Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 239 Where's Our Circle?

Chapter 239 Where's Our Circle?

This poem was originally Li Shangyin's confession of love, but after thousands of years of handing down, it slowly evolved into a good sentence to describe the teacher.

Ye Feng wants to say a thousand words, but these two sentences are the most appropriate way to express it.

Maybe it was because of feelings, Zhao Huangming put this poem on the Internet, "Professor Ye said, 'The spring silkworms will die when the silkworms die, and the wax torch will turn into ashes and tears will dry'. Maybe this is his attitude towards Haida, but I even think this is the outlook on life of being a teacher. As a teacher who teaches and educates people, if he can devote himself to this group of lovely children like spring silkworms, like wax torches, with painstaking efforts and selfless devotion, So why worry about Huaxia not being strong? Then how can I not be prosperous in Huaxia?"

"The spring silkworms are exhausted when they die? Can the wax torch turn into ashes and tears dry?"

"This metaphor is perfect!"

"As expected of Professor Ye! Only Professor Ye can write such poems, right?"

"Who said that Professor Ye's beatings are humiliating and ruining the teacher's image? Teaching and educating people should be practiced! A teacher's words and deeds may affect thousands of students! Isn't Professor Ye just using practical actions? To convey a correct view of patriotism to the students?"

"Those trolls, those fans of Pu Yijian who worship foreigners, open your eyes and see, this is what you call the scum of the teaching profession! I hope there will be more scum like Professor Xiang Ye!"

"Wake up, you guys, don't become a tool for foreigners to attack us! As Chinese people, can't you see Professor Ye's contribution to our nation and country? You don't have the conscience to complain and seek justice for your so-called idols, but Justice is in the hearts of the people! What can you get? Is it the gratitude of Pu Yijian? Or the prosperity of our country?"

On the Internet, people who didn't understand Haida before and those who didn't understand Ye Feng also stood by Ye Feng's side.

And it's worth mentioning that Zhao Huangming's post was forwarded by a group of bigwigs in the education field not long after.

The principal of Peking University has changed.

The principal of Tsinghua University transferred.

Many professors in domestic universities have also transferred.

Even many primary and secondary school teachers forwarded it.

In the face of foreign cultural imports over the years, more and more teenagers are infatuated with foreign artists.Although this can’t be wrong, but when faced with the wrong values ​​conveyed by these foreign stars, they can’t tell the difference.This time, Ye Feng stood up, and it was the first time someone praised the profession of teachers so great!This has made countless teachers more clearly understand the burden on themselves!

The president of Nankai University: "The spring silkworms will not die until the silkworms die, and the wax torch will turn into ashes and tears will dry."

The teaching director of the High School Attached to Peking University: "The spring silkworms will not be exhausted until they die, and the wax torch will turn into ashes and tears will dry!"

An ordinary teacher in Haicheng No. [-] Middle School: "The spring silkworms will not be exhausted until they die, and the wax torch will turn into ashes and tears will dry!"

In the end, even a certain leader of the Ministry of Education personally reposted this poem, "The spring silkworms will die until the silkworms die, and the wax torch will turn to ashes... tears dry!"

Moreover, the leader also made a long comment, "I am not afraid of everyone's jokes when I say it. Before, I didn't know how to judge whether a teacher is good or bad. Someone once said that a teacher who can teach excellent students, Nature is a good teacher. Some people also say that a teacher is a good teacher if he does not escape alone in times of crisis, but cannot forget the students at the most critical time. Indeed, they are all right , Such a teacher can indeed be called a good teacher.”

"However, I want to say today that a really good teacher may not be based on how many outstanding students he has taught. Maybe he will never meet a student who needs his help in his life. What is a really good teacher? In fact, it is those who are willing to be silent. Dedication, a teacher who always remembers the responsibility of being a teacher, such a teacher is a good teacher!"

"Some people say that it is wrong for Professor Ye to beat people with his hands, saying that he is insulting to the gentlemen and will lead to bad students. But have you ever thought about those who say these things? When a teacher meets foreigners who bully his compatriots and humiliate our nation, He didn't make a move, he chose to be silent in order not to 'bring down' the students, or he chose the so-called civilization at that time, what would his students think? When our country once again faced an existential crisis, his Will those students also choose to be civilized? If a teacher chooses to be silent when it is time to take action, will his students be the same in the future?! Where is the backbone of China? Then my thousand-year-old civilized Where is the soul? Professor Ye, you did the right thing!"

Immediately there was a comment below.

"Director Liu is very good!"

"Every word clang!"

"You are so right, Professor Ye did nothing wrong!"

"That is, if the teacher can't lead by example, who can we expect to defend our country in the future?"

"It's wrong to beat people, but you can't hesitate to beat the enemy! Park Yijian insulted Huaxia, he is our enemy! For such a person, beating him to death is not an exaggeration!"

"Our China has been eclectic since ancient times. We are not unacceptable to foreign cultures and foreign stars, but no matter who you are, as long as you come to our China, you must respect the civilization that has lasted for 5000 years in this east. We must respect our China, which has stood for 5000 years! For those who trample on the dignity of our family, there is only one sentence: get out of China!"

"Yes, why don't you get out of China!"

"Get out of China!"

The sentiment is exciting.

When all teachers are united, the influence is undoubtedly huge.

At this moment, no one expected that someone from a certain bureau would stand up.

"In view of the fact that the insulting behavior of Park Yijian, an e-sports player in the country, has caused a huge domestic response, our bureau has decided to restrict Park Yijian from participating in any commercial activities in China, including but not limited to canceling his entertainment circle to build fans. Circle qualification, disqualification to participate in the Tianwanjie competition in Huaxia District, all game product advertisements endorsed by him will be taken off the shelves, and any news about him must not appear in any forums or circles. —— "About Pu Yijian's Handling Measures 》, announced by a bureau on November 21."


This directly blocked Pu Yijian!
As soon as this announcement came out, all eyes were shocked!
A lot of Pu Yijian's fans were still yelling at Ye Feng in their fan circle, and then they suddenly realized, huh?Why can't I send a message?Many people think that their mobile phone is stuck, log out for a while, and then come back to check.

I rub!

Why is our circle gone?

I don't know how many fans frantically refreshed their phones, and many of them even uninstalled Celebrity Circle and downloaded it again.

In the end, Nima still didn't have one!

These fans are going to cry!

When they saw this announcement from a certain game, the fans were dumbfounded!
Banned by our Teacher Park?
All his fans vomited blood in anger!
And Pu Yijian, who was in the detention center at this moment, was so angry that he screamed when he received the news.

Your second uncle!
Am I a victim!

I, Nima, was almost beaten to death by that bastard Ye Feng!

It's all right with him, and then you guys got me in here!

Catch me in, I can bear it!

But, it's too much for you guys to block me!

Pu Yijian really couldn't bear the blow, his eyes turned black, and he fainted from anger.


After the banquet, Ye Feng went directly back to Su Ning.

He drank too much again, and when he got home, he was already a person.

Her Lady Queen stood by the bed, folded her arms, pouted and frowned, looking at Ye Feng who was drunk like a dead pig with disgust.

This guy is still snoring!


Can't be like this anymore!

Ye Feng is too busy right now, with nothing to do all day long, he knows how to make people worry about him!When in Haicheng, Ye Feng was so happy when he went to school to work.

Su Ning thought, she must find something for Ye Feng to do.Their family has to stay in the imperial capital for at least half a month. Ye Feng runs around all day so leisurely. Sooner or later he will get into trouble. What if he is caught again!

But where should the smelly leaf wind go?
at home?

Ye Feng definitely couldn't wait.

Where are you going?

This is a problem.

While listening to Ye's rhythmic snoring, Her Lady Queen was thinking about where to get Ye Feng to stay honestly.

Um~, yes.

Her Lady Queen knew where to arrange Ye Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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