Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 237 Can't get out? ?

Chapter 237 Can't get out? ?

At this time, the dean of the railway engineering department raised his eyebrows and said uncertainly: "Actually, if I remember correctly, there seems to be a locomotive and 24 carriages in the experimental warehouse of our school."

As soon as he said this, the scene fell silent.

Wu Dehai looked at him in bewilderment, and Zhao Huangming, Ma Luan and other deans beside him were also full of horror!

They are scared!
What do you mean by mentioning this?
ah?What's the matter, do you still want to...

Thinking of this, everyone swallowed unconsciously.

"You, you're serious, aren't you?" Wu Dehai stuttered a bit, his thoughts were too frightening.

Dean Zhou frowned, thought carefully, and finally raised his head and said, "Actually, this method is theoretically feasible."

Everyone swallowed again, and Zhao Huangming next to him asked, "Then we don't have any oil either? The trains must use special diesel oil?"

"Yeah, it doesn't work without oil."

"This method is unreliable."

"Forget it, think about something else."

At first, everyone felt that this method was too scary, but now when they heard that there was no oil, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, there is no oil!Otherwise, it would be too exciting for him to drive the train by himself!
However, everyone seems to have forgotten that their school has a petrochemical major... and, the most frightening thing is that Haida's petrochemical major ranks among the top ten in China...

"Well, I think our courtyard can solve this problem." Sure enough, the dean of the petrochemical department spoke.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces turned green!
Everyone stared at Dean Wang of the petrochemical department with wide eyes!
wipe!Why did you forget him!

"You, are you sure?" Wu Dehai asked, wiping the cold sweat off his forehead.

Dean Wang nodded, "No problem, as long as the funds are in place, we can definitely turn ordinary diesel into something that can be used by trains!"

Seeing Dean Wang's confidence, Wu Dehai gritted his teeth, "Made! Fight!"


In the afternoon, the Haida bus had already driven back to school.Moreover, there was no further movement on the Haida campus throughout the afternoon. Everyone felt that Haida was planning to give up.

That's right, after all, there is no way to go to heaven, no way to go to earth, and there is no other way if you don't give up.

On the Internet, discussions have already begun.

"The weather is too good, the sun is too big, the plane can't take off to protect the pilot's eyesight? What kind of reason is this!"

"The tickets are all sold out? I just came back from Haicheng by high-speed train in the morning!"

"All the roads out of the city are under construction? I'm drunk too!"

"Compared to these, I think the reason that the ship is leaking is the most unacceptable reason for me!"

"Although this is a very serious thing, why do I want to laugh so much! I'm sorry, I'm guilty! Hahaha!"

"I'm also drunk, and I was blocked in Haicheng in this way, what a shame! Hehe."

"I guess Haida has lost his temper now, what's the point if he can't even get out of Haicheng."

"There's been no movement all afternoon, I guess I've given up."

"Maybe they plan to leave tomorrow? The traffic in Haicheng can't always be like this?"

"Hehe, you are really naive upstairs, you still can't see such an obvious target? Are the planes and trains other than you really not running? This is just a reason!"

"Correct solution! It doesn't affect other people's travel at all, but your ticket is not sold! What can you do?"


Those who sighed and sighed on the Internet felt that Haida was in the same boat this time.


No, no, you really don't know anything about Haida!
In the evening, after seven o'clock, the sky was completely dark.

In the experimental warehouse of Haida Railway Engineering Institute at Haicheng Railway Station, a group of people gathered.

"Can this thing still work?" Wu Dehai looked at the old locomotive that was about to rust, with doubts on his face.

Dean Zhou was leading a group of teachers and students to check it. After half an hour, Dean Zhou came over and sighed: "There is no problem with the carriage, but some parts in the front of the car have aged and cannot be used."


Wu Dehai and the other deans looked at each other, and couldn't use it after a long time?
"Aging? I'm going to see what the aging looks like."

At this time, another dean stepped forward, and everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words!
It's Dean Liu of the Department of Mechanical Engineering!

"Just take it down and replace it with a new one."

"That thing doesn't need to be moved, it won't affect much."

"What? This part is gone? Forget it, let's find a replacement."

I saw Dean Liu leading a group of teachers and students, tinkering for a while.

The locomotive was repaired...

Then a group of students from the Railway Department assembled the train and filled up the diesel brought by the students from the Petrochemical Department. There was a sound of "woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"... the train really started!

It was more than nine o'clock that night.

An unlicensed train whizzed along the long way, heading straight from Haicheng along the Dihai Line to a certain place!

After the news came out, people all over the country were so dumbfounded!

On the Internet, it has exploded!
"Haida assembled a train by himself? Why is he already on the road?"

"Isn't this Nima too strong?"

"Damn it! I'm sorry, I take back what I said this morning! I apologize to Haida!"

"This is the No. [-] university in our country! This manipulative ability makes me kneel!"

"Who said that cultural people can only do research? This stupid cultural person has nothing to do with anyone else!"

"This story tells us, don't mess with intellectuals! They are a bunch of lunatics!"

"I just want to know, how did they do it?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid you don't know that the railway of the Dihai Line was designed by the Haida Railway Engineering Institute, right? I'm not surprised that they were able to drive the train away."

"They really dare to do it! I am convinced!"

Netizens exploded, someone exploded more than them!
Just like the person in charge of the Haifei department, after receiving the news, he almost popped his eyes out!

These big brothers assembled a train by themselves?Also he is already on the road?
He hastily ordered that the locomotive be stopped on the relevant section of the Dihai Line, or even moved to another place. If this hits, then he will have a big accident!

However, this will not allow them to go all the way unimpeded!
Then they will arrive tomorrow morning!

At this time, I don't know which big brother made a bad move.

Didn't they drive the train?You need a railway to drive a train, right?Why don't you just dismantle the railway for him?
When the person in charge heard it, it made sense!He quickly ordered that a section of the railroad track they had to pass was demolished!

Now let me see what you guys do!

But maybe those who worked also admired the teachers and students of Haida, so they threw the dismantled rails to the side of the road.When Haida's train came here, it braked suddenly and got out to see, hey, the rails were demolished?
But don't panic!

Don't forget, we are a university with a civil engineering department!

Under the personal leadership of the dean of the Department of Civil Engineering, the demolished rails were repaired in less than half an hour!

The train moves on!

Amidst the stunned eyes of countless people, an old train with a red flag hanging on the front of the car headed north with a "bang bang bang bang".


At [-]:[-] am the next day, the old train pulled into the West Railway Station, and the teachers and students of Haifa were warmly welcomed and received by all parties.

Under the strong request of the school, Ye Feng's case was held at two o'clock in the afternoon.

34 law professors from Haida Law School, including the dean, served as Ye Feng's lawyer team, and many Haida leaders, teachers and students served as the jury. (Think about the scene yourself.)
It is said that at that time, Park Yijian didn't even find a lawyer...

Moreover, during the trial, the professor of Haida Law School counter-sued Park Yijian for insulting the national flag!
In the end, Ye Feng was acquitted and released in court; while Park Yijian was sentenced to half a month of administrative detention by the court for publicly insulting the national flag and maliciously slandering!
For this result, Ye was dumbfounded.

In fact, when he saw the three thousand teachers and students, he was already stupefied!

He didn't say a word during the entire trial, and the professors from the law school were all complaining!
When it was over, they had already reached the gate, and Ye Feng hadn't recovered yet.

Ye Feng didn't come back to his senses until groups of students and people at the door shouted loudly.

 It was originally expected to write another five or six chapters in this paragraph, and some things were not written, so that's it.I will never write this kind of thing again, it's too pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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