Which of these two bodyguards must weigh 180 catties?
Being kicked away so casually?

At this time, everyone realized that this young man was a little too aggressive!


"Stop it all!"

"I am in charge!"

"What happened?"

Several people rushed in from outside.

The leader walking in the front shouted at Ye Feng: "That young man, stop immediately and don't move!"

However, Ye Feng continued to walk towards Pu Yijian as if he didn't hear it.

"Help! Help! He's going to kill me!" Pu Yijian was probably really scared, and shouted at the leader in horror.

"Security!" The leader was sweating, and shouted at the security guard over there: "Stop him!"


"Don't come closer!"

"Stay where you are and don't move!"

This group of security guards also felt that he was panicking, stop him?How the hell did you say it lightly!Come and stop!This guy is so fucking fierce!Who can stop it!

Therefore, although the leader over there was ordering, none of the security guards stepped forward, they just shouted a few times on the spot.

This angered the leader!

Before he had time to think about it, he went up with the people around him, "Stop it! Stop your criminal behavior!"

The leader just came over and didn't figure out what happened. Anyway, he saw that someone was injured, and it was obviously the young man who did it.Regardless of Sanqi 21, just put a big hat on Ye Feng first.



One kick, one scream.

The scene was completely silent again, and the people next to the leader looked at Ye Feng dully, standing there in embarrassment, at a loss for what to do.

How dare this guy hit the leader?

The people around didn't expect Ye Feng to be so bold, the one just now looked like an ordinary person, most likely he was an official!


Now the trouble is even bigger!

But Ye Feng didn't care who you were, staring at the middle-aged bald man who was hunched over and clutching his belly, he scolded unceremoniously: "Crime? Which eye of yours saw me commit a crime? He just needed yours." You didn't show up at that time, now get out and protect the stick man? Are you fucking out of your mind? Made!"

Although Ye Feng's words were ugly, they were loud!
Pu Yijian was dumbfounded. He knew the person Ye Feng kicked just now. He was a leader in charge of games in a certain bureau. His position was not low. How dare he even kick the leader?

The surrounding people also watched in horror!

This big brother is too fierce!

It was so fierce that it was a bit scary!


Well done!
"it is good!"

"Kick him!"

"here you go!"

"What kind of rubbish leader! Where were you when the foreigners bullied us just now? Now you come out after he was beaten up? This fucking guy is your father! How the hell did you come here at the right time!"

The bald leader listened to the scolding around him, his face turned red and then pale, and his stomach hurt from being kicked by Ye Feng, cold sweat poured out all over his head in an instant.

"Call the police! Call the police!"

The bald leader lay on the ground and struggled to squeeze out a few words from his throat.

Call the police?

Ha ha.

Ye Fengli ignored it.

Walking up to Pu Yijian, squatting down, and said coldly, "Apologize?"


Pu Yijian yelled out a few birdsong in horror and anger.


Ye Feng raised his hand with a big mouth.

"Don't you know how to speak human language? Speak human language!" Ye Feng lit a cigarette for himself.

"@¥%@¥...#!...#¥!!!" Park Yijian can actually speak Chinese, but when he was extremely frightened and angry, he must think of his mother tongue.


Another big mouth.




The people around were all stunned, no one thought that Ye Feng would be so cruel!
If you don't agree with each other, just open your mouth!

Look at Pu Yijian, his face is almost turning into a pig's head, and he is struggling to speak.

"Thugs! Stop your criminal behavior immediately! You are committing a crime!" The leader yelled at Ye Feng angrily.

At this time, even the surrounding people couldn't stand it anymore. A young woman in her 30s softened her heart and said, "Little brother, I think he has been punished, so let's forget it."

"Yeah, it's almost there. If something good or bad happens, the police won't let you go." An uncle also agreed.

"I see he said so many things. Although I don't understand Korean, he should be apologizing, right?"

"Little brother, we don't need to be so cruel. Isn't there an old saying in Huaxia, it's called forgiving and forgiving."

Hearing the chattering voices around, Ye Feng raised his head to look at the crowd, chuckled, and said, "Cruel? Huh." Suddenly, amidst the astonished expressions of the crowd, Ye Feng suddenly shouted at everyone: "I'm cruel? He bullied my compatriots! He insulted me Huaxia! He can't tolerate me not being cruel! Am I cruel? I still hate myself for not being cruel enough!" Ye Feng's roar was a little hoarse, with blue veins on his forehead, and he was hoarse The appearance shocked everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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