Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 234 Ye Feng Was Detained

Chapter 234 Ye Feng Was Detained

at night.

It's past ten o'clock.

The incident of Ye Feng's wounding and Haida's accusation against 56 media outlets followed one after another, which had a huge impact on the public.And this is not over, just 10 minutes ago, the Internet was flooded by the latest video!
"Professor Ye incident live video!"

This video was taken from the time when the little boy was picking up the national flag. At first glance, it looks like the pixels of a mobile phone. The picture is very unclear, but the face can barely be seen.In the video, a little boy fell to the ground and took a close-up of the national flag in his hand, then his brother rushed up and was pushed to the ground, and then Ye Feng's mighty kick... The video is a bit long, It took more than 20 minutes until Ye Feng was taken into the police car at the last moment!

It can be said that this video records the whole incident.

And once this video was exposed, it was immediately reposted by almost all influential media in the imperial capital!

All of a sudden, the number of views exceeded [-] million!
"If you don't apologize today, no one will leave!"

"I'm cruel? He bullied my compatriots! He humiliated me Huaxia! He can't tolerate me not being cruel! Am I cruel? I hate that I'm not cruel enough!"

"He is calling us monkeys! We are inferior people! We are barbaric countries! We are uncivilized Chinese people!"

"Fuck you bitch, fuck him!"


"If I hurt even a little bit, the sun and the moon will lose their light! If I hurt even an inch, the world will change color! If I hurt my life, history will change!"

"What are you? You won't turn around if the earth is gone? And history will change for it?"

"Kid, what's your name?"

"One sentence is a disaster, and one sentence can set a fire on fire. Even if it has not been said for 5000 years, you can guess through the silence of the volcano? Maybe it suddenly became possessed and exploded: I love my motherland! What should I say? You don't believe that iron trees can bloom..."

With the exposure of the video, and as more and more details were revealed, various comments on the Internet have also changed rapidly. From the initial incomprehension and various doubts, they have all changed now!

"Damn it! Professor Ye beat someone because of this?"

"Made, if I'm here, I'll beat him up too!"

"I just said that Professor Ye would never beat someone for no reason! Damn it, why didn't he get beaten to death?"

"He bullied my compatriots! He humiliated me Huaxia! He won't let me be cruel! Well said! You deserve to be No. 1 in the literary world! You deserve to be Professor Hai Daye! The dignity of the nation cannot be trampled on!"

"Good fight!"

"The sun and the moon are dark, the world is pale, and history has changed! What kind of arrogance is this? This is the face of so many muzzles, Professor Ye stalks and does not change his face! This is my Chinese cultural man with strong bones! He is a real hot-blooded man of my generation! Professor Ye has the guts!"

"Who is that policeman? His brain was kicked by a donkey? He even pointed a gun at Professor Ye's head? If he goes off fire, you will be the biggest sinner in the history of our Chinese nation!"

"Listening to Professor Ye's poem, I suddenly feel so blocked!"

"Yeah, what kind of mood did he have at that time?"

"It's really hard for me to imagine that such a poem was written by a modern person who has never experienced war years. Professor Ye's poem, alas..."

"Everyone, don't worry, this matter is now very clear. It was the people from the Bangzi Kingdom who made the mistake first. It is estimated that Professor Ye will be released tomorrow."

"Yes, although Professor Ye beat someone, there is a reason for it! Don't blame Professor Ye at all!"

On the Internet, netizens were really moved by Ye Feng's deep patriotism. While they were indignant, they also prayed for Ye Feng from the bottom of their hearts, praying that he would be released tomorrow without incident.


public security bureau.

In a small single room.

Ye Feng was handcuffed and sitting on the interrogation chair.

"Professor Ye, are you thirsty?" A policeman handed Ye Feng a glass of water.

"Thank you." Ye Feng said politely.

"Hey, it should be." The little policeman waved his hand, looked around and saw that there was no one around, and the little policeman came over and secretly gave Ye Feng a thumbs up, and said, "Professor Ye, you really are like this! Well done! I It’s been a long time since they saw that group of sticks was not pleasing to the eye, they are all so bullish, what are you pulling!”

Suddenly, the door was pushed open.

The little policeman quickly shut up, "Director Li!"

Li An nodded, and after entering with the two police officers, he sat opposite Ye Feng. At this time, Li An also knew Ye Feng's identity, but he still didn't feel good about him.

What's wrong with the professor?Can the professor break the law?
It's fine if you hit the stick, but why do you still hit our police?Made, our two colleagues are still lying in the hospital!
Li An was very worried about Ye Feng's attack. In his opinion, Ye Feng should have been subdued at that time, and then he should explain it clearly.Who gave you the guts to fight the police?
"Name!" Li An's tone was very bad.

Ye Feng glanced at him, and said lightly: "Ye Feng."



Ye Feng also knew that this was a normal procedure of the police station, so he was cooperating.

At this time, Li An's cell phone rang.

"Director Qi? Uh, okay, but he assaulted the police? This... I understand."

Li An hung up the phone with a gloomy expression on his face.Just now the director of the Public Security Bureau called him to protect Ye Feng and demanded that the police release him immediately!
This made Ang Lee a bit unacceptable!

Taking a deep breath, Li An was about to speak when his cell phone rang again.

"Hello? Director Zhao! That's right! I'm Li An! Ambassador of the Great Country to China? But just now Director Qi greeted me, I... oh, okay, I understand, don't worry, I will definitely We will strictly follow the laws and regulations of our country! We will never wrong a good person, nor let a bad person go! Good!"

Li An hung up the phone, and the look of excitement appeared on his face immediately!
Just now Director Zhao of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the ambassador of the great country to China has lodged a protest with China and demanded a strict investigation!
Strict investigation to the end!

Hold accountable!

"Professor Ye, do you have anything to say about your suspicion of intentionally hurting someone and causing serious injury to others?" Li An stared straight at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng glanced at him, Ye Feng heard him calling just now, and Bang Guo protested?hehe.

"First, I didn't intentionally hurt anyone. Second, I didn't cause serious injury." Ye Feng said lightly.

"Ye Feng!" Li An said angrily with a sullen face: "Now the news about you fighting and hurting people has been overwhelming. People all over the country know that you hurt Pu Yijian. What do you have to argue about?"

Ye Feng asked back: "Do you have evidence?"

"Ha!" Li An laughed angrily, took out his phone and found a video on the Internet, "What do you have to argue about? Did you kick him away?"

"Don't frame me, although he flew, but I didn't kick him." Ye Feng said calmly.

"What?" Li An angrily said, "You think we are blind? Who else could it be if you didn't kick it?"

"Then how do I know? Maybe the wind blows too much? Or maybe he tried to hit my foot with his belly and was bounced off? Anyway, I didn't use any force at the time, so I didn't kick it."


Li An slapped the table violently, shaking with anger, "Ye Feng, you'd better cooperate with the investigation and seek leniency, otherwise no one will be able to save you!"

"Hehe." Ye Feng looked at him indifferently, and said lightly: "You want to prove that I beat someone, so take his injury report, if his injury report proves that he had physical contact with me It is indeed hurt, then I admit it. If not, can I think you are framing me?"


Li An snorted, "Pu Yijian's injury report will come out tomorrow, and we'll see what you have to argue with!"

"Then we'll talk about it tomorrow." Ye Feng leaned back.

"Okay!" Li An gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Feng, "Then what about you assaulting the police? Do you have to talk about it tomorrow! Do you have any excuse for this iron-clad fact?"

"Like iron?" Ye Feng sneered, and said, "Is your iron so worthless?"

"Ye Feng! Watch your words!" Li An's face turned red and white in anger.

"Okay, what evidence do you have to prove that I assaulted the police?" Ye Feng asked lightly, leaning on the chair.

"I saw it with my own eyes! All our colleagues saw it! Do you want an injury report? They are still in the hospital!" Li An's lungs were about to explode from Ye Fengqi, Ye Feng, the bastard, opened his eyes and talked nonsense His ability is too strong, isn't he still wanting to struggle with this iron-like fact?
"I admit, I did hit your colleague, but I was acting in self-defense, so it's not considered assaulting the police." The police were dumbfounded.

He has been a policeman for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen someone like Ye Feng!
"Justifiable defense shit!"

Li An was so angry that he swears.

"Director Li, right? Please pay attention to your attitude and words, and be careful that I will complain to you." Ye Feng was not in a hurry. Although his hands were handcuffed, he still held a cup of hot water and drank leisurely.

Li An wanted to convict him, but that was impossible!

If there is no iron proof, Ye Feng will not admit anything!

Looking at Ye Feng, Li An's fists were clenched and then loosened, clenched and then loosened. If he hadn't estimated Ye Feng's identity, he would have gone up and beat him up!

This bastard is really annoying!
Forcing himself to calm down, Li An said again: "Professor Ye, do you know that you have violated the criminal law for these things? According to the laws of our country, you will be sentenced to at least three years in prison. I can give you some opportunities to commute your sentence. As for what you want to choose, you should think about it first."

After finishing speaking, Li An said to a policeman next to him: "First, I will detain Ye Feng for fifteen days for the crime of disturbing public order!"

"Director Li, this..."

The police officer hesitated to speak, he felt that Li An might cause trouble if he did so.

"What, are you the director or am I the director? Listen to me!" Li An stared.


After Li An left, Ye Feng was taken to a detention room.

(End of this chapter)

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