Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 235 Indignation is unbearable!

Chapter 235 Indignation is unbearable!
At night, after two o'clock.

Ye Feng was taken to a small room by the police. Originally he was handcuffed, but he was secretly released by the policeman. The policeman didn't give Ye Feng any control measures, he just locked the door and left.There was a set of dilapidated tables and chairs, an army green straw mattress bed, and a toilet in the corner, but there was nothing else in the room, and there were no windows on the walls.

Little black house?
Ye Feng shook his head and smiled.

How many years has it been since I was locked up in confinement, the last time I was locked in a small black room was when I was fifteen or sixteen years old in my previous life, right?

There was no one else in the room, just him, Ye Feng lay down on the bed, felt the smoke and fire on his body, he didn't know where it came from.Although the wallet and everything were confiscated, it would be easy for Ye Feng to hide some cigarettes.

Close your eyes and light the fire.

Ye Feng was thinking about how to solve this matter in his mind.

Ye felt that judging from his many years of experience in the world, it shouldn't be a big problem to fish him out with the strength of his father-in-law's family!Why is there still no movement at this time?This is not scientific!
Well, the only thing Ye can count on now is his father-in-law. I hope his father-in-law will help him!


Su family.

Sure enough, Su Ran and his wives haven't slept yet.

Lan Ruo asked worriedly, "What are you going to do about Xiaofeng?"

Su Ran smoked a cigarette, frowned, and said slowly: "Young people, let them make troubles on their own."

A beautiful woman next to him smiled and said: "I remember that the third brother also entered the police station back then. At that time, he was beaten out of it alone. I don't know if Xiaofeng will be like his father."

"No." Su Ran shook his head, "Xiao Feng's personality is too different from that of the third child." Speaking of this, Su Ran's expression suddenly became lonely again, "If the third child is here, alas, it's okay. I don't know what happened to them."

After listening to Su Ran's words, everyone fell silent.

(Ye Feng: Father-in-law, mother-in-law, don’t think about my father, can you? Think about me! Now I’m the one who’s been arrested! Let’s get it out first!)


Ye Feng was already asleep.

He doesn't know what's going on outside.


Many people are watching the development of the situation.

Like Su Ning and Su Ling, they have not slept all the time, and there are many fans in the cat circle, or the teachers and students of Haida University, who are all waiting for the latest news.

However, it was Park Yijian's own protest and the strong condemnation from Bangziguo's ambassador to China that came first.

Many people sneered at this, and simply didn't bother to talk to them.However, there are still a small number of brain-dead fans on the Internet who are supportive, and some people who have grievances with Ye Feng are even adding fuel to the flames.For example, many authors in the Internet literary world, many poets in the Poetry Association, and some people in the literary circle who don't like Ye Feng are all fanning the flames.Of course, the outcome of the situation is still unclear at this time, and this group of people did not dare to be too presumptuous, and they only dared to say some weird words on the sidelines.

Suddenly, a person named "Patriotic Guilty" broke the news in the circle. This is a trumpet, which was just registered. It can be regarded as an anonymous leak, probably because he is afraid that someone who wants to find out his real identity.

"The latest news. At present, the Chacha Public Security Bureau of the imperial capital has officially detained Professor Ye for 15 days for the crime of disturbing public order! And if there is no accident, the Public Security Bureau will charge the crime of intentional wounding, assaulting police officers, I filed a lawsuit with the Imperial Court for maliciously inciting the masses and other charges. If the charges are confirmed, Professor Ye will face three to [-] years in prison! I don’t know what the Public Security Bureau thinks, but I am the first to dissatisfy with this result Is it not clear enough why Professor Ye beat people? Could it be that we have wronged a passionate patriot just because of the protest of Bangguo? Now I finally understand what Professor Ye’s song "One Word" means. Indeed, It is a disaster to say one sentence! I love my motherland, and I am guilty! The crime is heinous! It is a crime to be patriotic!"

As soon as this passage came out, many of Pu Yijian's brainless fans gloated, and even those who had a feud with Ye Feng also applauded.

"You deserve it!"

"Who told him to beat up Teacher Park? Why isn't he sentenced to death!"

"That's right, is it justified to beat someone?"

"Good job, finally avenged brother Pu!"

There are also some well-known people in the cultural circles who stood up to support this approach of the Public Security Bureau, thinking that this is the progress of the rule of law.

But there are more people, after seeing this news, their hearts trembled.

"how is this possible?"


"This is real?"

"Professor Ye Feng may be sentenced to 15 years in prison?"

"Sliding the world is a joke! It's a joke!"

"Professor Ye has been detained?"

"Really, he is so disappointing! A man full of blood, in order to protect his compatriots and defend the dignity of the nation, are you going to give him a sentence?"

"What a fool! Are these grandchildren raised by sticks?"

"Ma De is a dog for the Chinese people?"

"A bunch of dog traitors! Mistake me Huaxia!"

"Patriotism is innocent!"

"As long as something happens to Professor Ye, no one can afford it! That bureau chief will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history forever! Even Jesus can't save you!"

"Damn it! I the other day beat that turtle too! Arrest me too!"

"Yes! I was there that day! Arrest me too!"

"Today, I'll go all out, and tomorrow morning I will surrender! Isn't it just a sentence? Let's see how many years I can be sentenced!"

"Wait for me! It's an honor to be squatting with Professor Ye! If there is a trouble, you can still leave your name in history! You must go! I will surrender tomorrow!"

"Paralyze me too!"

"It makes sense, I'm also going to leave my name in history!"

"Men are not people who are afraid of death!"

"Add me one!"

"Let everyone see that there is not only one Professor Ye Feng in Huaxia!"

"Patriotism is a crime! Then I love it too!"

"Patriotism is innocent!"

"Yes, patriotism is innocent!"

As soon as the news that Ye Feng might be sentenced came out, the whole Internet exploded, and I don't know how many bloody men stood up!Some people were really there that day, but more people were infected by Ye Feng's incident!
Patriotic sin?

Do not!
Patriotic without guilt!

It can be said that the whole country is outraged by the explosion on the Internet!
However, Haida is the most indignant person in the whole country!

(End of this chapter)

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