Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 232 "One Sentence Chapter"

Chapter 232 "One Word"

"My name is Xia Zhongguo."

The little boy answered Ye Feng's words squarely.

Hearing the name, Ye Feng froze for a moment.

This little boy is only at the age of junior high school. In this day and age, do parents still give their children such names?

Xia Zhongguo?
This is the style of the sixties and seventies, right?
Although he was surprised in his heart, Ye Feng didn't show it, but praised him with a smile: "What a good name, and you are also a good boy."

Ye Feng squatted in front of the little boy, surrounded by policemen, but at this moment, no one dared to disturb Ye Feng.They were really frightened by Ye Feng's aura just now.

If I get hurt in the slightest, the sun and the moon will lose their light?

If I am injured an inch, will the world change color?

If I hurt my life, will history be changed?

How loud is this?
How arrogant is this?
In fact, many people don't believe it in their hearts. Which onion are you?The earth wouldn't spin without you?Will history change for it?What are you?Can it still affect the development of history?
However, to be honest, although many people sneered at it, Ye Feng's aura was too intimidating!

But at this time, Li An also reacted, turned the gun, pointed it directly at Ye Feng, and shouted: "Hold your head and don't move!"

Ye Feng glanced at him and stood up.

"Don't move! Or I'll shoot you!"

At this time, several police officers nearby also rushed forward, trying to grab Ye Feng's arm and subdue him.Ye Feng frowned, it was impossible for these few people to subdue Ye Feng.However, the strange thing is that Ye Feng didn't resist, but let them pin him down, even handcuffed him!
"Hehe, you continue to be great!" Seeing that Ye Feng was subdued, Li An finally let his heart sink into his stomach, pointed a gun at Ye Feng's head and mocked: "You just want to change history? Just you A thug, a terrorist, a scum of society, what right does he have to be rampant?" Ye Feng glanced at him with a blank expression on his face.

The people around were all red-eyed when they saw this, and clenched their fists tightly, but there was nothing they could do.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside, and then more than [-] reporters suddenly broke in, followed by many anti-camera staff.

A large group of people rushed in, and the police didn't react at all.

"Professor Ye?"

"It's really Professor Ye!"

"Professor Ye is here!"

"Professor Ye was really arrested?"

After this group of people rushed in, they came directly towards Ye Feng. Although Ye Feng was wearing sunglasses, the reporters all had sharp eyes and recognized him immediately.Just now, almost all the media in the imperial capital got the news that Professor Hai Daye was illegally arrested by the police in Beijing!

All of a sudden, the media in the entire imperial capital heard the news and rushed to the scene as quickly as possible.

And as soon as he came, Ye Feng was arrested!
"May I ask which law Professor Ye violated?"

"What basis does the police have for arresting Professor Ye?"

"Does the police have an arrest warrant?"

"It is said that the police are operating illegally. Is this true?"

"Someone reported that the Imperial Capital Public Security Bureau abused its power and illegally detained Ye Feng, a famous Chinese scholar. What do you think of this matter?"

Before Li An could react, he was surrounded by a large group of reporters with long guns and short cannons. The questions one after another made Li An confused.

Police illegal?

Professor Ye?
What the hell!
Li An was stunned for at least three seconds, but as a deputy bureau, and also a deputy bureau of the public security, he naturally has his way of dealing with reporters.

"Our bureau has never violated any laws and regulations, and the arrests were carried out under the regulations!" Li An organized his words, and said: "As for the specific laws that the criminal suspects violated, there is no clear statistics yet. , But what is certain is that he is suspected of beating others and causing injuries, instigating the public, seriously disturbing public order, and attacking law enforcement officials! Our bureau has arrested the suspect in accordance with the law!"

Li An put away his gun, pointed at Ye Feng, and said to the reporters righteously: "No matter who this person is or what his background is, as long as he breaks the law, the country will never tolerate him!"

Listening to Li An's righteous words, these reporters were dumbfounded.

Professor Ye hit someone?
Also disabled people?

Or even incite public sentiment?

Also assaulted the police?

I rub!

Are you fucking kidding me!
Although these reporters haven't figured out what happened, they don't believe what Li An said!
I don't believe a word!
Who the hell is Professor Ye?

That is our world-renowned mathematics master in China!
That is a literary master who is rare in our Chinese literary world!
That is the youngest professor unique in our Chinese education circle!
That is the "Heavenly Man" and "Wizard" recognized by the academic circles!
What the hell do you say he is a literati and scholar who beats people with his hands?Why did he assault the police?
What an international joke!

The reporters didn't believe it, and turned their microphones to Ye Feng.

"Professor Ye, is what he said true?"

"Professor Ye, did you really hit someone?"

What the reporters said was a mess, but basically it was a question.

Did you really hit someone?
Ye Feng was still held down by the police, bent over, and straightened abruptly. Facing so many media reporters, Ye Feng had nothing to hide. He nodded lightly and said, "I did hit someone."

With a "wow", the audience was in an uproar, and all the reporters were shocked!
Professor Ye really hit someone?

How is this possible?

Even if Ye Feng nodded and admitted, these reporters were unwilling to believe it!
This is the hope of the Chinese mathematics community!

This is the backbone of the Chinese literary world!

"May I ask why you beat someone for a living?"

"May I ask what happened to Professor Ye at that time? So that you beat someone?"

"Professor Ye, as the most famous educator today, how do you understand the behavior of beating people?"

"I see that there are so many people at the scene. Could it be that there is friction with the people?"

"Professor Ye, is the blood-stained person next to him the injured? Did you hit him?"

"Professor Ye, what is your purpose and motive for beating people? As a professor, don't you know that beating people is wrong? Your reputation will be greatly affected by this, and you may even face legal sanctions. I don't understand. Why on earth would you do that?"

Journalists are acting like crazy.

This news is really shocking!

They can already imagine how much shock this news will cause after it is broadcast!
However, at this moment, they just want to know, why did Ye Feng do this?
Ha ha.

Ye Feng looked up at the little boy named Xia Zhongguo who was guarded by the police, at the small red flags tightly held in his hands, and then at the silent crowd and the people behind them. The little red flag that was thrown away at will, and Pu Yijian lying on the ground with his face covered in blood.

With a calm face, Ye Feng looked at a camera that had been facing him all the time, and suddenly whispered to everyone: "One sentence is a disaster, and one sentence can set a fire on fire."

Everyone was stunned.

There is a saying?

Saying it is a disaster?
Can it be set on fire?
what are you talking about?

What are you talking about?
But after a while, someone realized that this is a modern poem!Professor Ye didn't answer directly, but answered with a modern poem?what does he mean?For a while, all the reporters fell silent. Although Ye Feng had never written modern poetry before, everyone knew what Ye Feng represented in the literary world!Even the policemen and the crowd around were a little dazed at this moment, and some of them recognized Ye Feng at this moment, and they also wanted to hear what Ye Feng wanted to say.

Su Ning, who was outside, tightly clutched her phone and looked inside.

Li An next to him frowned.

Ye Feng's expression was very indifferent, and Gu Jing Wubo seemed not to care about his current situation at all, but his throat seemed to suppress anger, like a churning volcano, depositing too much resentment!To explode!
"One word uttered is a curse,"

"One word can light a fire,"

"Don't look at the fact that 5000 years have not been broken,"

"Can you guess the silence of the volcano?"

"Perhaps suddenly possessed by a demon,"


"I love my country!"

Ye Feng took a breath, looked at the gleaming silver handcuffs on his wrists, and clenched his fists tightly!
Why should I hit someone?

His poem was not finished yet, only a sigh seemed to be mixed in the mournful voice.

"What should I say?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe in the iron tree blooming,"

"Then there is a sentence you listen to:"

"Wait until the volcano can't help but keep silent;"

"Don't tremble, stick out your tongue, stamp your feet,"

"Wait until a thunderbolt"


"I love my country!"

This is the famous "One Word" written by Mr. Wen Yiduo in Ye Feng's previous life. On today's occasion, Ye Feng took it out.

Don't you want to know why I hit someone?

This is my answer.

The reporters were stunned, the police were stunned, and everyone around the audience was stunned!

The whole audience was silent!

No one said a word!

Not to mention no one questioned Ye Feng again!

As soon as this poem came out, none of the people present who knew the whole story were moved.Even those fans who used to like Park Yijian looked at Ye Feng silently with their mouths pursed.No one knows what to say at this time, no one knows how to speak at this time.

In the end, Ye Feng was taken away by the police while everyone was watching.

As Li An said, he doesn't care about Ye Feng's identity, professor?So what?Think you can do whatever you want if you know how to write poetry?If you hit someone, you must be punished by law!

Therefore, Ye Feng was taken away.

Under countless gazes, he was taken away.Seeing Ye Feng in handcuffs being pushed into the police car, the crowd at the scene didn't know what kind of mood they were in, but the incident about Ye Feng kept lingering in their ears.

Why did Ye Feng hit someone?

Why do you still refuse to look back when you know you will cause trouble all over the body?
Doesn't he know that he is breaking the law?

He knows.

He knew the consequences, but he still kicked out at the most critical moment?
Ha ha.

Why?It's just that he loves our motherland deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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