Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 231 If I get hurt at all...

Chapter 231 If I get hurt at all...

Ye Feng ignored them, took a breath, exhaled smoke rings, calmed down, and said to everyone: "You said he apologized? Ha ha." Ye Feng sneered, and then said sharply: "He is They are calling us monkeys! We are inferior people! We are barbaric countries! We are uncivilized Chinese people!"

"@%@¥%@¥...@?? (You think I don't understand Korean?)" Ye Feng spoke Korean to Park Yijian with a sarcasm on his face.

Pu Yijian's eyes widened suddenly, and a mouthful of old blood spewed out!
Your second uncle!
How the hell do you know Korean? You fucking force me to speak Chinese?
Pu Yijian's face turned green immediately, he thought Ye Feng didn't understand Korean, that's why he cursed Ye Feng so unscrupulously!

That's right, Pu Yijian was really scolding Ye Feng just now!

Everyone has been yelled at by Ye Feng so much that everyone's brains are swollen. At first, everyone didn't believe Ye Feng said that Pu Yijian scolded people. After all, he is also a star, so it is impossible to say those words in front of so many people. ?Moreover, he speaks Korean, how do you know what he means?
But when everyone heard the Korean sentence Ye Feng and Pu Yijian said, everyone immediately understood!
This young man understands Korean!

Depend on!
Now, it's like stabbing a hornet's nest!
The people around immediately exploded!
Who are you scolding, you little bastard?


"I can't bear it anymore!"

"Chinaman? Monkey? I have to fuck this idiot to death today!"

"Get out of the way for me!"

Before the security guards could react, a dozen or so young and old men rushed out. There was a small security guard who wanted to stop him, but an old security guard next to him pulled him back. She glanced at him and shook her head slightly.

Although they are security guards, they are also Chinese!

They couldn't bear the insult of this bastard for a long time!
Although he can't get started with him, it's the best action not to stop him at this time!

But the leader quickly shouted: "What are you doing? Stop it!"

However, none of the security guards did it.

Seeing Wu Yang and Wu Yang rushing over, Ye Feng wobbled to the side, only to see a big sister was still wearing high heels, she just kicked her when she came over!Pu Yijian on the ground didn't react, and was kicked on the ground by a group of people.The two bodyguards over there didn't have a good time either, and the angry audience would never let go of a stick!
"Damn it!"

"Kill you son of a bitch!"

"Everyone, take it easy, don't cause trouble!"

"Yes, don't hit his head, kick his legs!"

"Discount his dog legs!"

"Little bastard! Beat him up!"

The scene was already chaotic and couldn't be more chaotic, with shouts and wailing one after another.


It's a complete mess!
A group of people besieged Pu Yijian and his two bodyguards, and some idiot fans were crying and fighting, and some idiot fans were even beaten by the angry crowd.

"What are you doing! Let go of Teacher Park!"

"Are you a Chinese? Get lost!"

"Oh my god, who the hell kicked me?"

"Sister! You stepped on my foot! Alas, I'll clean it! High heels!"

"I wipe, why are you scratching me?"

"Who told you to hit Teacher Pu! You are the one who scratched!"

"Get out of the way, you little girl!"


The scene was out of control, more and more people joined in, and they couldn't find where Pu Yijian was on the ground!

Didn't step on it?

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and thought while smoking a cigarette.

He is not worried about killing people, don't forget, Mr. Ye is an invincible old Chinese medicine doctor!No matter how they beat him, as long as he didn't step on him directly, someone Ye would have a way to save him!Even Ye Feng had a way to get him to go for an injury test, but he couldn't get it out!
"Wow wow wow..."

Suddenly, a siren sounded outside.

"The police are here!"

I don't know who yelled, the audience who were beating Park Yijian and others dispersed in an instant, and everyone stepped aside.

On the ground, the two bodyguards were alright, after all, their bodies were there, and at most they suffered some trauma.

But Pu Yijian can't do it!
He was the one who was beaten the worst, and he was also the most innocent!

He's already been trampled out of shape!
His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his face was covered with blood, and his body was also covered with shoe prints. The most ridiculous thing was that he still had a high-heeled shoe hanging on his Korean-style long hair, and even had an insole on his face!
I rub!

In such a serious scene, Ye Feng almost didn't laugh out loud!
But Ye Feng knew that now was not the time to read jokes, this Pu Yijian had already vented more gas and breathed less, and he was about to die.

"This, this won't be beaten to death, right?"

"We killed people?"

"It's not me, it's not me! I kicked just now!"

"It's not me, I didn't kick a single kick!"

Seeing the dying Pu Yijian, the audience panicked.

Hitting and killing are completely two concepts!
They are all ordinary people, who can bear this fright?
At this time, Ye Feng took out a bag of silver needles from his pocket. As an old Chinese doctor, Ye Feng is used to carrying silver needles on his body now.

Under everyone's gaze, Ye Feng walked towards Pu Yijian, squatted down, and stuck needles everywhere on his body.

At this time, the police outside also rushed in.

"Don't move!"

"Nobody is allowed to move!"

A group of policemen, some with batons, some with riot sticks, and a few even pulled out their guns!
Li An looked at the scene with a gloomy face. He is the deputy bureau on duty today. Within 10 minutes, he received more than 20 calls to the police. At first, he just said that someone was beating someone, and later he said it was a stickman. In the end, it was even more exaggerated, saying that someone was going to murder international friends!

What is he doing?

Let alone murder, even beating international friends is not enough!There is no way to explain this to the higher authorities!Maybe it will cause international disputes!

Therefore, Li An brought people over in a hurry.

"Director Li." Seeing the police coming, the bald leader on the ground got up in a hurry.

"Huh? Director Sun? What's wrong with you?"

"Let me tell you, that person is a murderer..."

It can be seen that the two should know each other.


Outside, on the side of a road opposite the stadium, Su Ning sat on a row of seats by the roadside, playing with her mobile phone boredly.

"Bastard Ye Feng, it's so slow to go to the toilet." Her Lady Queen was thinking whether to call Ye Feng, she wondered if Ye Feng had fallen into a pit.

If Ye Feng really fell into the pit, should I save him?
save him?But it stinks!

Do not save it?But that's my husband!

Forget it, forget it, it’s still not going to be saved, so I don’t want such a stinky husband!

"Huh? Why are there so many policemen here?"

Seeing the police car approaching, Su Ning was taken aback, looking at the passageway on the other side of the venue, which was in a mess at this time.Su Ning felt a bad feeling in her heart, and while walking there, she called Ye Feng on the phone.


Soon, Ang Lee "understood" what happened.

This young man incited the crowd and illegally attacked others and disturbed social order!
Ye Feng was still squatting there to treat Pu Yijian.

"Put your hands up!"

Li An yelled at Ye Feng, "Stop your criminal behavior immediately and give up any resistance!"

Director Sun also said just now that this young man has a high level of force, so Li An didn't dare to get close to Ye Feng easily, so he yelled at him.

But Ye Feng is busy, how can he have time to talk to him.At this time, the people around did not dare to speak. After all, the police came, and everyone was afraid of getting themselves into trouble.

"Did you hear that! Stop your criminal behavior immediately and seek leniency!" Li An continued to shout.

Ye Feng still didn't respond.

Li An frowned, and winked at the two policemen nearby, and they immediately understood.One held a baton, the other held a shield, and went up one after the other.

And this time is the critical period for Ye Feng to apply the needle.

As soon as the two policemen came to Ye Feng's side, they were about to push him down. Ye Feng was squatting with his legs sweeping the hall, and the two policemen fell to the ground with an "Ouch".Ye Feng glanced at the two policemen who were clutching their backs and howling, but didn't respond.

As a policeman who protects society, if he can't tell right from wrong and black from black, he will be beaten lightly.

"How dare you attack the police!"

Li An's complexion changed, and he immediately took out his gun and pointed it at Ye Feng, and the others who had guns in their hands also cheered up.

In an instant, the whole scene became tense, and some people even turned pale and raised their hands, trembling and shouting.

"Police! Police! I'm a good man!"

"Me too! Me too! I'm a law-abiding citizen!"

"Don't shoot! It's easy to accidentally injure!"


They are really scared!

In the face of guns, few ordinary people are not afraid!

"Raise your hands immediately and release the hostages!"

Li Angao shouted, he has realized that this is not an ordinary person!Since ancient times, chivalry has been banned by martial arts, and Ye Feng's move just now proved that he is definitely not an ordinary person!Definitely a kung fu master!

Li An's forehead was sweating.

Don't look at Ye Feng doesn't have a sharp weapon in his hand, his forehead is wrong, he has a silver needle in his hand!
This might be his unique weapon!
Think about those martial arts movies shown on TV, the person who uses this kind of weapon is definitely the best of the best!

It's over!Maybe they all have to die here today!
Li An's hand holding the gun trembled a little, he had successfully scared himself out of the urine by thinking wildly!
"Drop your weapon immediately!"

Ang Lee shouted.

Ye Feng had already closed the needle at this time, so he raised his eyes and looked at him, seeing that there were so many guns pointed at him, Ye Feng wanted to laugh a little.

Why don't you take out your weapons when the people need protection and when the national dignity needs to be maintained, instead of aiming your guns at your own people at this time?

Ha ha.

At this moment, Ye Feng's cell phone rang.

"Ningning, I'm fine, don't worry, you can go home first."

It was Su Ning, Ye Feng smiled and comforted her, he had already seen Su Ning outside, she was full of anxiety, she was trying to push away the crowd, but the police had already pulled up the cordon outside.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Ye Feng said softly, then turned off the phone.

"You are already surrounded! Give up resistance immediately!" Li An reiterated again.

At this moment, a limping little boy in school uniform ran out of the crowd. He opened his hands to block Ye Feng, and shouted at the policemen with all his might in an immature voice: "Uncle policeman, big brother is a good man! Don't hurt him!"

"Whose child? Take him away!" Li An was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly shouted.A policeman rushed out quickly, hugged the little boy in his arms, and then quickly returned to the line.Li An looked at the policeman approvingly. As a policeman, he must have the awareness to protect the people regardless of his own safety!

At this time, Ye Feng sneered, stood up, and looked at the policemen pointing guns at him expressionlessly.

"Raise your hands immediately! Otherwise, I will shoot you to death in accordance with the law!"

Li An's expression was extremely tense, and he was sweating profusely. He couldn't control so much at this time. There were so many people at the scene, and there were injured colleagues and international friends around that person. He had to act decisively and take decisive measures!
Ye Feng smiled when he heard his words.

kill me?

I saw Ye Feng walking slowly towards Li An.

"Stop! Stop now! Or I'll shoot!"

Li An raised his gun and shouted.

Ye Feng didn't stop, but said calmly, "Shoot? Hehe."

Ye Feng said calmly: "If I get hurt even the slightest bit, the sun and the moon will lose their light!"

Ye Feng walked slowly towards the group of policemen while talking, without any fear on his face.

"If I am injured an inch, the world will change color!"

Ye Feng's voice became more and more high-pitched.

"If I hurt my life, history will change it!"

The last sentence was like a thunderbolt.

Ye Feng said three steps, and at the end his voice was like thunder, and a majestic righteousness burst out. At this moment, everyone looked at Ye Feng who was slowly walking towards the little boy in a daze!

No one dares to move!
No one dared to say a word!
At this moment, any words and actions are so pale and powerless in front of Ye Feng's three sentences!
In the end, under the watchful eyes of all the police, Ye Feng squatted in front of the little boy, took his little hand, and asked with a warm face: "Little friend, what's your name?"

(End of this chapter)

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