Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 240 Wei C Technology

Chapter 240 Wei C Technology
In the morning, after eight o'clock.

The door of an office building.

A silver car stopped.

The driver was Su Ning, and the co-pilot was Ye Feng with a look of despair.

Really, Mr. Ye's brain is buzzing now!

Woke up early in the morning, Su Ning drove him here!
It's a pretentious way to say that my brother-in-law asked him for help!

But Ye always felt that this was a conspiracy!

"Ning Ning, what exactly is Su Ke looking for from me?" Ye Feng rubbed his hands on his face and said, "I don't know about company management either, why don't you ask him to find someone else?"

Su Ning glanced at him, smiled and said, "Mr. Ye, do you want to help me with this?"

"Um, that's not true, the main reason is..."

"It's fine if it's not. Besides, you won him the general manager. If he has a problem, of course he will be the first to think of you, the famous Professor Ye!" Su Ning said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, you should go It's reported." As he said, he leaned down and reached out to help Ye Feng open the car door.

Ye Feng looked at Su Ning with the corner of his mouth twitching, he felt why Su Ning was so happy today.

Nonsense, Su Ning thought for a long time last night before she came up with the idea of ​​getting Ye Feng to work with Su Ke.To be honest, Her Lady Queen also took great pains in order to let Ye stay honestly.I was afraid that Ye Feng would not accept it, so I even made up the reasons!
Said that Su Ke asked him for help...

Where can I find such a thoughtful daughter-in-law!
"come on!"

Watching Ye Feng get out of the car, Su Ning smiled and gestured towards him.

"Go back and drive slowly, pay attention to safety."

After giving some instructions, Ye Feng closed the car door, and Su Ning left.

"Wei C Technology... from a high-tech company?"

Standing at the gate, looking up at the big company name on the building, Ye's head was covered with black lines.You are a technology company, what can I do for you?

What the hell am I studying culture!
Naturally, Ye didn't know what his wife's true thoughts were, so he staggered and walked inside.

When we arrived at the hall, hey, Ye Feng was startled. Seeing this crowd of people, Ye suspected that he had gone to the wrong place!

"Come, come, everyone stand in line, everyone follow me, the written test room is on the second floor, everyone follow me, try not to make noise!" A middle-aged man in his 40s wearing work clothes in the middle of the hall was talking.

Ye Feng understood at a glance that these people should all come to apply for the job.But this has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't need to apply.But he didn't know where Su Ke was, so he thought of going to the front desk to ask.But before he took two steps, he was stopped by the middle-aged man.

"Hey, who is that, what are you doing? Go back and line up!"

Seeing the middle-aged man pointing in his direction, Ye Feng looked around, but he was alone on this side, he was puzzled and asked: "Me?"

"Who else is it if it's not you?" The middle-aged man said with some fanaticism: "Hurry up, go to the queue."

"No, I'm here to find Su Ke, does Su Ke know? It's your president!" Ye Feng said.

"Oh, should you find Mr. Su?" The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you Mr. Su's relative or friend?"


"Well, okay, I see, you go to the queue first."

"No, I'm really his relative!"

"I know, I know, they all say that, these people are either said to be relatives of President Su, or friends of President Su, and they are queuing up."

"not me……"

"Go in line!"

The middle-aged people are all angry. They met more than 30 relatives of Mr. Su and more than 40 friends of Mr. Su in the morning. This shit is a recruitment, not a meeting for finding relatives!

Ye Feng's mentality also collapsed, Nima's father is really his relative!

Do not believe it?


Someone Ye took out his mobile phone and called Su Ke. The middle-aged man was stunned when he saw it.

Could it be that this guy is really a relative of President Su?

The middle-aged man broke down.

However, the embarrassing thing is that no one connected on the other side...

"Well, he might be busy, but I'm really..."

"Let's line up!" The middle-aged man waved the scroll in his hand angrily, and shouted at Ye Feng with a dark face.

"Okay buddy, you're pretending enough, but it's not working. Manager Wan doesn't like this at all."

"Don't make this useless."

"Come here and stand still, let's go to the exam honestly."

"Yeah, we've already used this trick, it's useless."

"It's just an exam."

A group of boys next to him also talked about it, and Ye Feng's head grew dizzy.

take an exam?

I'll test your sister with a stick!
I am really a relational householder!

And it's the kind of thief with a few irons!

"Come on, follow me to the second floor."

"Let's go buddy."

"Brother, I think you look a little familiar, like some star!"

"Yeah, I think it's like that too, isn't that who's here?"

"No, no, not like him!"

Pushing and shoving, Ye followed the flow of people to the second floor with a dazed expression on his face.Then he entered the examination room of the competition, and when Ye Feng sat in his seat, he was still in a daze!

This shit is poisonous!

"Silence! During the exam, no whispering, no using mobile phones, no cheating... Do you understand the rules?"

Manager Wan said a lot, and then the exam just started!

Really, I, Ye, have never been so confused as I am today!

Looking at the test paper in front of him, Ye Feng's mentality collapsed!

This Nima is too sloppy, right?
I don't even have a pen!

At this time, maybe Manager Wan found out that Ye Feng didn't have a pen, and sent him one with a sullen face.

Ye Feng stared blankly at the pen in his hand, pulling the corner of his mouth.

Forget it, since God's will tricks people, then I, Ye, can only show off my tricks!
Ye Feng thought that he had already arrived here anyway, so why not just take a look at what he had tested in this test paper. Speaking of which, this was Ye Feng's first time taking the company's recruitment test.

After writing the name, someone Ye is going to do this test paper.

The first question, please briefly describe the development history of the company.

will not.

Who knows the development history of your company!
Ye sneered at the first question, who came up with it?Rubbish!
The second question, talk about what shortcomings do you think exist in the company's development history.

will not.

I don't even know your development history, so why don't you ask me what's wrong?

Who the hell came up with the question!Rubbish!

The third question is what do you think the company has advantages and disadvantages in the competition in the same industry.

will not.

I don't even know what your shitty company does!
Talk about your sister!
The fourth question, the fifth question, the sixth question...

These are all subjective questions related to the company's operation and development, and Ye's mentality is a bit broken.This shit doesn't have a multiple choice question?ah?Who does the short-answer questions first?
After Ye Feng saw it in the past, it was all a subjective question!And the worst thing is, he doesn't know anything about it!

Not a single choice!

Even the fill-in-the-blank questions... well, there is one!
In the end, someone Ye finally found a question that was not a subjective question!

What is your favorite fruit: ()
The entire test paper, just such a fill-in-the-blank question, or in other words, the whole test paper, someone Ye knows this one question...

Looking at this question, Ye's face turned green.

Damn, this test paper is used to insult Lao Tzu's IQ, right?

I am a professor of Haida University!How can I do such a question?

And it's this shit that anyone can do!
The angry Ye Feng directly filled in an "onion" in the last blank!
In the entire test paper, Mr. Ye wrote a total of four words.

Name: Ye Feng.

Your favorite fruit is: (onions!)
(End of this chapter)

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