Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 233 The whole country is in an uproar!

Chapter 233 The whole country is in an uproar!

Seven o'clock in the evening.

After the meal, the whole country was in an uproar!
On TV, on the Internet, and on major portal websites, there are overwhelming news, all of which are news!
Professor Ye Feng, a famous scholar in our country, hurt people!
The news came too suddenly, I don't know how many people didn't react!
It simply shocked the whole country!

There are many masters in the Calligraphy Association, and they are preparing for the "Sage of Calligraphy" exhibition.

"Mr. Song, isn't it a little bad for us to call him the Sage of Calligraphy directly?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. Not to mention Professor Ye's strength, but his status in the literary world, few people dare to say anything."

"Well, yes."

Originally, this group of calligraphy masters were not convinced by Ye Feng, but when they carefully studied Ye Feng's works, especially the "Preface to the Collection of Lanting", the entire calligraphy world was convinced!

Book Saint!

The well-deserved Book Saint!
"I'm going! Something happened! Something big happened!"

"Old Li? What's the matter? Are you so flustered?"

"Professor Ye, Professor Ye was arrested by the police for viciously hurting people!"


"Old Li, you are getting more and more humorous. What are you kidding? How could Professor Ye hurt people maliciously?"

"I... I'm just kidding! You watch the news! It's already on the news, and there's a lot of noise!"

When Mr. Song and the others heard this, they quickly turned on the TV in the room, and the other people in the room also put down their work and hurriedly gathered around.At first glance, everyone was stunned!

Old Mr. Wang Yuan stared in disbelief and said, "This, how is this possible?"


In Su Ning's small villa.

All the brothers and sisters of the Su family came.

"Sister, what happened to brother-in-law? How did you get in?" Su Li was confused.

Su Qi also couldn't understand, "Aren't you also going to watch the game?"

Su Ke said directly: "No, let's get brother-in-law out first!"

"That's right, save brother-in-law first!" Su Ling also shouted worriedly.

Su Ning had already calmed down at this moment, she pursed her lips and said nothing.The girl Leng beside her said coldly, "I have notified the Ministry of Public Security."

Everyone looked at Sister Leng in bewilderment, and the brother-in-law got into a fight. Have you notified the Ministry of Public Security? ? ?


a certain house.

in a bedroom.

Dong dong dong, there was a hasty knock on the door outside.

Sun Meng was much more haggard than before, smoking a cigarette, and seemed to have no energy, "Who is it?"

"Dad, me."

"Come in, what's the matter?"

After Sun Qi came in, he said excitedly: "Dad, have you read the news? Ye Feng's two bastards are cold! He's really cold this time! They were arrested by the police!"


In a certain restaurant, a few friends from the literary circle are gathering.

"My God! Isn't this Professor Ye?"

"Professor Ye hit someone? How is that possible!"


A group of web writers.

"Hahaha, the leaves are finished!"

"That's right, I saw the news too, die!"

"That's it! He's finished, now Luohen can regain the throne of the king of online literature!"

"Congratulations, congratulations!"

Luohen's face was also full of surprises, but it was more of a surprise!When the leaves are gone, he can climb to the top again!

The news spread like gunpowder.

Ye Feng's beating of Bangzi Chinese, assaulting the police and other news occupied the headlines of major portal websites in one fell swoop.

Even, in less than half an hour, it went straight to the top of the circle's home page headlines!

It can be said that there are tens of thousands of pageviews every minute!

"I'm going!"

"Professor Ye has subverted my image of him, right?"

"Isn't Ye Feng a literati? He beat people? Couldn't he be framed?"

"Hey, Professor Ye is not just a literati. In the hijacking incident last time, Professor Ye punched every punch!"

"That's right, Professor Ye's force value is definitely the existence of the report!"

"But why did Professor Ye beat someone?"

"I don't know, anyway, he beat someone, and he has already been arrested."

"I liked his poems at first, but I thought he was such a rough person! I don't like him anymore!"

"Crap! No matter why you hit someone, as long as you hit someone from Bangzi Country, I will support Professor Ye unconditionally!"

"Yes, well played! Whatever his reason, I have long since disliked these sticks!"

Netizens on the Internet have a lot of discussions, some support Ye Feng, and some say Ye Feng is a gentle scum.

However, in the cat circle, the reaction was much more intense than in other places.

"I'll wipe it! Master Ye was taken away?"

"Are these people eating shit? Why are they arresting Mr. Ye Zi?"

"Oh, Ye Zi beat someone, the police should arrest him."

"Should be a fart! Big brother Ye Zi definitely has a reason, I don't believe Ye Zi will do it for no reason!"

"Yes, there must be a reason, and it must be that damn stick who messed with it first!"

"Damn it, let's go to the Imperial City Public Security Bureau to slaughter the board!"

"Let's go! We must seek justice for Mr. Ye Zi!"

When many fans heard that Ye Feng had been arrested, their eyes turned red immediately, and they clamored to go to the police circle to make trouble!
Still, there are sensible fans.

Huaye never sees, as the number one fan of Yezi, she stood up at this time, "Let's not worry, there is no conclusion on this matter at present, and the news has not been reported in too much detail. Many details have not been exposed yet. We I still don't know why Ye Zi did it. If it's not Ye Zi's fault, then we have to get justice for Ye Zi even if we try our best!"

Regarding this matter, the current reports are still very rough, and there are still many details that have not been revealed.Everyone only knew that Ye Feng beat someone, but not many people knew what Ye Feng was doing.

"No matter what, I will always support Ye Zi!"

"Yes, support Ye Zi unconditionally!"

"Add one unconditionally!"

"Found it! That stick is a contestant in the Sword Master Contest of the All Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms in Bangguo, his name is Pu Yijian, the son of a bitch! Let's go and slaughter his circle first!"

"Go! Kill him!"

Pu Yijian also has a fan group in the Huaxia game circle. After a few minutes, he was captured by furious fans in the cat. Pu Yijian's fans didn't even react, and their circle was flooded, full of cursing!

The fans in the cat circle reacted quite fiercely, but they were not the most violent. Compared with Hai Dayi, they were still far behind.

If the Ye Feng incident caused an uproar across the country, shocked the literary and mathematical circles, and made countless fans in the cat circle indignant, then this incident is a bolt from the blue for Haida!

The whole sea is big!


He just exploded!
Nobody believed it was real!
Professor Ye was arrested for hurting people?

Got it wrong!
It's either that Nima's news is wrong or your police station is wrong!
It is impossible for Professor Ye to hit someone!

Even if Professor Ye hit someone, there must be a reason for it!

Professor Ye can't make mistakes!

Absolutely impossible!
What status does Ye Feng have in the minds of Hai teachers and students?
That is faith!

That is Haida's hope!
That is the guiding light on the road of life for all teachers and students!

At 07:30 in the evening, the voice of Principal Wu Dehai was heard from all the loudspeakers on the entire Haida campus.

"Dear teachers and students, I believe that everyone has seen the false reports about Professor Ye Feng reported in the news! This is slander! This is slander! We believe in our beloved, great and selfless Professor Ye It won't be the kind of person in the news report! That's not the Professor Ye we know!"

Wu Dehai's sonorous and forceful voice resounded throughout the campus. People in every corner of the campus stood up at this moment, clenched their fists tightly, and listened to the principal's speech.

"Before the facts are clarified, the media wantonly reported, maliciously speculated, and even deliberately smeared our Professor Ye! This behavior is shameful and unacceptable to us! Professor Ye represents our Haida University and Huaxia Mathematics. He also represents our literary world, and he is an outstanding educator in our education circle!"

Wu Dehai's angry voice was heard on the radio: "In view of the various false reports of major media, the positive image of our school Professor Ye Feng and even our school has been seriously damaged. After repeated research and decision by our school, we will immediately report to the Limited to 56 TV programs, newspaper news, and online media such as Imperial Times, Imperial Evening News, Imperial Evening News, Imperial Rule of Law Online, Xinghui Media Co., Ltd., and Tianyi’s self-operated online media to issue a solemn protest!!"

"Relevant media must report on the facts, and must not add personal guesses or subjective conjectures. If not, I will protect the reputation of Professor Ye and the school in accordance with the law!"

Before Haida's broadcast was over, the Haida school had already released an "announcement" on the Internet, the content of which was exactly the same as President Wu said!
Sue 56 news media for inaccurate reports!

Ask him to immediately clarify the facts, restore the process, and investigate the reasons, otherwise, Hai Da will protect the right of reputation according to law!
What does legal rights mean?
Just take you to court!

When Haida made this announcement, the whole country was shocked!

This impact is no less than that of Ye Feng hurting someone!
Almost all major media in the imperial capital reported on Ye Feng's beating, even the news programs of local TV stations in the imperial capital!
What kind of institution is this?
Standing behind them is the official of the imperial capital!
Haida hard steel 56 media!

And they are all big media in the imperial capital!

Everyone thinks that Hai is crazy!
When the leaders of the media saw this announcement, their complexions changed drastically.They didn't expect that they would be targeted by Haida after reporting a news by themselves!
Haicheng University, also known as Haitian University, is the academic center of the entire south and has a great influence in the country!
Haida's fury not only made the media in the imperial capital break out in a cold sweat, but also demonstrated Professor Ye's lofty status to the people of the country!
Regardless of whether it was night or not, many media outlets hurriedly called those reporters who had already left work to work overtime to catch up on the manuscript, and some reporters were even sent out to collect information.

Until around 40:[-], a female reporter from the Imperial Times found a video of the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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