Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 238 To the point of death!Dry into ashes and tears!

Chapter 238 To the point of death!Dry into ashes and tears!

The news has spread all over the country, and the news is overwhelming.

The Imperial Capital Times reported: "At three o'clock in the afternoon today, the Ye Feng wounding case that attracted the attention of the whole country finally came to an end. The case of Ye Feng, a famous professor in my country, who beat Guo Pu Yijian, was finally judged by the Imperial Capital Intermediate People's Court. Dramatically, the professor of Haida Law School counter-claimed Park Yijian for insulting China in court, and was sentenced to administrative detention for [-] days by the court."

A commentator on The Paper commented: "For this matter, the public's opinion is very important. Although Professor Ye's behavior is indeed inappropriate, it is reasonable. The court's judgment fully reflects my country's unique judicial system. Mechanism. In our society full of human feelings, the combination of legal principles is the most suitable fundamental system for our country.”

Southwest Daily: "Three thousand teachers and students from Haitian University, a well-known university in my country, have come to Beijing, which fully demonstrates the achievements of my country's educational reforms in the past few decades. From the traditional emphasis on theory over practice, to today's equal emphasis on theory and practice, Haitian University undoubtedly proves that They have proved this. They have proved to the world the super high hands-on practical ability of modern universities in our country in an unbelievable way.”

The evening program of the Imperial Capital Legal Channel: "At three o'clock in the afternoon, the Imperial Capital Intermediate People's Court was full of people. Thousands of citizens spontaneously came to welcome Professor Ye. There were also more than 3000 students from Hai University and many college students from Imperial Capital. Professor Ye used his The actual action has taught a vivid patriotic lesson for the people of the whole country. Our country has not let us down, patriotism is innocent!"

There are countless comments from netizens.

"Good job!"

"Pu Yijian deserved what he deserved! He sued Professor Ye himself, and then he was detained, hahahaha, I laughed so hard!"

"Haida's entry into Beijing is really awesome!"

"Yeah, no one thought that they would not give up in that situation! Instead, they came up with such an incredible method. Haida is indeed the top three universities in our country!"

"I've decided, I'll let my son go to Haida in the future!"

"Put it down, and still take the Haida exam? Haida is already so difficult to pass, and now the college evaluation is about to come out. Now Haida will be even more difficult to take the exam. Maybe you can get another one!"

"Hey, if Haida enters another place, it will surpass Tsinghua University!"

"With Professor Ye's thighs, Haida surpasses Peking University is just around the corner!"

"I have to say, Professor Ye is really strong! Now that I think about it, how many identities does Professor Ye have? A world-class mathematics master, a Taishan-level literary master, and an absolute father in the poetry world. How can he write novels? , can sing, can fight, and the most frightening thing is that his lectures are not as good as other professors!"

"Damn it! I didn't realize it if you didn't tell me!"

"Professor Ye has so many titles?"

"Hehe, you may not believe me. I heard that Professor Ye was conferred the title of 'Sage of Calligraphy' by the Calligraphy Association just today. I heard that Professor Ye wrote a running script, known as the 'first running script in the ages'!"

"I'll go! Can't you? Professor Ye can also calligraphy? Returning calligraphy?"

"Is there anything unacceptable? Even if you say that Professor Ye discovered aliens, I can't accept it!"

"That's not the point, the point is that Professor Ye has such a lovely daughter!"

"What? Professor Ye is married? Oh my god! It's over, the girl of my dreams!"

"Oh, I don't know what Professor Ye's wife looks like."

The discussion on the Internet is in full swing, from Tiannan to Haibei, almost talking about everything.

Professor Ye was acquitted, which can be said to have complied with the will of the people.

However, Li An, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, was fine. After all, from his point of view, Ye Feng was indeed wrong, and there was nothing wrong with what he did.Of course, these are all trivial matters, and no one cares at this time.

However, although many people are sure about this matter.But those fans of Pu Yijian didn't think so. When they heard that Pu Yijian was sentenced to administrative detention, this group of fans immediately exploded!

Pu Yijian's circle is also full of enthusiasm.

"Shady! This is a naked shady!"

"Teacher Ma Depu was about to be beaten to death, and then he was detained? Is there any law for him?"

"I really laughed. Even if Mr. Park accidentally stepped on the national flag, he is guilty! But Ye Feng is not guilty? He just hit people with his hands? Is it still a professor like this? Can he still teach and educate people like this? ?”

"That's right, what kind of good students can such a teacher teach? I think the riots in Haida are directly related to Ye Feng!"

"Yes, such a person is not worthy of being a teacher!"

"Why hasn't Haida been so irritable before? It's definitely because of Ye Feng! Haida was spoiled by Ye Feng!"

But the embarrassing thing is that no one paid any attention to the anger of this group of fans at all, and I don't know how many people sneered at this group of fans.


Ye Feng went back to Su Ning's place first, and reported that Su Ning and all the brothers and sisters were safe.

Then at nine o'clock, Ye Feng came out again.

Although the Xihua Hotel in the Imperial City is not the most luxurious hotel in the Imperial City, it is not a low-grade hotel, and you can't get a meal without a thousand dollars.

However, this place is booked out tonight!

Tonight, Ye Feng is going to entertain three thousand teachers and students of Haida here!

For nothing else, just to say thank you!
Ye Feng doesn't care how much money is spent, the important thing is that he must show an attitude!


in the hall.

Twenty or thirty tables were filled with leaders from various colleges, as well as some outstanding students.Ye Feng couldn't help it either, although he booked the entire restaurant, more than 3000 people definitely couldn't sit in one room.However, Ye Feng also ran through each house one by one.

"Students, I'm done with this cup!"

"Professor Ye, please drink less."

"We respect you!"

"I did too!"


There are more than 3000 people and more than 100 houses. At the beginning, Ye Feng could drink a cup in each house. Later, Ye could only drink one sip, and later, Ye could only drink water...

When Ye Feng returned to the hall, he was already dizzy.

"Professor Ye, I offer you a toast!"

"Professor Ye, good job!"

"Come on, come on, Professor Ye, let's not go home if we're not drunk!"

As soon as Ye Feng came back, the leaders of each courtyard immediately surrounded him.Everyone is also happy, after such a world-shattering event, it would be a lie to say that they are not excited, even Wu Dehai's heart is beating non-stop now!

In the past 30 years, only Haida has done such a thing!
"Forget it, forget it, everyone, stop trying to persuade him to drink. Professor Ye is not in good health, so don't let him drink too much." Seeing that Ye Feng had already drunk too much, Wu Dehai raised his glass and said to the crowd: "Come on, come on, let's drink too much." Let's respect Professor Ye together!"

"it is good!"

"Come on, cheers!"

"To our Professor Ye! To our Haida!"

"Long live Haida!"

Everyone raised their glasses happily, and the banquet was full of laughter. Many old professors lost their usual majesty at this time, and all the teachers put down their airs.Even, many leaders had a drink with the students of their own college.

I don't know who started it, yelling for Ye Feng to say a few words.

"Yes, Professor Ye, let me say a few words."

"Yes, yes, today is a good day. Doesn't Professor Ye sing a poem?"

"Can Professor Ye still do it? Say something!"

The students all booed, and even Wu Dehai persuaded: "Since everyone wants to hear a few words from you, Professor Ye, you can say a few words."

Originally, Principal Wu was here, and he didn't speak, so it was inappropriate for Ye Feng to speak.But since Wu Dehai has already spoken, let's just say a few words.

Ye Feng stood up, shook his dazed head, and looked at the people in the room, including teachers and classmates.

Gradually, the room became quiet, and everyone looked at Ye Feng.

"Everyone asked me to say a few words, so I'll just say a few words." Ye Feng tried to make his words sound clear, "Actually, there are a lot of things I want to say, but I really don't know where to start." As he said that, Ye Feng laughed, and the teachers and students in the room also laughed.

"I have a poem, maybe it can express my mood at this time." Ye Feng said with a smile.


"Professor Ye really wants to write poetry!"

"Hahaha, I knew that Professor Ye would definitely recite a poem at a time like this! Maybe it's not Professor Ye's style!"

"Don't make noise, everyone, listen to some poems written by Professor Ye."

Wu Dehai next to him pressed his hand, and everyone fell silent again.

After Ye Feng looked around, he slowly raised his wine glass, and said in a concentrated voice: "It's hard to say goodbye when we meet, the east wind is weak and the flowers are gone."

As soon as Ye Feng opened his mouth, everyone was stunned. Many people looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding the meaning of Ye Feng's poem.

Is it difficult to say goodbye when we meet?
The east wind is weak and the flowers are left?
How does this sound like a love poem?
Although everyone didn't understand what Ye Feng meant, no one interrupted Ye Feng, and they all listened quietly. Everyone believed that Professor Ye must have his own reasons.

Sure enough, Ye Feng said word by word: "The spring silkworms will die when the silkworms die, and the wax torch will turn into ashes and tears will dry!" After speaking, Ye Feng drank the wine in his hand in one gulp.

This is the famous "Untitled" by Li Shangyin in his previous life, oh no, it's half of it, because Ye Feng didn't read the last two lines.In fact, Ye Feng knows that this poem is not suitable for this time, but what he wants are these two lines!
Spring silkworms are exhausted until they die!
Wax torch into ashes tears hard work!
Perhaps, Ye Feng stayed in Haida before because he had nothing to do, and he just regarded Haida as a place to work.But after this time, Ye Feng really realized what warmth is.When Ye Feng heard that Wu Dehai and the other leaders of Haida University had been arrested, and that the three thousand teachers and students faced many obstacles in order to enter Beijing, they drove the train by themselves. When he scolded Pu Yijian hoarsely, Ye was really choked up at that moment.

Haida never betrayed me, and I, Ye, will never betray Haida in the future!Like spring silkworms, like wax torches!Till the thread of death is exhausted, it will turn into ashes and dry up with tears!
As soon as these two poems came out, I don't know how many people were moved.

They understood what Ye Feng meant!
This is Ye Feng!This is Professor Ye from Haida University!
It was before, and it will be more in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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